Chapter 1

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"Can you do the track one more time, starting at the second verse," our producer called to me from outside of the booth. We have been working on our album for the past 6 months, and after a string of EPs we were finally putting out something longer that 5 tracks. However, the past three EPs carried us quite a ways. The last year and a half we spent touring the US and parts of the UK.

Parker Avenue started when we were in high school about three years ago. Todd, Ryder, Sam and I have known each other since we could remember. When we first began it was only because we wanted to jam. Eventually jamming turned into practice and before we knew it, Parker Avenue had their first gig.

I finished the track and walked out of the booth. That was the finishing touch on what we had to for this album. Now its time to tweet something skeptical to make our fans start thinking. In interviews we had mentioned writing new material and recording but never anything about a title or the release date.

Burning Cigarette // 12-24-14 Pre-Order Now

With that I locked my phone and headed out of the studio. In celebration the boys and I decided to grab a bite then go out. We were seated in a booth and Sam, our drummer, slid next to me. Todd and Ryder, bass and guitar, were across from us.

"Have you checked twitter yet to see what their responses were?" Todd asked me. Unlocked my phone and clicked on twitter. We had exploded. So many people had responded with praises and excitement. There was about 4 months until the album actually came out but people were already tweeting about ordering it and guessing what the songs would be about. That's when I noticed a particular person had retweeted us, Matty Healy of the 1975. They have been one of our biggest influences since we started.

"Guys..Guys...Guys," I said, eyes widening.

"El what is it!" Sam yelled.

"Holy fuck he retweeted us! Oh my god."

"Damn it who is he!?" Todd began.

"Matty fucking Healy"

They looked at me in shock and demanded to see for themselves so I passed my phone around the table. All of us were filled with excitement. This wasn't just some random musician showing their support but someone we had looked up to and admired as artists.

After we had eaten we headed to a bar, somewhere we went often after long recording days or just nights off from tour. Frequently we meet and see other artist doing the same.

I walked over to the bar, still in conversation with Todd, when I noticed who was seated drinking a glass of red wine, the infamous Matty Healy and Adam Hann. Casually I sat a stool away from the two of them, attempting to silence the inner screams telling me to talk to them and not embarrass myself.

The bartender approached us asking for our orders, I ordered a gin and tonic and Todd a beer. It was then that I realized that the conversation Adam and Matty were engaged in  had stopped and they were now looking at us.

Matty opened his mouth but before he could say anything he was interrupted by the bartender bringing out drinks.

"Hi, I'm Matty. Any chance that you're Eleanor Bennett and Todd Days of Parker Avenue?" he asked extending his hand across Adam and to me.

"Yeah we are! Are you Matty Healy and Adam Hann of the 1975?" I asked mimicking him and taking his hand.

"In the flesh! It's great to meet you and congratulations on announcing your first full length album. I'm in love with The Conqueror, its so raw and honest." Matty took a sip of his wine.

"Oh, thank you! Its a bit weird for us to meet you considering the fact that you are one of our greatest influences," Todd said.

"Aren't you guys playing at Leeds Fest. in a days?" Adam asked glancing between the two of us. It was true, we would be playing at Leeds Fest on Saturday, the same day they do. This will be the biggest thing we have ever done. It was honestly incredible considering all we had was a string of EPs and no full length album. Lynda, our manager, says its because of how far are past three singles have taken us.

Both of us nodded, "We are actually leaving on Thursday." I said then took a sip of my drink.

A phone began to ring, it was Adams. "Its Jamie, think we better head back."

"I guess we'll see you all on Saturday, till then." With that Matty and Adam put money on the bar and left waving goodbye.

"Holy shit man, did that really just happen." Todd stared wide eyed at the now empty stools as if they had disappeared like a dream.

It had happened and it wasn't the first time I had met them either. When I was 18, I met Matty outside of his tour bus in Seattle after a show. I had never expected him to remember me, yet it seems almost ironic that we're meeting again on these terms as almost equals.

After a few more drinks, I decided it was time to head home. The air that was once warm, turned cold without the sun. I unlocked my car and got in. On my way to my apartment, I replayed the events of the day in my head. It all seemed so surreal, the album, the festival, the boys just happening to be at the same bar we were at.

Once I got home I headed for my bedroom quietly assuming my roommate was asleep, after all it was one in the morning. I slipped out of my clothes and into a t-shirts and went to bed.

The next morning I was woken by the sunlight creeping through my window. I glanced at my phone, eight o'clock. I climbed out of bed and went for the kitchen. Grace, my roommate and also my best friend was in the living room that connected eating a Pop Tart. She looked at me and swallowed the bite she had just taken.

"I didn't hear you come home last night where were you," she asked as I poured my cereal then milk into my bowl. Grace and I have been friends since we were 17, both growing up in the Pacific North West. As soon as I got my degree, her, the boys and I moved down here to Los Angeles. It was easier for us to be here then try and travel back and forth from Washington to California.

Sitting next to her with my breakfast I told her, "The boys and I went to celebrate the finishing and announcement of our new and first album."

She looked at me excited and with wide eyes, "You guys are finally finished that's amazing! God its been five fucking years, time for a real album."

 Five years ago if you had told me I would be here doing this I would call you insane. Sam and I started it all in my garage after school and soon Todd and Ryder wanted in on it. Grace had dated Sam for about 3 years but then broke it off after a so called mutual agreement, yet I knew it was him cheating on her and the mutually agreed that he should just go to her rather than hurt Grace. We never talked about it and we all acted civilly around each other considering Grace was our photographer and went on every tour with us.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Well its finally done and we have a festival to play at on Saturday and we're leaving tomorrow. Oh and before I forget we met half of the 1975 last night at Kingsby." I said nonchalantly getting up from the couch and putting my bowl into the sink.

"Are you serious? You big rockstar! Damn it why wasn't I there!"

"Next time, we see them I will make sure you are there, next time as in Saturday. They're going on later in the day then us but they will be there"



okay so this is the beginning and Ill be using other musicians lyrics for Parker avenue and I'll tell you all about it down here!

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