Chapter 13

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Katelyn's POV

I'm back from the children's hospital. I'm very thankful to the trios whom they open my eyes to see these unfortunate kids. It's really a heart break to see these kids in pain.

I start to cry thinking about the kids. They are very unfortunate! Some one is knocking on the door, I quickly wipe off my tears and throw the tissue into the waste paper basket, I quickly close the lid up.

I walk over to open the door, it's Kate standing at my door. "Hey Kate, c'mon in please," I say letting my sister-in-law in. The both of us sit on my Princess bed, "Katelyn is everything alright ? You seem quiet once we left the children's hospital, Kate says "And you never say a word when we reach home, honey, please tell me," Kate squeezing my hand.

I confess to Kate. I can't stop myself from crying because I'm very emotional when it comes to pain, heartbreak and more, Kate puts her arm around me "Now Katelyn, there's nothing to be emotional about," she comforts me. That's one thing I have to do- STOP being emotional ! I have to be strong and face the challenge with bravery not THIS ! 

"Thanks Kate," I say wiping away my tears. I look at the time on my clock, it's 7.30 pm, that means it's time for dinner. "Kate, it's dinner time. We don't want to keep grandmother waiting," I say getting up from my bed heading to the Royal Dining Room. Kate follows behind me and shuts the door gently behind her. 

Kate's POV 

After comforting Katelyn, we made our way to the Royal Dining Room. Grandmother and the rest of the Royal family are already there. I guess we are late, when you are in the Royal family you have to be punctual in every ocassion. "Sorry grandmother, we are late," Katelyn says. "It's okay, Katelyn. You and Kate are just in time," Grandmother says. 

Katelyn and I take our respective places. "So Katelyn, how's the visit to the children's hospital ?" grandmother asks. Katelyn swallows her food and then she says "It's good and educational, Grandmother. I really enjoy my Royal duty, with the help of these three I can be the best Princess ever in no time," Katelyn says. 

"Good! Keep up the good work, Katelyn. You're coronation will be on your 17th birthday," Grandmother says. Katelyn is shock when she hears about this, her face turns as pale as white paper! It seems to me that grandma let the cat out of the bag a little early, "On my 17th birthday ?" Katelyn asks with a questioning look on her face. "It's there any problem dear ?" Father asks. "No Father, not at all," Katelyn says.

Looks like Katelyn still can't accept her identity as a Princess of England.

Katelyn's POV

After dinner, I go into my room and lay down on my Princess bed. Earlier at dinner, grandmother informed me, my coronation will be on my 17th birthday 2nd of November 2012 (I'm turning 16 this year, that age I fake up), now don't get me wrong ! I love my job as a Princess, it's just I'm not ready to take my place as the new Princess of England.

I hear William to ask the guards to open my bed room door. "Hey sis, need some company ?" William asks as he sits beside me. "I guess so.." I say. "Hey sis, what's wrong ?" William asks. I didn't answer anything.

William's POV

I ask Katelyn "Hey sis, what's wrong ?" I ask, Katelyn keeps herself quiet. This is making me very worried, what's wrong with my sister ? "William, do you think I should my place as the new Princess of England ?" Katelyn asks, "This is your decision Katelyn. I can't make it for you, we want a young teen girl to make a grown up decision," I say looking at my sister.

"William, thanks for the advice," Katelyn hugs me. "No problem, Katelyn," I say hugging my sister back, I've fulfilled mum's first wish and the other one is to advice Katelyn to take her place as the new Princess of England. "Katelyn,  do you remember the children's hospital we went last two days ago?" I ask.

Katelyn nods her head, "Yes, I remember. That was my first Royal duty," I tell her the crowd loved her and she did a great job at the children's hospital. When I saw Katelyn carrying her first infant, her face immediately lighten up, it's kinda reminds me of mum, Katelyn is living under mum's shadow. Everybody tells me, Kate and Harry, Katelyn looks like mum.

"Get some sleep Princess, tomorrow you have a big day ahead of you," I say kissing Katelyn's forehead before I head out of her room. "Goodnight bro," Katelyn says. I turn off the lights in Katelyn's room and head back to my room.


Katelyn's POV 

It's a Saturday morning, I hope spend my weekends with my brothers and the other member of the Royal family. I see my phone is blinking, I get up from bed and check my phone. Appearantly, there's a text message. I wonder who texts me early in the morning. 

Good morning Katelyn, how's your life as a Royal Princess? Anyways, Crystal, Andre and I just arrived London not long ago. We can't wait to see our best friend again! Love Tori. 

It's a text message from my friends, I hope they will come to Buckingham Palace to pay me a visit. I miss them so terribly! Well, I have been so busy with my Royal duty and all, I don't even have the time to text nor call them. I tidy up my bed as usual and head into the shower, after that I pick a dress from my wardrobe. I brush my hair and look into the mirror, I give myself a satified smile. 

I head down stairs to have my breakfast. I greet my family before I take my seat. "So do I have any Royal duty today ?" I ask as the chef serves my breakfast, "Thank you," I say to the chef. "Yes. You have," Father says. Royal duties on a Saturday ? They must be pulling my leg ! "Where are we going ?" I ask. 

"We're taking you to one of mum's charity centre," Harry says. 

"Great !" I exclaim "When are we leaving ?" I ask. 

"After breakfast, we have to leave in 20," Harry says. 

After savouring breakfast, I go back into my room and change into a formal clothing. One of it has chatches my eyes, I pick out and look into the mirror and suits perfect ! I go into the dressing room and change an orange dress and a jacket which matches the colour. "I can do this !" I say to myself. I pick a pair of sandals, I look into the mirror one more time. 

There's a knock on the door, I turn my head to the door, it's Kate and William standing at my door. "Katelyn, are you ready?" Kate asks. "Yes, I am ! " I say grabbing my clutch from my table. I close the door and it's time to go to mum's charity centre. I can't wait to see kids again ! We are going into several Lamborghini because Grandmother, Father and Step-mother are joining us for the duty. 

On the way to the charity centre, I look out of the window thinking to myself "Can I do this ? Will I be the People's Princess like mum and Kate ?" A lot of questions are running through my mind. "Katelyn, Katelyn !" Harry taping my shoulder. "Yes Harry ?" I ask, "We're here ! Are you daydreaming ?" Harry asks. "Daydreaming ? No, of course not !" I say.

I step down the car, a lot of Royal fans screaming as usual. I wave to the crowd. I receive a lot of flowers from the fans mostly are from the kids. I bend down to receive the flowers from the kids, I hug some of them. One kid runs up to me and gives me a big hug and she gives me a huge bouquet of flowers. 

Kate's POV 

I'm receiving flowers from the fans and sometime stop by to have a chat about 15 minutes. I see Katelyn also receiving from the fans. Katelyn is bending down to receive flowers from the kids, I proudly look on as Katelyn doing her job well as a Princess. Before I enter the centre, I wave to the crowd one more time. Katelyn is already inside the centre with Harry, I stand beside Katelyn, "Katelyn, you did a great job ! Well done !" I praise Katelyn. 

"Thank you Kate," Katelyn gives me a warm smile. 

"I would like Princess Katelyn to step infront to complete this ceremony," the announcer says. 

Katelyn steps infront and pulls the string of the curtain and everyone at the ceremony applauds. Katelyn smiles with pride, I think this Royal rising star is going to be the People's Princess just like mum and myself. Katelyn walks back to us with a smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you Katelyn!" Harry says giving her hug. 

"Thanks Harry !" Katelyn smiles 

After the ceremony, we pay a visit to some unfortunate people and Katelyn, of course, is doing her Royal duty well. She talks from kids to teenagers, like her own age and to the alduts. Everyone seems to like her a lot. We head home around in the afternoon.

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