So they wanted one of us to go up. I had taken Sahara's words into consideration and was really thinking about entering to be the one. I had thought that there would be plenty of people from here that would love to get out of this dump, me being included. I definitely had some competition but I still didn't know what the government up there was looking for. Tomorrow I would return to the Tal home and speak with Sahara. She seemed to know more about this so I could speak with her about it.--Short time skip--
I slowly walked onto the vast plains of grass and water that was near where I used to live with my Mother. She had showed me this place when I was little and ever since I had come to visit often, sometimes staying overnight. I felt safe here as if there was nothing that could hurt me, But we all know how that goes.
A few years earlier I had been running around on the grass not paying any attention to what was going on around me. I suddenly ran into what seemed to be fur. It was odd to have run into something so big in a large area.
The creature stood on all fours and turned towards me. It was one of the larger wolves, the alpha of the pack, that had been sent here too. But why was it here in this open space? As the wolf began to move closer to me I began to have this weird feeling. It wasn't fear but it was something else at the time I hadn't been able to figure out what it was. The wolf touched its snout to my forehead and held this position for a few seconds. Afterwards it pulled away and spoke to me telepathically.
'Austin, you are destined for amazing things. We have chosen you.'
At the time I was super freaked out. This wolf was talking to me. I began to feel lightheaded. Soon after I passed out.
Now I had amazing sense of smell, hearing, and sight but it wasn't something I brought up to most people.
I let a loud whistle calling for Tala. I had picked the name for her not long after our first encounter.
She quickly came running my direction and slowed down as she reached me. She had a look of joy that I knew wouldn't last long with the news I had brought.
'Tala I may be leaving for a while to go up. I thought I would let you know. I'll miss you.'
'Up! Why would you go up?! They don't want us that's why we're here.'
She growlers showing the white of her teeth.
'I know, just listen to me. They want one of us to come up. I think that they want to see what we are now. And I've decided that I want to be the one to go.'
'You can't do that Austin. You belong down here it's all you've ever known. How will they treat you up there? I bet they're just going to kill who ever comes up.'
'Tala you don't know what's good for me! I hate living down here! I hate everything about this place! I just want to leave this dump!'
'I see, well I'll be going now.'
She walked away with her tail between her legs. What have I done. She was pretty much my only friend.
'Tala, wait come back. I didn't mean I hate you.'
By the time I was able to get it out she was already long gone. I ran my hands through my hair. I really messed up this time.
--The next morning--
I woke up laying on the cold few covered grass. Definitely would not miss this. I just wanted a nice soft bed to sleep on and I wasn't getting it here. I pushed my cold tired body off the ground and looked around to see if Tala had come back. I wasn't shocked when she wasn't there.
I stood up wearily and stated my walk to Sahara's home. I hope she had more information about what the government wanted in the candidates.
I passed many people on the streets. These people had it worse that I did, and if I was accepted I'd be taking away their chance of living a better life. But I had to do this. For me, my mother, and the people. I wanted to be the hero of this tragedy.