A song

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Music. The gateway to happiness, but also loneliness. It brings us joy and the ability to dance, feel free for once, and to smile at how much it relates to life. Though music with a meaning is better than songs about sex or money. At least that's what some people think. Maybe not most but there's still that one many who remember the music that once played through churches and malls. The classics that made you jump up and dance to sixties musicians. How about the music that told a story about loss or love. Some may remember that music. Mia most definitely did.

Mia is Alex's younger sister. Maybe was his sister is a better way to word it. She tasted the sweet lips of death at young age. At only seven she layed in a coffin. When Alex attended the funeral he didn't feel at all up for it. His heart sunk to the floor that day. He wanted more than anything to get in the coffin and join her. To taste the same lips of death she did and lay six feet under ground right next to his mother. Though he knew it wouldn't be that simple, he had people he had to take care of like his now three year old baby brother. His father and step mother had him right after Mia died. To him his little brother was nothing but a replacement for his younger sister.

The ear buds pierced his ear with the sound of thumping drums and soft violens combining the perfect melody and hormony. He looked in the mirror.

He didn't like what he saw what was bright and happy a few years ago, now stood in black clothing. His white skin no longer glowed but somehow sagged in pale misery. He thought of words that had no meaning now instead of the days he thought of surfing on the bright sun colored ocean. His eyes dragged down to his cheeks and his pupils no longer were a bright aqua blue, more like a deep blue surrounded by a white paper slowly folding over forcing his eyelids to shut.

He thought about his sister mostly all the days, yet today he thought more about his school life.

I wonder if one day they'll ever actually teach me something that'll help with my life he thought.

They would teach math and English and reading. He already knew how to add and multiply... Still don't know how to divide perfectly in his head like normal people. Not normal people, math fucking gods. Who memorizes the division system for fun?

He stared. A horrible image he wish he hadn't layed eyes on, but he had to every time he saw his reflection. He saw his sister. A terrible image seeing the dead in the living.

"Alex! Get down here your brother needs to eat and I ain't gettin up!" A voice called from down stairs.

The most horrific thing of the day, going down the stairs and looking at his replaced family. The step monster from hell and of course the new little brat from the step monster. The things I do to keep myself alive he thought to himself.

He carried his feet to the door and slowly twisted the knob open. He took one last glance at himself in the mirror.

"Goodbye Mia." He whispered to the reflection and stepped outside the door slamming it shut.

He hurried his feet down the stairs with each step regretting ever leaving the comfort of his room. He reached the last step and jumped onto the railing high fiving the ceiling.

"How many times have I told you not to jump on my railing?" His step mother appeared at his feet.

"Sorry ma'am." He jumped down landing next to her.

"Be careful!" She yelled, "You'll get dirt on my floor."

"Yes ma'am." Alex walked to the kitchen opening the brown wood cabinet door.

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