Chapter 5

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Look at the end for my author's note! :) Happy reading bookworms!!

Chapter 5:

Landon's POV:

Last nights dinner didn't go so well. I had went to my room and thought what my life would be like with Rose. Honestly I would be so happy with her, but I can not and will not put her through any danger.

I want her to live her life stress free. Without a worry in the world. Being with me will put her in danger, worry, and stress.

If only I were someone else then things would be so much different. Our pack is so messed up it's insane!

When I woke up this morning I thought of the very first time I saw her. I wanted her so badly but I realized the life she would have to live. That's why I kissed that random girl, to show Rose I was taken or not interested.

The last thing I want is for Rose and I to fall deep in love then our lives are ripped away from each other. She needs someone who will always be there for her and give her security.

Duke's POV:

I couldn't get Rose out of my head. She reminds me so much of my mate.

Peyton. She was so beautiful and smart. I loved her so much and I still love her. I have no idea as to why she left me that random morning.

We've been together since high school. Usually wolves don't date because eventually we find our mates. Although with Peyton things were different.

I somehow had a sense I would never let her go. She was my childhood best friend, that was a girl. The only guy I hung out with, while growing up, was Landon.

Here we are about to be adults and both have left my side. Landon made new friends, I suppose. We hardly hung out in high school so our friendship drifted apart.

Peyton's story is way different than Landon's. One morning I had woken up feeling at lost without her. Usually she would wake me up and we would eat breakfast together.

That morning there was a note on my pillow saying she didn't want to be with me anymore.

It hurt me seeing this so I wanted an explanation. That's when I went searching for her when some rogues tried to kill me. In the midst of our fight I saw Peyton'd dead body on the ground.

Let's just say my anger of them killing her was a plus in my favor. All six of them were killed off in seconds.

I had stayed there with Peytons dead body in my arms for hours until someone from my pack noticed me. That day was by far the worst in my life.

It seemed like everyday after that I had at least twice a day thought about suicide. But seeing Rose yesterday made me feel happy and she reminds me of Peyton. Hearing that she's the mate of Landon made me envious. I would love to have a second chance at love with Rose.

Rose was so sad looking yesterday, but once I got her to smile she was an angel. I swear her smile was so beautiful I couldn't comprehend why Landon wouldn't want her.

I would make a point later on today to talk to him, if he really doesn't want her then maybe Rose will consider me. I would never treat her badly, at least not on purpose.

I got up and took a long shower. My mind was reeling with the possible outcomes in life if Rose and I were to be a couple.

All I wanted to do today was be with Rose, she brings the best out of me.

Rose's POV:

I had woken up for my second day here. I laid in bed still processing what happened last night. I only wish today would be better.

*Bzz* *Bzz* I looked on my nightstand to see my phone ringing. I picked it up quickly seeing my caller id.

"KAYLA!" I screamed, I was too happy to even care if I woke someone else up.

"Rose! I miss you! Oliver and Mike are here too!" There was shuffling on the phone.

"Hey!" ... "Hey Rose!" The boys said in unison.

"Awe! I miss all of you! I don't have any friends over here. Except Duke, he's really nice." I sighed wishing I had my friends here with me.

"Well Rose, we asked your father and Alpha James if we could go over there with you to keep you company," Kayla stated.

"And?" I almost screamed into the phone. "What did they say?"

"Both agreed we could stay, but only for your two weeks time. We are also bringing you more clothes just in case you need them."

I jumped in joy. "I can't wait to see you guys! And why would I need more clothes? I'm only supposed to stay for two weeks." I explained my logic.

The other end of the phone stayed quiet.

"No way! I'm not staying here any longer!"

"Unfortunately Rose, you are," Oliver broke me the news.

I stayed looking at my ceiling. Looks like I can't do anything I want here lately.

"Rose we are sorry, but don't worry we'll be there in two days! It'll be fun! I promise!"

I groaned, "Two days is too long!"

"Hey at least we are going!" Mike pointed out.

"Sorry Rose but we have to go. There's a pack meeting today. We love you! See you soon love!" Then in a flash the call ended.

Mike was right, at least they can come. Which I'll take anyday.

Landon's POV:

I honestly wanted to tell Rose everything in my life but I know she wouldn't understand. I was supposed to be training for the Alpha position today but I need to have a chat with my father.

I went into my restroom and took a quick shower. I need to hurry in case he decides to leave early today.

I had was dressed and already heading out of my room when I looked up Rose was right in front of me. I wanted to touch her, my wolf wanted to just take her right then.

"Umm...," she looked uncomfortable.

That's when I realised I had her pinned to the wall. I was so caught up in her beauty I let myself go, causing me to pin her.

I smirked, "What's wrong?" She looked at me with a confused expression. I looked down at her lips. They were so tempting me to kiss them, but I needed to stay away.

'Kiss her!' My wolf yelled at me. Then without thinking of the consequences I kissed her.

She was shocked but surrendered into my kiss. Her lips were so soft and her lip gloss tasted like cherry.

Her hands were on my chest and they slowly made their way to my hair to which she grabbed tightly. It made me want to deepen the kiss so I slipped my tongue over her lips. She gave me a small enterance which I fully took.

Soon enough she pushed me before anything else happened. "I thought you don't want me as your mate."

She glared at me, "I'm not going to be that girl you can hook up for only one day then is thrown away like trash."

That's when it hit me, I'm supposed to be pushing her away but having her so close it's hard. There's no way I can stay completely away from her. I needed to tell her the truth about everything.

The worst case scenario is she'll leave me, but afterall it would be ideal for her own safety.

Rose pushed me more away from her and looked down the hallway.

"Duke?" She asked in a confused tone.

I turned my head towards the end of the hallway. It was dark and a little shaddy but there stood Duke with his hands clentching.


Cliffhanger! Haha don't kill me! I promise more is soon to come :) hey guys see that button for voting? Would you click that for me? Thanks! Love you lots & this chapter goes to LegoMyMego for being an amazing bookworm!! Haha hope ya'll liked it! Comment / vote / & follow

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