chapter 16

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Wedding day.

Cleo's pov

Today's my wedding day and I asked Elijah to walk me down the aisle. I'm 6 months pregnant and my sister is my maid of honor than it bekah and Hayley as my bridesmaids. They are wearing pink for the dress and I'm wearing a white dress. I'm pacing around the room and the girls are trying to calm me down.

Alright that's it I'm getting Elijah. Elena said and left the room. Seconds later she came in with Elijah.

Cleo calm down. You'll do fine. Elijah said and I hugged him.

Thanks Elijah. I said and he smiled I pulled away and had Elena finish my makeup. It sucks that Katherine couldn't be here but she's on the other side. Anyways Elena finished my make up and bekah did my hair. Soon she finished and we went down stairs. The girls went first and than me and Elijah went. He walked me down the aisle. I saw nik and he looked so handsome. I got to him and Elijah gave me away. We than started our vows.


When I first met you its was when you went to Katherine in the apartment. You had attacked me. I than had to get to know the fearless girl I meet that day. We spent 2 months together and we spent a week together and the week was amazing. When I got to know the fearless girl I met that day I fell in love with her. You showed me I could be myself again and that I'm not a monster. You showed me that I could love again. I love you Cleo Marie Gilbert. He said and I smiled


You became my light. You showed me that I'm wanted in life and that I'm truly cared for. You and you family took me in and cared for me. And to think I thought love was a weakness. You showed me that it isn't. You got me to love again and I don't regret loving you. You became my humanity, my savor. And I love you Niklaus Mikaelson. I said and smiled.

Do you Niklaus Mikaelson take Cleo Marie Gilbert to be your wife.

I do. He said and smiled.

Do you Cleo Marie Gilbert take Niklaus Mikaelson to be your husband.

You bet your ass I do. I said and he laughed at me.

I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride. Nik pulled me close and kissed me. I smiled through the kiss and everyone cheered. I heard my brother yell that's my big sister.

Skip to 2 weeks after the wedding.

Niklaus' pov

We are waiting for after the twins are born for a honeymoon and right now Cleo is on bed rest cause she's ready to have the twins. I've been taking care of the witches and I guess after Davina was killed she came back and now she's out to kill our twins. Hayley is 4 months pregnant and she's getting excited to have her son. She's naming him after Kol so it's Kol Eli Mikaelson. She want him to have his dad's last name I thought that was nice. Elena is staying in New Orleans with Jeremy. They live in the plantation with the Salvatore's and I guess Caroline is living with them. She's happy for Cleo and I. Anyways I went back to the compound but Cleo wasn't there.

Cleo? I flashed through the compound and I found struggle in our bed room. I flashed to the plantation and got everyone to help. They were checking new Orleans and the bayou while I looked for her at the church and cemetery.

Cleo's pov

I'll kill you all. Please don't do this they are innocent. I yelled and struggled against them.

Niklaus. I screamed for him. I started to cry.

Cleo your water broke you need to start to push. Davina said and I screamed and pushed.

Davina please don't take them way from me please. I cried out and she winked at me and I smiled.

Davina it hurts. I screamed and I heard a cry. She said it's my son.

Couple more pushes. Davina said and I screamed that's when Nik came in.

Nik I love you. I said and pushed once more and passed out.

Niklaus' pov

I'll kill you and everyone you met. I screamed through my tears. I charged at the four witches but they throw me to the wall and used magic to keep me there. They cut my baby daughter out of Cleo and I saw that she healed.

It's okay they are safe. Davina said sent through her mind. I nodded okay one of the witches snapped my neck.

I woke up and ran to Cleo and she was dead. I held her in my arms and cried. Elijah came in with wolf bites. I bite my wrist and gave him blood. He fed and we went to save my son and daughter. We were in the crypt when I felt someone behind us.

Let's go save my children. I heard Cleo's voice. I turned around and saw my wife. I went up to her and she hugged me.

Come on love we have our children to save. I said and we went to find our children. We saw Davina and she smiled at us and we nodded.

Give me back my children. Cleo yelled and used her magic and throw the witch back.

You dare come into the place we're we are the strongest. The witch yelled and Cleo giggled.

Bitch I'm stronger and you touch my children you will die. Cleo yelled and she rose her hand and the witches neck was snapped.

Davina get me the knife. The red head witch said but instead I throw the pole at the red head. One witch left. Davina grabbed the knife and put it to the witches neck and cut her throat. Cleo ran to our son and daughter and I ran to them as well.

How am I alive. Sophie said I would die giving birth. Cleo said to me and Elijah spoke.

Your in transition Cleo. Your now a werewolf witch vampire.

Wait no how is she a werewolf? I asked and than I thought about it

You have a different dad than Elena. I said in shock and she looked at us.

I've never triggered the gene cause I never killed anyone. She said and I nodded yes.

Elena's a vampire though if I don't have her blood I'll die. She added and I looked at Elijah.

You need your son or daughters blood. He said and she looked at me and had tears forming. I was holding our son and she was hold our daughter. I pulled her into a hug and we than went home. The Scooby-Doo gang was at the compound. Elijah took Hope and Cleo ran to Elena and cried.

Are you alright Klaus came to the plantation and freaked out. I was so worried. Elena said and I smiled at them. I took the kids upstairs with Elijah and Cleo came up and she grabbed Henrik. I grabbed a needle and we pricked his finger. Henrik started to cry and Cleo drank some of his blood. Her eyes turned to a amber red. She laid Henrik down and I sat down. She came over to me and I pulled her onto my lap.

I'm so glad your okay. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you love. I said and she kissed me and said she loved me. Me and Cleo sat there and looked at our children and smiled. Soon she got tired and fell asleep on me.

The End

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