Alphas Whipped

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Hi guys! Dedicating this chapter to Sarah! Love you negro xx



Chapter Twelve

Getting Luka to lock the door he lies down oh his tummy. Straddling his nice ass I start digging my knuckles into his lower back. Making circular motions digging harder and harder till the knots are gone. Continuing the process till I reach his mid back. I use my whole hands rubbing his side ribs and his area where it turns down from his broad shoulders. Finishing up his back fully I start planting soft wet kisses up his spine starting from the very bottom to the top of his neck.

I lean down so we're back to my chest slowly moving my hands from his back around to his front abdomen. I rest my hands on his v lines caressing. He moans when my breasts rub against his back. I nibble on the skin just next his neck making sure to suck and bite hard enough leaving a dark blue and purple bruise. Feeling a little mischievous I sit up and lean my hands on his back. I slowly start grinding my hips against his ass teasing him, making him groan and shove his head in the pillow.

I giggle and quickly get off him grabbing the shirt I chucked behind me putting it on and running out the door knowing he'd chase me. I sprinting down the three stair cases and into the kitchen. I hear his feet pounding against the floor following my steps. I squeal when I feel him try and wrap his strong arm around my waist.

Dodging his arm I quickly race around to the other side of the island in the kitchen. I lean my hands on the counter giggling when I watch him lean his hands on his hips panting on the other side on the island.

"Too fast for ya baby?" I say teasingly. He glares at me and suddenly starts to run around the island towards me.

Only noticing then what he's doing I try and run but fail, squealing when he wraps an arm around my waist lifting me up high above his shoulder. He puts me on the counter laughing at my retarded laugh. I hit his chest and pout. Setting his hands on my thighs he rubs them gently. I place my arms on his shoulders moving them towards his neck. He leans forward, thinking he's gonna kiss me I lean forward wanting to meet him half way. Luka being an idiot lifts my shirt up shoving his head under it. I squeal trying to pull it down as I don't have a bra on underneath. He nuzzles my boobs nipping at them. I smack his head making him jump.

"What are you doing?" I ask him calmly.

"Chillin' with my two best friends." He says kissing each breast not phased. I glare at the big lump in my shirt being his head.

"You don't have any friends. You're not loved." I say normally teasing him. He scoffs and starts planting kisses all over my chest. Moaning I throw my head back lifting my shirt up and pulling his head out. I slam our lips together kissing him aggressively.

He walks closer pulling me towards him. Our fronts are pressed together fully. He hitches one of my legs up high around his waist. Making our position much more intimate. I groan when I feel his bulge digging into my core. Starting to grinding in circular motions harder against my core making me wetter.

He pulls back nuzzling my neck thrusting harder and faster. He groans and grabs my hips tighter making it easier to pull me forward meeting his thrusts. I pull his neck down sucking on it when we both get closer to releasing. Just as we're about to release I bite down on his neck making his come faster mine following his not long after. I lick up my mark my saliva healing it quickly before pulling away.

"Aren't I supposed to mark you? Not the other way around?" He ask frowning. I shrug giving him a kiss, jumping off the counter and walking out casually as If we didn't just dry jump each other in the kitchen where everyone eats. Oh good lord ew.

'Ya'll are nasty!" My wolf says disgusted.

'You loved being that close to his wolf don't even try and deny it.' I say rolling my eyes. He shrugs but doesn't reply.

Suddenly I feel Luka run up behind me smacking my ass. I squeal and turn around holding my ass. He'a standing there checking me out. I glare at him playfully his eyes full of lust but darken when he see's something behind me. Letting out a loud growl he snatches me pulling me behind him. I stick my head out to see who he's growling at. There stands a bunch of boys with their eyes wide. They can't be more than fourteen, fifteen.

"MINE!" Luka growls at the boys. They snap their heads down nodding their heads vigorously. Luka starts to shake, mad that someone else saw me half naked. I run my hand over his back, through his hair and down resting them on his ass calming him down.

"Luka stop, they didn't know. We shouldn't have been down here in the first place." I say tugging on his boxers pulling him towards the stairs. He sighs and mumbles a sorry making the boys heads snap back up.

"DUDE THE ALPHAS WHIPPED" one of the boys says causing everyone to break out into laughter. Luka let's out a loud viscous growl making them stop.

"Boys you can go." I say still giggling. They smile and bow their heads at me politely, scurrying off in the direction they came.

Dragging Luka up to our room he slams the door shut pulling me into a kiss leaving me breathless.

Stupid protective, Alpha mate...


I honestly think this chapter is crap lease give me ideas and feedback!



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