chapter 9

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Niklaus' pov

We went to find the pack up in the mountains.

You okay? Is Ray getting heavy? I asked and Stefan and he scoffed

No my feet hurt. Cleo said but I ignored her and looked at Stefan

I'm fine but Cleo isn't. Stefan said and I felt Cleo jumped on my back and she giggled.

You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down... I said and Cleo giggled at us.

You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great. Stefan said and I felt Cleo laugh silently

So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend. I said and to him

Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer. Stefan said and I looked ahead and saw that we are there.

Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There. I said to Stefan and Cleo giggled.

Skip to having kill them.

Me and Cleo are all bloody because they went rabid. Cleo killed the last one and panted.

That's my exercise of the day. She said and I smiled a little. Stefan came back and I flipped out but Cleo calmed me down. We then went to Chicago.

You know my hole vampire life I thought I would have to watch my sister and brother grow old but now I only have to watch my brother. And I'm not sad about either. I thought I would be sad that my sister is dead but I'm actually happy that she is. 1 cause my best friend don't have to risk his life and 2 cause I don't have to hear her whine about everything. Cleo said and I was shocked but covered it up with a nod. We got to the bar and Cleo went straight to the alcohol

Cleo's pov

I went straight to the alcohol and started to drink. I got Nik a glass of bourbon and sat next to him.

Thanks love. He said and I nodded. I drank from the bottle and turned my phone on after 2 months.

200 calls from Jer.
400 calls from Damon.
200 calls from Caroline.
200 calls from Bonnie.
500 calls from Marcel.
100 calls from Tyler.

I groaned and turned it back off well cause it kept vibrating every second. Cause my texts were loading. Ugh.

Is there a place I can go to get a new phone? I asked and Nik and he said down the street. I stood up but he stopped me.

Meet us at the warehouse. He said and I said okay and walked out. I swore I heard him growl but oh well. I got to the phone store and got an iPhone 6. I put Nik's number in my contacts and put it as British hybrid, Stefan as bunny eater. I flashed to the ware house to see a blonde attack Nik. My dead heart skipped a beat. I gasped and next thing I know is she pin's me to the wall. I pried her hand off and head butted her in the face and she stumbled back. By this time now my eyes are glowing and my veins and fangs are out.

Your eyes. Was all she said. I felt Nik wrap his arms around my waist cause he knew what I would do next. Anyone that touches me like that ends up dieing or injured. I was trying to get out of his grip but he was stronger.

Bloody hell Nik lay off the human blood. I said and stopped struggling.

Skip to Stefan getting his neck snapped.

I flashed in and snapped Stefan neck. I had fear in my eyes. He was asking about Mikael. I looked at Rebekah and she had the same look. Nik came in and I explained everything. He pulled me into a hug cause since Nik told me the story I've been scared of ever meeting him. I let go of Nik and dragged him to the truck. We went back to mystic falls and I sighed. I laid in the truck and Rebekah played with my hair.

My mom used to play with my hair. Was the last thing I said before drifting off to sleep.

Skip to waking up.

I woke up to being alone in the truck. I saw Stefan on the ground and it looked funny. I took a pic and sent it to Nik and said I love my wake up present. He texted back in the gym. I flashed there and saw Elena and I sighed.

And your supposed to be dead. I said and sat on Nik's lap. I felt his hand go to my waist. My breathing hitch and he noticed cause I felt him laugh. I haven't got laid since I came back to mystic falls when I left New Orleans. I huffed in annoyance.

What's up with you Cleo your supposed to be my sister but your with him. She whined and I groaned. I went to answer but Stefan came in. I hopped off Nik and laid on the bleachers and soon drifted to sleep again. I woke up to falling off the bleachers.

Ouch. I said and I heard a giggle. I look up to see bekah.

Hey bexs I liked the present I woke up too very creative. I said and she smiled. I went and stood next to her and I got glares.

Keep glaring and I'll turn Matty boy. I said and they stopped glaring. That made my smile grow. Nik turned Tyler and me and bekah took him to Caroline. I sat there and Caroline woke up and started to freak out.

Shut up or I'm going to snap your neck. I said and she crawled to Tyler. Bekah went off to find her necklace and I took Caroline and wolf boy to a class room. Bekah came and she told me everything and I huffed.

Was my sister salty? I asked and she nodded yes and I giggled.

Skip to leaving for portland.

Niklaus' pov

I took Cleo with me and she's happy I did but sad that Rebekah isn't here. Me and Cleo gotten close and I like it. I've never gotten close to anyone out side my family. And when I put my hands around her waist it was funny her breathing hitched and I laughed about and she huffed in annoyance.

Nik I'm go to the bar. Cleo said as she walked into my room

Okay love. I said and she left to got to the bar. I went and made some hybrids.


One of my hybrids said that Cleo was back so I went to bed. Next thing I know is she comes and jump on my bed. I scrunch my nose cause she smells like sex.

You smell like sex love. I said and she blushed but she tried to hide it. I lifted her chin up and smiled.

No need to hide your face love. I said and out of no where she smashes her lips on mine. I returned the kiss in a second. She than dug in her pocket and pulled out a condom.

I'm not taking the chances hybrid. She said and I smashed my lips on her and we had some fun. The bed broke and the sheets and our clothes were torn. She fell asleep snuggled up to my chest and I fell asleep holding her.

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