chapter 3

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Damon's pov

We went out and looked for our meal. I'm teaching her snatch eat and erase. I parked at the grill and we found a drunk guy in the ally I compelled him to not move or scream. Cleo snatched eat and erased. We went into the bar and got drunkish. We than went home so she can go to bed. We got home and she was already asleep. I picked her her up and took her inside. I than put her in bed and I went to my room and went to sleep. I woke up to Cleo snuggled up to me. She must have came in her in the middle of the night.

Cleo time to get up. I said and she groaned and said no.

Fine I'll get the water bucket than. I said and she jumped out of bed and flashed to her room. I heard the shower turn on so I went to and took a shower too.

Cleo's pov

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I did my hygiene and make up. Pic above. Before I go out side I made sure my ring worked and opened my curtains and I felt the sun on my face. It worked and went to Damon's room

Damon. I called out and heard his shower on. I went and jumped on his bed and sat there playing on my phone. I heard the shower turn off and Damon came out in a towel.

Can I drove your car today? I asked and gave him the puppy dog eyes. He glared cause I gave him the puppy dog look. He went to his dresser and throw me the keys and got dressed.

Who you taking to the founders party tonight? I asked as we went down stairs and he said Caroline and I groaned.

How can you even talk to her she's so preppy. I said and he laughed at me. I said bye and grabbed my bag and hopped in Damon's car and put the top down. I'm getting better at controlling my blood lust. See today we are having a founders party. So I'm going to my house to help Elena with the heritage crap. I pulled up and went inside.

Honey I'm home. I called out and I was than tackled into hugs. I looked down and saw Jeremy and Elena.

I've been gone for 2 days. I said and they let go. I was than tackled into a hug by Jenna. Me and Elena cleaned the antiques and couple minutes later. I left and went to go get ready. I went to the parlor and saw Damon reading Stefan homework.

Damon. I said and he turned and looked at me and I throw him his keys and flashed to my room. stripped from my clothes and went through my closet. I throw every dress out. I went to my door and yelled I'm not going. I throw on some pj's and went downstairs. As in pj's I mean one of Damons shirts. I went down and saw Damon and Stefan.

Why aren't you dressed Leo? Damon asked and I said I'm not going.

And why not? Stefan asked and I plopped down on the couch and said I don't have anything to wear and they laughed at me and I punched Damon cause well he was closest. I throw the letter opener at Stefan but he caught it.

Have fun I'll be asleep when you get home so night. I said and kissed their checks and went up stairs and went to sleep.

4 days later.

Stefan's pov

I went to wake up Cleo but she wasn't in bed and her bed was made. I went downstairs and she wasn't there and I checked the basement and she was in one of the cells and Zack was watching her.

Why is she in there? I asked and he said she's a vampire because of Damon.

I asked him to turn me dick. She muttered she's in Damon's shirt so she's been in there for 4 days.

Where's my daylight ring? She asked and sat up. I looked at Zack and he said it's with Damon's.

I haven't killed anyone and you lock me up in just a shirt. Wow dick move Zack. She said and started to cough.

Once I get out Zack your the first on my kill list. She added and coughed again.

Stefan can you get me some jeans I'm freezing. She said and I said sure. I flashed to her room and grabbed a pair of jeans and flashed back down and open the door and throw them into her and locked it back up. I than went to school.

Cleo's pov

Ugh my senior year and I'm missing it to rot away in a fucking cell. I thought. I put my jeans on.

Damon. I coughed out I heard him coughing too.

You okay Cleo? I heard him ask and I coughed out yes. That's when I heard the front door open and the basement door open.

Caroline. I coughed out and she came to my cellar.

Cleo? I nodded yes. She opened the cellar door and I flashed to it only for Zack to come. I used all of my strength and pushed. I knocked him out and Caroline open Damon's and than ran. We ran after her only for her to go out to the sunlight. We ran to the shadows. I flashed to Zack's room and searched the room and nothing. I went down stairs and we got drunk until night fall. We than found a bunch of campers and fed on them than burned only for Vicki still to be alive. We called Stefan and said we want our rings. We went back to the boarding house with Vicki and after 4 hours Damon turned her. If you wondering what happened to Zack well Damon snapped his neck.

Halloween carnival.

Damon's pov

Vicki is a vampire and went missing so Cleo and Stefan are at the school looking for her.

Cleo's pov

I found Vicki in the back with Jeremy. I ran and tackled her to the ground.

Jer run. I said and he ran I fought Vicki only she pushed me to the ground and flashed to Elena. Wait when did she get here. I smelt blood. I flashed to Vicki and ripped her heart out. I saw Elena and she was bleeding. I bit my wrist and healed her. I went to Jeremy and compelled him to forget about seeing me and Vicki tonight and how Vicki died. Soon Stefan came and saw blood on my hand. He looked at Vicki and she was missing a heart.

I'll call Damon you get my siblings home please. I said and he nodded. I called Damon and sat on the ground next to Vicki. I felt someone come up behind me and I turned to see my best friend Damon.

I killed her and I don't feel any guilt. I said and looked at her body.

It's cause she was attacking your family you did the right thing Cleo. He said and we that took the body and the heart and set her on fire. And buried the corpse. Me and Damon than went home. I cleaned my self up and went to check on Elena and Jer.

Evesdropping with vampire hearing.

She ripped her heart out Stefan she didn't have any emotion on her face when she did it. I heard Elena say inside the house.

She did it cause you were being attack Elena look at it this way. You would have done the same thing if it was her or Jeremy. Stefan said to her.

I don't want her around me or Jeremy, Stefan and I can't do this. I'll keep your secret but I can't do this. Elena said and that hurt.

Elena I get why you don't want me near you but she's your sister. You can't do that. If you do she will turn it off so she won't feel the hurt of you hating her. Stefan said to her and I had tears rolling down my face.

Her family is her humanity if you take that away she won't have anything. He added.

I don't want her near us. Now can you leave. She said and opened the door. I flashed away. 

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