1. Waking up

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I woke up with choke and let my lungs gasp for air. My eyes darted left and right as the white and red light flashed past me in a blur. I coughed and coughed until I choked out water.

What? Water? (Lol I don't know)

All the sudden, I snapped back into reality as the moving box skidded to a screech and I heard voices above me.

"Why is the box up? We just got a new Greenie 2 weeks ago"

Uh oh...

I looked around and saw some supplies.

Before I knew it I was dashing behind it with a can of.. beans? In my hand.

I heard thumping before light blinded me and I glanced up to see a wolf pack of boys above me.

One boy jumped down.

"What is it Newt?" One guy said.

"I'm not sure. Oh wait! I see now. Oh my gosh.. Its... It's a girl?!" Said a British man with a surprised voice.

Before I knew it I threw the can at him and hit him smack down in the forehead.


I grabbed every supply thing I could find and threw them at the boys. All I could hear was ows.

Once I was out of supplies I jumped out of the box and pushed past the boys.

I gotta get out of here!

I ran as fast as I could and grass flew past me in a blur. I could hear the boys yelling "Woah Greenie!" In the backround.

Dumb Boys!

I saw a huge opening ahead. It looked like a passage way. I saw vines inside of it.

Is that a.. maze?

I didn't care. I kept running. I heard something behind me and ran more faster. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and it pulled on me.

"Woah Greenie!" The voice gasped and you could tell he was out of breath.

I slowed down and skidded to a stop and shoved the man's hand off my shoulder.

I turned to see an aisian looking man looking at me. (You guys thought it was Newt. Didn't you lol)

"Your a fast thing arnt ya. Good thing I stopped ya. You could of gotten yourself shucking killed if you went in there." He said gazing at me.

My eyes glanced at the maze and back to him.

"Where am i? Who are you? What is that?" I asked.

"Woah woah woah! Shuck it Greenie. First of all.. I'm Minho. Nice to meet you." He said holding his hand out.

I didn't shake it so he quickly pulled it back in.

"Look. I know you don't remember your name but it happened to all of-"

"Y/N. My name is Y/N" I said.

He looked surprised at me.

"Okay.. Y/N. Welcome to the Glade. Now can you follow me? I'll tell you more when we get over to the other gladers."

I nodded an agreement and followed behind him.

"Dont worry. The boys are actually pretty nice." Minho said.

Doubt it..

Once we arrived all the boys gazed at me practically drouling.

"I call dibs!" One guy shouted and everyone started laughing.

I glared.

"Ooh fiesty!" I heard a voice say.

I spun around to see a tall blonde haired man with freckles looking at me.

"The names Gally. Welcome to your new home Greenie." He said.

"New.. home?" I asked.

Gally stared at me and looked me up and down.

"Yeah. New home." He mumbled.

"Everybody! This is Y/N! Leave her alone and give her a while to get settled in!"

I spun around to see Minho shouting to the crowd of boys.

"Newt. Come here" Minho shouted.


The tall British man who I threw a can of beans at rushed over.

Well this is akward..

"What do you need Minho" Newt asked.

"Give Greenie a tour, please." Minho said.

"Yes sir. I would he happy to give bean thrower here a tour." He said.

I glared once again.

Great. I get to go on a tour with British Boy.

I watched Minho walk away and sighed then turned around.

Newt was standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked stubbornly.

"Oh, nothing" he chuckled.

"Just gazing at your hair. Little funny looking" he said patting ms on the shoulder before he walked off.

I fixed my hair quickly before running after him.

Here it goes.

Yo! I know the first chapter is kind of short (757 words) but I will try to make the next one longer. I kind of felt like I made this a Minho x reader story. My bad lol. Newt and you will be getting all up on each others business now that I made this Minho and you. Lol jk. Thanks for reading so far!

The Maze.   ♡ Newt X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now