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 As his opponent fell to the floor with a loud thud the dark haired boy smirked basking in the admiring glances of his peers, of course he was better than them, he was the grandchild of the great Darth Vader after all.

"And that marks Ben as the consecutive winner for the," Luke sighed "Twenty third time," he looked around almost desperately for a volunteer "Anyone want a try?" he asked, the older Jedi knew that the winning streak would go to his nephews head and while it was necessary for a Jedi to be confident with his abilities arrogance would get you killed.

After a moment of hesitation you stepped forward; while you were new to the academy aged only thirteen but you were skilled and after watching ben fight you had already started to try to pick apart his rhythm "I'll give it a go," you said, your actions cause Luke to smile in relief, glancing over you saw ben smirk and mutter something to an older student and laugh, frowning your gaze hardened; you made the resolve to win this no matter what.

Smiling as sweetly as you could you stepped into the circular area used for mock duels picking up one of the wooden practice lightsabers and swinging it slightly getting used to the weight and balance.

"I'm not going to go easy on you because you're a girl," the dark haired boy said walking closer to you as he attempted to intimidate you, soon he was close enough that as he looked down you could feel his breath on your face.

Any other girl would have been fazed by being within kissing reach of the likes of him, and while he was unfairly attractive your pride was at stake; fighting back your over hormonal side you coolly raise an eyebrow as you maintained eye contact "wouldn't have it any other way," you reply in an even voice proud that you didn't stutter.

a brief flicker of surprise crossed his features before he smirked taking a step back and taking his stance as he waited for Luke's call to start.
taking your own stance you internally congratulate yourself on winning that small battle, you yourself had seen previous challengers reduced to blushing messes when under the dark haired boy's gaze, boys and girls alike.

from the surprise you had seen in his eyes you could tell that ben had expected to have had the same effect on you, he clearly knew how attractive he was and always used that fact to the fullest of his abilities, now he was faced with someone, a girl at that who didn't even seem to care.

"Go," Luke said an amused look in his eyes as the two of you sprung into action.

He was fast to act, swinging at you a split second after the call, but you were just as quick, the clash of the wooden Sabers sending out a loud crack noise, you watched his jaw clench as Ben realised this wasn't going to be as easy as he had originally thought. 

Watching the two of you duel was something akin to watching a dance, neither of you letting up any ground as you continued to block and strike back in an almost rhythmic way, circling and dodging elegantly despite the brutality of it all you twirled as one of his attacks swiped the air where your head had been only a fraction of a second before,

After what had seemed like a lifetime of observing his patterns you saw it, what you had been patiently biding your time for, an opening, without hesitation you ducked under one of his strikes moving into a high kick that landed solidly on his chest knocking him to the ground; your wooden Saber over at his throat as you ended the duel.

Slowly the clapping started, your chest heaving slightly; breathing heavily you realised how tired you were as you turned around you looking at the crowd of jedi in training that had come to watch while you were focused on the fight, strands of your hair getting in your face as the activity had caused it to have become messy again.

 You didn't notice as ben's leg swerved around knocking you off your feet so you were both on the ground, looking back at him with an embarrassed glare to which he simply smirked at.

"The first rule is to never turn your back on an opponent until you know they're done," he said getting up and offering you a hand to help, an obnoxiously snide glint in his dark eyes alongside something that even seemed slightly impressed, no doubt Ben had expected this to be an easy win for him, how wrong he was.

Gritting your teeth slightly you take his hand and pull yourself up as you say "But you seem to have forgotten the second is to never trust one," you smiled as you watched a small panicked look cross his features as he realised his mistake, by helping you up he had given you the perfect standing to judo flip him which of course you took full advantage of.

Now it was Ben Solo's turn to look embarrassed as you walked away from the circle leaving him on the ground as older trainee's congratulated you, grinning in Luke's direction as he shot you an approving and amused nod.

"[Y/N] [L/N] huh?" he thought to himself  "looks like someone in this blasted academy isn't detestable or useless after all," getting up he dusted himself on "she'd be a useful friend to ally myself with," ben muttered.

Luke Skywalker who had been listening in on his nephews mutterings smiled at the unknowing boy, it wasn't often ben made friends and even rarer that he was impressed by them let alone actually finding them likable, chuckling to himself he walked away.

Path Of Darkness [Kylo Ren x Reader] | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now