Intro - Secondary Training

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After a rigorous training session with Kylo, my body was aching and I wanted nothing more than to go back to my quarters and sleep. However, other plans were made for me. When Kylo led me down the corridor that led to the secondary hangar, I knew my afternoon was going to be anything but relaxing.

"Get in the TIE Fighter." He ordered, gesturing to the one to our left. With my hesitance evident, I made my way over and did as I was told. Once I was in the cockpit, I glanced around at the surrounding buttons and levers. I had only had a couple of piloting training sessions, so I was rather nervous.

Remember what Kylo taught me. Stay calm, and everything will be fine. Focus on the force.

With a sigh, I began reaching around and pulling the needed levers, pressing the required buttons. The engine roared to life, and a smile graced my lips. Lights flashed on and small beeps echoed around me. I then disconnected from the fuel hose, allowing me free flight. I flew out of the hanger, with Kylo following close behind. I had never piloted without him in the same Fighter, so having him watch my every move was nerve-racking.

There was static over the com, until his voice came through.

"Survive for ten minutes." Before I could protest, the com went back to static. As I began to prepare for whatever he had in store, I was caught off guard when my TIE fighter suddenly shook violently.

Is he shooting at me?!

Avoiding his attacks proved to be more difficult than I assumed, which only fueled my anxiety. Something sparked to my right, and an alarm went off. I quickly hit the corresponding button to quiet the alarm, and I focused on fixing the problem I had caused.

I quickly jerked the TIE fighter to the left, narrowly avoiding an attack. I blinked in confusion as I contemplated how I knew when to dodge. My mind was on alert, and I instinctively began dodging all of his attacks, however they were very close misses. The atmosphere became eerie when he suddenly disappeared from my scanner -- I was blind, he could attack from anywhere. I piloted around above the secondary hangar, anxiously awaiting his return. When several more minutes passed without him showing, I had the feeling that he was testing me. He wanted me to find him, and the only way I could do that was by using the force.

Dammit, Kylo...


I struggled landing the TIE Fighter back in the hangar, but didn't destroy too much -- maybe just a few crates.

I was both mentally and physically exhausted, to the point that I was struggling to do basic tasks such as walking and keeping my eyes open. I stood in the middle of the hangar, watching as Kylo exited his own TIE Fighter and approached me.

"You still have a lot to learn." His words weren't spoken bitterly, unlike his usual tone. I almost mistook it for an indirect praise, but I could barely even register what he was saying. My head was aching with pain; it felt as if someone was hitting me repeatedly with the butt end of a blaster.

The pain suddenly spiked, causing me to grunt and reach up to hold my head. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw one of the supply crates suddenly fly across the room and smash against the hangar wall, leaving behind only debris.


I couldn't make out his words; I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain increased tenfold -- but it was brief, and I soon felt myself collapsing. I could've sworn that I heard Kylo's voice once more before I lost consciousness.

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