Crundee: Part 1

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I'm so sorry for not updating this in so long, I've just been really busy with school and the holidays, but I will try to update more. I know that probably won't happen, but I'll try next week to update. This basically just came to me since I've been watching skyfactory with Ssundee and MrCrainer, so yeah. I think their ship would just be really funny to write about. (If you didn't know, Ssundee's name is Ian and Crainer's is Ben.) Enjoy!


---Ian's POV---

"Yo Ian, you wanna meet up for a live stream or something?" A Danish boy asked me. I replied "Sure, when." There was a short silence before he shouted "RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!" I heard a door open and close, and I was tackled from behind. "GAH WHAT THE- BEN!" I heard a laugh from above, and I knew that Ben was sitting on my back. "Don't DO that, you scared the crap outta me!!" I scolded with a smile on my face. He laughed and got off me. 

---Ben's POV---

"Not so fast." I yelped as I was yanked down to the ground and pinned there, Ian laughing at me as he sat on me, preventing me from getting up. "Iaaaaaannnnn." I complained. "Whyyyyyy." He eventually got off me, and helped me up. I lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Nice to see you too Ian." We stood there for a minute, wondering what to do. After all, it was only a couple other times that we had seen each other in person, so it was still a bit awkward. I scratched the back of my head and laughed awkwardly. "So..." All of a sudden, Ian burst out laughing. "What's so funny?!?!" He laughed even harder. I smirked and started to laugh too, until he stopped. "Why were you laughing?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, you were laughing..." He did a short laugh before saying "You're so weird." "I know Ian, that's why you loooooove meeee." 

---Ian's POV---

My expression set stern, I looked at Crainer. "Really Ben. You know we're not recording." "I am though." He laughed and I groaned and facepalmed. "You're so weird." "HAY.  Don't facepalm at me!!!!" He grabbed my hand and tried to pull it away from my face, but it brought my whole head with it. "I'm gonna facepalm as long as I feel it's right." I laughed as he gave up and walked out of the office. "So, whacha wanna do Ben. You're the guest." "I mean, I guess that we could get food, cuz I'm hungry." I replied. "Okay, well do you wanna go to a diner, or we could make something here." "Ooh can we walk to the corner cafe?" I grinned in amusement at his excitement. "Sure, but it's a bit of a walk." "YESSSS LETS GOOOOO!" He ran out the door and waited for me at the sidewalk, not knowing where to go. "Uh which way is it?" I smirked. "Guess." "Ummmm left! No, right!!! Wait yeah left. Nevermind I think it's right. Waaaiit." I started walking down the sidewalk laughing while Ben jogged up to me. "So right?" "Yes Ben."

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