VII pt.2

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With something that looked very much like a smirk Kylo pulled you into what you soon realised was the training room, on the wall were various weapons.

Gesturing for you to take whatever one you wanted your dark haired companion swung a training saber around testing the balance.

smirking you raised your arm, using the force you pulled one of the training saber from the wall causing it to fly to your hand, "I'll try not to break your face," you laugh stepping into the marked section for sparring,

scoffing Kylo followed and tilted his head "don't worry if you get hurt [Y/N] I'll be more than happy to kiss it better for you,

your cheeks flushed slightly "stop trying to distract me," you replied before rushing at him, aiming a blow to his side,

stepping out of the way just in time her retaliated with a roundhouse kick that you had been expecting, faking a fall you take another hit to his legs sending him tumbling over, losing your balance in the process you both ended up tangled on he training room floor.

smirking slightly realising he was on top Kylo raised an eyebrow "you've gotten rusty"

two could play at that game

returning his smirk you replied with a voice full of implications "want me to show you just how rusty I am?" you asked your arms snaking around his neck watching him freeze up slightly before flipping the two of you over and gently pecking his cheek with a giggle as you sat up, straddling him.

rolling his eyes Kylo placed his hand lightly on your hips "oh dear, it would appear you've beaten me,"

leaning in again you kissed him deeply and slowly, the way you've always wanted to.

using the force Kylo shut and locked the doors, and in that moment you realised that even if your path was the one of the darkness you were together and you were happy, and there was nowhere in the galaxy you would rather be.

and as the lights dimmed and you felt his hand travel further up your sides you felt an odd feeling of content, for so long you had thought your place was with the Jedi's when in fact your place was simply with him.


Path Of Darkness [Kylo Ren x Reader] | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now