Christmas Is The Worst Time Of The Year (The Pack)

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Hey guys, Julianna here, and I apologize for this one shot in advance. I won't say anything further. Let's just say that this started as a really happy one shot, then turned REALLY bad. Enjoy. Or not. I already said sorry. Let us see how many of you hate me after this. 


3rd Person's Pov:

It was a cold, snowy day in North America, and everyone was excited at the fast approaching holiday. Especially one boy, Mitch. He lives in Canada, and he can't wait to board his flight to the U.S., where all of the Pack was going to get together to celebrate Christmas.

Mitch's Pov: (Him and Rob are on the same plane because I can)

I grabbed my bags once my flight was called, and handed the lady my ticket and boarded the plane, settling in. About a half hour in, my twitter notification went off, and I checked it to see that Jerome had posted a picture of him fooling around with Preston at the airport, waiting for Vikk's flight, which was going to land in about 20 minutes. I looked to my right at Rob, and saw him looking out the window. I put my ear buds in and put a playlist on for the next half an hour until I fell asleep.

(An hour later)

Mitch's Pov:

"Mitch. Mitch. Hey Mitch, wake up." I opened my eyes and stretched, or at least as much as the chair would allow. "Yeah?" I looked at Rob to find him smirking, like he was trying not to laugh. "Whaaaaat?" I slurred, my voice still trying to get over the fact that I'm not asleep. Then Rob started laughing uncontrollably, holding his phone up to my eyes. I looked at the screen, and found that he had posted a picture of me sleeping on twitter. "Robbi whyyyy?" "Because you said I could." " No I didn't." "Yeah you did." And he showed me a video of Rob talking to me while I was asleep, asking to post the picture. I face palmed when I heard my sleeping self say "Whatever." and Rob smiled victoriously. I then got a twitter notification, and turns out, Vikk, Preston, and Jerome responded to Rob's tweet, along with all the fan girls and fan boys ranting about how adorable I was. (Me. XD) Preston's said "It's a sleeping Benja, this is a one of a once in a lifetime opportunity!" Vikk's said "Leave poor Mitch to sleep in peace, we all know that Mitch never gets enough sleep." And Jerome's. Well, lets just say that as soon as I read it, my face turned light pink. It read "Awwww, little sleeping Benja. Rob-a-dob-flob, you finally have a job, and it's taking pictures of beautiful times like these. Mitch is the definition of adorable right there." Rob looked at my pink face, and quickly snapped a picture, also about to post it, but I stopped him right before he posted it. "Rob. No." "Fiiiiiine." He reluctantly replied, looking out the window again. I mindlessly read through all of social media until 20 minutes before the flight ended, and I saw that Rob was asleep. I smirked, grabbing my phone and taking a picture of him with me and my evil face, posting it. The caption read "Payback >:) Sorry not sorry, Robbi ." Then I turned off my phone and just waited til the end of the flight, because we only had about 10 more minutes. I looked at Rob, who just stirred in his sleep, then he moved, and next thing I knew, his head was on my shoulder. I smiled, looking down at him. Then, all of a sudden, the plane jolted to the left, and I grabbed my seat and Rob so his face wouldn't smash into the window. Rob jumped, and he was awake in a second, just in time to hear the pilot say "Folks, we are experiencing lots of turbulence, and there seems to be a problem with the landing equipment." As the plane shook again, Rob fearfully grabbing my arm as I clutched the arm of the chairs, my knuckles turning white. "M-Mitch?" I turned to look at him, and he looked like he was about to start panicking. I grabbed his shoulder and said "Calm down, Rob. In bad situations like this, the best thing to do is to stay calm." But even I was visibly shaking, and Rob must've seen desperation and panic in my eyes, because he grabbed me and hugged me for a minute, allowing both of us to calm down for a minute. "I'm going to call Preston and tell him what's going on and to tell him to tell Jerome and Vikk and Lachy. I nodded, and texted Jerome instead. I got a response right away, reading "WHAT? Turbulence???? Are you okay?" I texted back "For now, I'm fine, Rob too. He's calling Preston now."

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