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Just a warning -- I wrote this while I was really tired, and its unedited. The rest of the chapters won't be as sloppy as this one though, so don't worry. :) I hope you enjoy!


I sat in a small white room, staring blankly at the door before me. I was focusing intently on what was on the other side; listening to the voices and footsteps.

"Open the door."

I heard the door unseal and watched as it slid open, revealing a familiar man clad in black. He strolled down the few steps, entering the room. My eyes darted to his waist, where I saw the hilt of his lightsaber. Before he could notice my distraction though, I glanced back up at his mask.

"It is time for training." He spoke, his voice breathy due to the voice modulator in his mask. I didn't like it, but I would never tell him that.

I stood from my bench and followed him out of the room -- my mind immediately lit up, catching every little detail that surrounded me. Every noise, every color, every scent. A smile graced my lips as I followed him down the seemingly endless corridors, until we stopped in front of a wide door with a glass viewing window. He punched in a code on the panel beside it, then it opened. We stepped inside, and the door closed behind us.

"It's time we progressed." Just as he said that, nervousness hit me; one of the lights above us blew, causing small glass slivers and sparks to fall down upon us. It harmed neither of us, but it did jump me.

"Calm down." He sighed and reached up, removing his mask. He held it at his side as his dark orbs stared directly into my jade optics. "This is why we train, Anja -- so you can learn to control your power."

"I'm sorry, Sir." I averted my gaze from him, ashamed. Due to my incredible yet untamed power, whenever my emotions spiked I would unconsciously break or move something within my surroundings. Years ago, when I had even less control over it, I remember tossing Stormtroopers down the hall whenever I was emotional.

He placed his helmet down on a nearby table, then turned to me. His fingers curled around the hilt of his lightsaber and he removed it from his belt.

"Get out your saber." He demanded as he ignited his crimson blade, brandishing it skillfully. I grabbed my own saber and raised it slowly, then made the dark energy ignite. It made a quiet hum as I slowly swung it around, testing it.

"I won't be holding back."

He then lunged at me, beginning the duel between Master and Apprentice.

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