chapter 7- Last First Kiss

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Hai Yall! Clare needs to write longer chapters. Peace. WAIT HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICAN PEEPS.


(Frannys POV)

I woke up to giggles and i opened my eyes to see Faith and Liam kissing. I decided to be mature and the second they puled away i started gagging.

"Ew Ew Ew Ew. I did not want to wake up to a make out sesion. I am scared for life and i swear if had woken up when you started to kiss youd both be on the floor with a red mark on you face beacuse i do not enjoy waking up to make out sessions you disgusting people. Ew. And Liam you are now coverd in mud you might as well go shower together you make out freaks just ew. No." I ranted im not much of a morning person and by that i mean if i wake up im angry, and PDA ticks me off. What it does!

"We wernt-" Liam and faith tried to say but i put a hand up signaling i didnt want to hear it. "EVERYONE LIAM AND FAITH WERE MAKING OUT." I screamed runing upstairs to get my phone. It was cute but come on, who wants to wake up to that?

I walked down the stairs to see everyone tesing them. "RELAX EVERYONE IM HERE." I said laughing.

"Well I better go." Lexi said sadly. "What why?" Harry asked looking sad and confussed. "Work gotta be there in 30 minuets. BYE!!" She yelled walking out the door with a smiling harry folowing her yelling wait. "Hes probably just gonna give her a  goodbye kiss"  I said making everyone laugh.

But i  heard a car doors shut  and harry came running in puting on shoes and saying " Im driving her to work" And he ran out the door.

(Perries POV)

How cute! I smell relationships blooming in the air!  Harry and Lexi are just so perfect. So. Perfect. Oh my god So are Faith and Liam. I think its about time that Zayn and i announced our big plan. "Zayn should we tell them now?" I whispered in his ear since he was right next to me. 

"Hm. Sure you say it." He said thinking it through.

"EVERYONE WE JAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU."  "ZAYN AND YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!" Clare, Faith, and Franny all screamed while all the boys except Zayn nodded. 

"No, why does every conversation start like this?" Zayn asked. "Because. Now go on Perrie!" Louis said.

"Well okay so Zayn and i arranged for all of us to go to a beach house for the whole summer until we have to get back to our jobs!"  "WOOOOOOOS" Were being said and fist pumping was happening. 

"Oh and were leaving tomorrow so we should call  Lexi and go pack bye guys!" I said draging the girls out the door with me. 

This was going to be so fun. 


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Thanks to Perrie (A 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now