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Madison and Anna

Instead of being found at the Decepticon warship in the sky today, Madison and Anna are trapped at a secluded military base after the Decepticons left them there by accident.  Although they don't normally go on missions with their friends, this time around they did.

It was decided safe for two children, considering the base was made up of humans, but what they didn't consider was the fact they could possibly forget about them. Which is what played out.

They were now, secretly, wandering the halls of the military base.  Pondering of some way they could either contact the 'cons, or locate the warship. Both seeming impossible.

Starscream and Knockout haven't even noticed their absence just yet, only the fact that it was unusually quiet on the warship since they returned from their task. But, they didn't think much of it, and went along with their day.

"I can't believe it...those dimwhits left us!" Anna stammered, unhappy with the situation they were stuck in.

Who knew what exactly would happen if they were caught. It's not like they had a security pass to walk through the base.

"Gah, I knew Starscream was stupid, but not this stupid." Madison added, just as infuriated.

"Well, we're gonna need to find a way out. One way or another, i'm escaping this prison."

"I agree." Madison agreed, searching around the expanse for a way out.

Nothing came up, until an idea came in Madison's mind when she spotted a F-16 Fighting Falcon jet, sitting right outside the window of the long room they had been hiding in.  She gasped, and turned to Anna, smirking.

"I have an idea." Madison said, before running off towards the military aircraft.

Anna stared off at her friend, crossing her arms, not pleased with the decision.  Madison did always have an obsession with flying, after all, and she knew exactly what she was planning.

Sighing, Anna uncrossed her arms and ran after Madison. 

"This is your brilliant plan? you don't even know how to fly one of these!" Anna argued, pointing to the jet.

"I bet I could figure it out, Starscream taught me a few things about jets a while back anyways." She grinned, and leaped onto the jet's wing. 

Clambering inside, the teen sat down on the front seat while as Anna sat behind her.

"Now what?"

"Well...I..I dunno." Madison sputtered, who had forgotten the one lesson she got on flying.

"You don't know?!" Anna screeched, turning in her seat to shoot a glare to Madison. "Now what?"

"Well, i'm just going to press every button I see until one gets us moving!" She shouts, before flipping open a clear plastic top, and pressing on a large red button.

"Are you trying to kill.."

What Madison didn't know, was she hit the eject button, and the two were now being tossed in the air.  Both screaming in pure terror, they feared for their lives. 

Before they could hit the ground from Madison's idiotic decision, Anna and Madison were caught by two, large metal hands.  Madison immediately saw it to be Starscream and calmed down, while as Anna continued to yell.

Knockout couldn't comprehend why she would still be scared, they weren't still falling.

"It's about time you got here!" She finally let out, after calming down a bit.

"Yeah, it was getting a bit to quiet back at base. We were beginning to question why." Knockout retorts in return.

"I think...I think I need a bit more lessons in flying, Starscream." Madison says, looking up while scratching the top of her head.

"You think?!"

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