Chapter 2 - TSE

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Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for updating so late my computer was taken away. Lame (I know)! Anywho, I had no idea I would get so many reads thank you to everyone who has read / commented / voted!! :) I love you all!! Its a big motivator to see this! Now enjoy, you book worms ;D

Chapter 2:

As soon as all the arrangements were agreed to by my father and Alpha James, I was led to my new room. Yet again, I was lost throughout all the corridors! Finally I was pointed to a white door.

I turned the knob and walked in. The walls were purple as were the curtains on the windows and the bed comforter. The bed was straight ahead and had four bed posts at all corners. There was a small lounging area to the left that had two single seated chairs and a flat screen tv. Then to the right were two doors.

I walked into the first door on the right which was the closet. It was huge and each wall was designed specifically. The right side for shoes and purses, the back for pants, and the left side for tops. There was a island in the middle of the closet with drawers for underwear.

I then headed for the second door which held my own bathroom. It had a stand up shower in the far back and a hot tub towards the left side. Then on the far right back side was the toilet. When you walk in on the immediate right side is the sink and a huge mirror, which I like of course.

I was so busy checking out my new room I didn't realise Alpha James was standing behind me. I turned around and was only frightened for a second.

"Your clothes will be arriving later on tonight due to vehicle difficulties." He laid a big white tee shirt and black athletic shorts on the bed.

"I insisted that you wear Landon's clothes to sleep in for tonight. In the morning your bags will be here." With that being said he turned around and headed for the door. "Goodnight Rose, if you need anything there are maids that can show you to anything you need." He smiled then shut the door.

Great. Just great. I can't even sleep in the comfort of my own clothes! I picked up the clothes, that had a nice musky scent, and walked to the bathroom. I changed quickly and dumped my dirty clothes into a pile by the door.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom I was greeted of the smell of cinnamon. I sighed and looked into my mates eyes.

His eyes trailed over my body and I couldn't help but blush at his actions. "Look," his rustic voice boomed, "you know I don't want this so I say you should just go home before they even bring your clothes."

I was rather shocked by his words, I knew he didn't want me but I didn't know he would be so rude about it.

I re-composed myself and raised an eyebrow. "Whether you like it or not I'm staying. You can deny it all you want but I am your mate so suck it up. You're going to have to deal with it because I'm not moving." I was rather proud of my little speech.

He shook his head and chuckled, "We'll see about that now won't we Rose?" He left my room without another word. Fine, he wants to act like that, then challenge accepted. Two people can play that game.

I walked to my door and made sure to lock it. I didn't want any other unexpected visitors to show up in my room. I then laid down and started to doze off into a deep sleep. I had a feeling I wouldn't get much of it later on.

I rolled around trying to find a comfortable area, but it just wasn't happening. I made a wall of pillows and hugged it tightly. I felt so alone, and hurt.

Is there something wrong with me? Why doesn't Landon like me? He's probably with someone else. These thoughts wouldn't leave my mind. I cried a little and started to feel my eyes get heavy. As soon as I closed my eyes I was out.

ElephantLover3: I'm sorry for such a short chapter but I do promise to update sooner! Please don't kill me!! I love you all please comment / vote/ and follow me :) everything is greatly appreciated!!

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