Chapter 4

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Okay so I'm so excited with all of these new readers I have :D hope ya'll enjoy!

Chapter 4:

Rose's POV:

I had spent most of my day with Duke, talking and playing video games. He was a really nice guy, I just hope we would hang out more soon.

Currently, I am in my room washing up for dinner. Landon walked in to the game room while Duke and I were talking. He seemed mad and told me I had to get ready for dinner.

To be honest, seeing him mad amused me a lot because he deserves it. Afterall he was a jerk to me.

One thing that worried me about dinner was the possibility of his parents disliking me. I mean, what if Landon said something bad about me to his parents? Would he?

I had taken a shower and let my hair air dry into its natural wavy curls. I like being able to take multiple showers to feel fresh throughout the day. I wore a flowy shirt and skinny jeans with my new vans. I didn't feel like dressing up because dinner wasn't anything formal, at least, I hope not.

Landon's POV:

I had stayed in my room for most of my morning, then decided to go play some video games. I called up some friends and told them to meet me in our game room.

See there are three game rooms all in one hallway, but my friends and I had designed our own and only we had the key to get in.

After calling my buds I made my way over to our game room. Once I was by the library I heard talking and I smelled the familiar scent of my mate.

Seems like I can't do anything without her near by. I walked towards an open door and peaked in. There on the sofa was my ever so beautiful mate and Duke.

Yes, she is very beautiful, I have to agree with my wolf. Once I saw Duke and his hand reached for my mates face my wolf was trying to surface.

I held him back of course, but I'm mad how Duke can just waltz in and be her hero. 'That's supposed to be us,' my wolf reminded me.

I was indeed jealous of Duke right now but it's my own fault. She's here with Duke, not me. I walked more down the hallway, I needed to cool off.

Duke and I were best friends throughout elementary and middle school. Once high school started, I joined basketball and he joined football. Our friendship went downhill but I mean, doesn't he know that she's mine?

Wait, not mine per se, but my mate. 'You didn't treat her right,' my wolf spoke up.

I grabbed my keys and opened up the door to my man cave. I waited on the sofa for my friends. My mind started reeling with these thoughts.

When my friends arrived my mood changed completely, and I was thankful for that. We played video games and they ordered pizza.

It was close to sunset, I needed to start getting ready for dinner. My mom has been going on and on about how she can't wait to meet Rose. She wanted a casual dinner so Rose would feel more welcomed.

"Ok, Landon what's up with you? All this time that you have been with us you're just dazed out." My friend Adam wore a worried expression. "You alright? We're here for you," my other friends (Eric and Sean) agreed.

"Yeah I'm cool man," I smiled. "Just got to go, my moms cooking dinner tonight. I'll see you guys later." I got up from the sofa and waved as I walked out.

"Duke! Seriously?!" I heard my mates voice yell.

"Ha! In your face Rose!" There was a small pause. "Awe, don't make that face. You're too cute to form a frown."

I walked over to the open door, "Rose," her head whipped around to see me. "You need to start getting ready for dinner."

All I could do was glare at Duke. It made my wolf angry that he thinks our mate is cute. 'He needs to know his place,' my wolf spoke up.

I walked off before I said something I would regret.

I went to my room and changed into the clothes I had planned on wearing tonight. A button up black shirt with some faded jeans and my vans.

I looked into the mirror and saw under my eyes there were bags. Last night it was hard to sleep. My wolf just wanted to go to Rose and sleep right next to her.

I shook myself together. She's not what I want, I want freedom. A mate will hold me back.

I went outside of my bathroom and into my room. Time to face my family and my mate.

Rose's POV:

When I finally made it to the dinning room I found Landon and his father (Alpha James), already seated and in a conversation. I was about to take a seat when I heard a womans voice appear and I was immediately wrapped into a hug.

"Oh my goodness! You are so beautiful darling! I'm so happy you are my sons mate! Come, help me with the food." She smiled such a genuine smile it warmed my heart.

I followed her into the kitchen and found that she made spaghetti. At that exact moment my stomach rumbled. Landon's mother chuckled. "Oh honey! I love you already!" She laughed some more and I joined.

"What would you like me to do Luna?"

She shook her head, "Please call me Carla," she smiled at me.

It felt disrespectful in all cases but with Carla it was different, like she was my age trapped in an older body.

Soon we had the dinner in full swing. We were all eating and enjoying our meal when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Alpha Janes stood up and walked towards the front door. There were soft mumblings, then I heard high heels clicking the hardwood floor. Alpha James tried catching this girl before she entered the dinning room, but he was too late.

"Landon, baby I missed you!"

Landon looked thoughtful for a moment and looked at his parents. Carla was shocked and Alpha James was trying to reason with her that Landon found his mate.

She looked at me, "So you're his mate, huh?" She smiled but I could see through her fakeness. "Congrats, he's really something. Well I'll catch up with you later Landon," she winked at him then left the house.

I looked over at Landon and saw he had his head down looking at his plate. I then realised, his parents must be scolding him through their mind link.

'Obviously he isn't attracted to her anymore,' my wolf spoke up.

'I beg to differ,' I commented back at her.

She went away thankfully, I didn't need her commentary. To me, it's plain to see he doesn't want me as a mate, for whatever reason.

"I'm sorry about that Rose," Carla said while glaring at Landon.

I honestly didn't know what to feel. Happy that his ex-girlfriend now knows he has a mate? Or envious because she probably has a better chance than me to be his?

Landon's POV:

Tonight's dinner was way too much for me to take in. I know Rose is my mate and all but why were my parents mad at Samantha for walking in?

Okay, so Sam and I weren't really boyfriend and girlfriend, she was just the girl I spent many nights with. Although a lot of people thought we were dating, I just called her on nights I wanted something extra.

I have to admit though, seeing Rose jealous tonight was so cute. I know that she wants me but I just can not have her as my mate, she deserves better.

I know she'll thank me for this, no matter how much I hate to let her go, this is my only option.


Hello my bookworms! I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! Feedback would be wonderful right now :D so now the true question: Team Landon? Or Team Duke? No fighting I just want your reasons as to why you chose Landon or Duke. As always I love you all and will update soon!!

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