A night

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"You know the plan right?" Alex asked Lea.

"Yes Alex. Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked him.

"I've never been so sure about anything in my life." He said.

"What happened earlier today with that weird phone number? You never did say." Jared asked.

Alex started rethinking about what happened after lunch. You'll never get me out of your head the thing said. He shook the thought out of his head.

"Nothing. It wouldn't work when I texted back to many digits." He felt as if his phone was weighing down his hand.

They walked in silence to Alex's house. The house stood at the end of the street it had a bright blue color to it and had three cars parked in the driveway. Rich family lonely house. The two always were together to Alex money was just a piece of paper like a sheet of homework.

"Okay wait at the park remember." He told them.

"Of course Alex you told us four times already." Lea said.

"Well I can't be late. Time is ticking. " he smiled.

Alex ran inside the house.

"Well, well if it isn't the runaway." His step mom was in front of the hallway tapping her heel against the tile.

"What?" Alex said.

"Dont play games your father spilled like a can of soda on hardwood floor." She replied.

"I dont know what your..."

"Shut up! Yes you do! You ungrateful little piece of"

"No! You shut up. This is my house my mother died in this house! You however are here so while your in my house I suggest you pay the attention to where you are ranked at. Because trust me it is lower then the dirt my mother is buried under"

"I have now learned where I am ranked at. And that's the top! What are you going to do about it huh? Nothing you cant do anything I've already been hurt enough you'll never ever take me away from my mothers house but you, you can leave." Alex smiled as he said the last words.

"I am your mother!" She yelled.

"No. Your a piece of plastic. " he smiled wider.

She gasped and slapped Alex's cheek. Alex stared at her grabbing her wrist with his hand.

"You'll never be my mother." He said.

"Thats right. I won't because she's dead."

Alex grew angrier and took her wrist and snapped it. She screamed in pain. Her bone was sticking out of her skin and blood was spilling on the floor.

He heard another scream. His dad came rushing down the stairs. He picked her up and walked out the door.

Alex heard sirens from the distance. He ran up to his room. Shutting the door in panic he started to gather a couple of clothes and some left over pizza from his night stand. He opened the window.

There was knocking at the front door. "Its the police come on out alex we need to have a word with you." They yelled.

Alex banged his head against the window pain and screamed in frustration.

"Alex..." a voice called.

He looked around his room. There was nothing else but him and his bag. It called again.

"Who is it?" Alex asked.

"Come to the mirror." It said.

He slowly walked toward the mirror, facing into it he saw a little girl. Mia. She was dressed in white and had the same wave length curls bouncing in her hair.

"Mia?" He asked.

The girl pressed her hand against the glass. Alex hesitated for a second. This isn't real. He thought.

"Alex!" The girl cried tears forming in her eyes.

He heard the front door smash open. Shit. A rock came though a window followed by bright lights. Alex panicked. He looked back at the mirror.

"Alex we just want to talk!" The police shouted from the other side of the door, "to the count of three Alex."

Alex's heart raced he stared at the girl in the mirror, she was reaching her hand out desperately.


The girls eyes grew wider and she pounded on the glass. Her tears poured on.


She banged harder reaching her hand out more towards him.


Alex put his hand on the glass. The girls hand grabbed his arm and pulled him into the mirror. He screamed as the cops burst through the door on the other side of the glass.

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