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Anyways enjoy the first chapter!

Picture: Caden.

"I knew the first time we met, you'd be kinda hard to forget" - tumblr

"I knew the first time we met, you'd be kinda hard to forget" - tumblr

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"Are you even listening?"


"You are hopeless!" She says before she gets up with her bag in one hand and her notebook in the other. Lex is always moody in ten mornings. She will get over it though.

"Don't be like that, Lex." I call after her but without turning around or stopping she just give me the middle finger making me laugh quitely. Always classy.

I get up going to my next class. Meeting some people on the way. Saying hi, doing bro hugs and stuff.

"You are late mr. Allen" Mrs. Heart says as I get into my classroom.

"My bad." I say giving her a charming smile that she just wrinkles her nose at. I go to sitt down next to Darren .

Mrs. Heart I gusse is your average teatcher. She is aroud 40, has short boy cut light hair, red lipstick that always gets on her teeth and are always wearing a log skirt and a blouse thing to that with a constant frown. I have heard rumors that she have been in prison for going locko on her ex husband. I can't tell you if those are true or not.

"Hey bro" Darren says when I sit down and we do a fist bump.

I look around the room. Doing everything not to look at Mrs. Hearts smudged lipstick. Everyone is looking bored without like four A-student. I see one new face in my classroom.

A girl with blond hair that's up in a messy ponytail. She has three earrings in her ear that's my way and I spot her soft feutees in her profile.

"Who's that?" I ask nodding to the gorgeous blond taking notes on the edge of the class room.

" I overheard her talking to some girls." he says with a smirk " her name is Lyra something."

"Lyra." I whisper, letting the name play on my lips. I look over to her again, sweet face looking down her notes.

"Forget it man."

"Forget what?"

"Before class like three guys went and talked too her. She didn't seem interested in any of them."

The bell rings and eager students gets up packing there books while or teacher screms out our homework for next week.

"Well they don't have my moves." I say with a smirk. He just rolls his eyes.

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