chapter 1

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I do not own the tvd or the original show characters I only own cleo.

Cleo's pov

I'm Elena's twin only with better taste in clothes and black hair and green eyes. Anyways my parents died and I wasn't as sad as my family. I used to date Tyler but he went to Vicki so he broke up with me. Elena dated Matt but they broke up cause mom and dad died. Today we start our third day of senior, junior and sophomore year. I'm a year older than Elena. Anyways I got dressed after showering and did my hygiene and left my hair in its natural curls and did my make up. I went down stairs and saw my baby brother. See me and him talk more than me and my sister or him and my sister. Anyways, I went and jumped on his back and he laughed at me and gave me some of his coffee.

Why thank you my good sir. I said in a horrible British accent.

That was the worse British accent ever. He said and I hopped down and stuck my tongue at him. Me and my brother are smokers but I leave him be about him and Vicki. I drove to school with Elena cause Jer went to see Vicki. We got there and I was walking around when I see Jer go up to Tyler. I heard Tyler say he would kick my brothers ass. I walked up and said problem. Tyler knows I don't fuck around when it comes to my family.

Nope your brother came and threatened me and I told him to walk away. Tyler said and I laughed.

Jer go to class. I said and he nodded.

Go near my brother and I will kick your ass Tyler. I said and walked away. I went to class and zoned out.

Ms Gilbert. I heard Mr Tanner say.

What? I asked and looked at him annoyed.

Pay attention. He said and I scoffed and muttered you pay attention. I went to my locker when Elena came up.

What does little miss perfect want now? I asked and closed my locker.

You need to stop smoking. She said and I giggled.

First things first is you need to stop telling me what to do and do what you do best whine about no one paying you any attention. I said and walked away. I decided to skip school so I went to the stoner pit where I saw Jer. I went and sat with him and we got stoned. I drove us to the grill and went to the pole table. I was playing pole when Elena came over.

Elena what's wrong? I asked and she smiled and asked if I could drive her to the boarding house and I said sure. We got in my car and I drove her.

Elena's pov

Cleo drove me to the boarding house and I had Cleo come with my to the door. We knock and the door was open and we walked in.

Elena I don't want to be here can we go. Cleo said and I ignored her until a crow came and she fell and I ducked.

Cleo are you okay? I asked and she groaned and said she popped her shoulder out of place. She stood up and held her shoulder. She looked at the door frame when we saw a guy.

Sorry the door was open and my twin dragged me in here. Cleo said and he smiled.

You must be Cleo and Elena? He asked and we said yea.

I'm going use that door frame for a second. Cleo said and rammed her shoulder into the frame. She fell and groaned.

Well fucking whore. Elena can we go? She asked and I said sure.

Did it that work? He asked and she said nope.

I'm Damon Stefan's brother. He said and Cleo said don't care and went to the car.

I'm sorry about her she's a bitch. I said and he told me about Stefan's ex than Stefan walked in and I left. We went to the hospital and Cleo got her shoulder popped back in and got put in a sling. I drove us home in her car.

They gave me pain meds but my shoulder doesn't hurt. She said and I giggled.

Cleo they gave you something before they popped your shoulder back in. I said and her eyes popped and she said oh. We got home and I grabbed mine and her bags and we went inside.

Jenna's pov

The girls walked in and Cleo was in a sling.

What happened and Cleo was giggling.

She's on pain med and she fell and her shoulder popped out of place.

Skip to dinner with Stefan and Bonnie.

Cleo's pov

Why do I have to be here Elena? They are your friend and boyfriend not mine. I said while helping her and Bonnie.

Because I want you to meet Stefan. She said and I huffed and said fine.

I'm going to get dressed than. I said and went upstairs cause I was just in one of my brothers shirts. I changed into some jeans and a shirt. I went downstairs and some guy was standing at the door.

And your in my house why? I asked and he turned and saw me.

Your Cleo right? He asked and I said yea and you are.

I'm Stefan, Elena's boyfriend. He said and I said cool and walked to the kitchen.

Let's get this done I want to go out. I said and Elena and Bonnie nodded. I smoked before I came down so I'm starving. We were just finishing up when the door bell rung.

I'll get it. I said and stood up and went to the door. And there stands Caroline and Damon.

Elena barbie's here. I said and Caroline glared at me.

Got something to say barbie? I asked and she said nope and Damon looked amused.

Get in here would ya. I said and I invited Damon to come in. I grabbed my keys and bag. I was about to leave when I heard Caroline talk about Elena and she brought up my parents. I walked in the living room.

Caroline I suggest you shut your fucking mouth. Just cause our parent died don't give you the fucking right to bring them up or be a twat to my fucking sister. I said and pulled Elena into a hug.

You okay? I asked in a whisper and she said yea. I let go and I got slapped by Caroline and that pissed me off. I stood up and Elena said don't. I pinned Caroline to wall by the throat.

Listen here and listen good. You touch me again I won't hesitate to kick your ass Caroline. Now I'm going to go get drunk so I don't kick your ass. I said and dropped her. She fell on the floor and I left.

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