Chapter 28

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William's POV

We told Katelyn about her special gift which is the freezing powers. She's freaking out right now! "Why you didn't tell me I have powers in the first place? I thought I was a normal teenage girl! Why Wills? Why are you keeping this secret from me?" Katelyn says crying. "We wanted to protect you. We give all the love so your powers won't be exposed. Love is the key to control your powers," I explain.

After explaining, Katelyn collapse to the ground crying. Harry walks over to comfort Katelyn. "It's not a bad thing. You won't be surprise that your powers will come in handy," Katelyn asks "You really think so?" Kate says "Of course Katelyn! But what's more important is what you think. Wipe your tears and let's open your presents," Kate says helping Katelyn up. We walk over to Katelyn's bed to open her birthday presents.

She opens Grandma and Grandpa's gift first. "It's a diary! I always wanted one a diary!" Katelyn exclaims. "Where's the key?" Katelyn asks. "The key of the diary, you are wearing it," I say pointing at Katelyn's locket. "But I promise I won't take it off," Katelyn says. "True that sis. But in order to open that book, you have to use your locket to open it," Harry says. "Okay," she says as Harry helps her to take the locket off.

As Katelyn opens the diary, an envelope drops out. Mum stored inside the diary before headed for Paris. "What is this?" Katelyn asks with curiosity as she bends down to pick up the envelope. "It's a letter from Mum," Harry says. "Go on open it, maybe mum leaves something for you," I say.

Katelyn's POV

I open the envelope which mum left behind. I start to read:

Dear Katelyn,

I presented you to this locket you are wearing and the diary that your Grandparents gave you. I picked the locket for you when you were born. You need to take your place as the Princess of the United Kingdom because it's your duty to take my place. Your brothers are your guardians, they are your strength and courage. At the same time, you have to be independent. A true princess is always independent.

You must face your challenges with bavery and courage, that's one of the qualities in a true Princess. Let your inner light shine bright! Show the world who you really are! You have a special gift which is freezing. The key to control your powers is love because love is the key to everything. Fear is your worse enemy.

I know you will have mixed emotions when you read this letter but you will be a fine Queen one day. I love you so much my dear Katelyn and I love your father and brothers too. Mum

After I read mum's letter, I understand why Dad put me in the adoption centre in the first place because he wants me to protect me from the media. My brothers put a protective arm around me because they want me to be secure and most importantly they want me to understand life as a commoner. "So sis, do you understand now?" Will asks. "Mum's letter explains everything, I'm going to take my place as the Princess of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth realms,"

The three of them look at me proudly. I have made my decision clear.


As I'm walking down the stairs, I bump in to my stepmother, Camilia. "Stepmother," I curtsy to her."Katelyn, you're so lucky to be in the Royal family," stepmother says which is making me confused. "Thank you, stepmother. I really have to go, I'm really running out of time. Catherine is waiting for me to pick my dress for tonight's ball," I say as I quickly run down the stairs but then again stepmother blocks the way.

"Oh Katelyn, you know I always wanted the crown you are wearing right now. You look exactly as your biological mum," I say "I will never let you get away with this, I was born Royally. And I have my rights to take my place as the Queen of the UK,"

"You sound exactly like your mother," Stepmother says with envy. "Enough stepmother," I say. "I haven't done yet," Anger is now pouring into me, "I say, that's enough Stepmother!" I use my powers which make me petrified what I have done to the staircase. "No, no! What i have done?" I question myself for damaging the staircase.

Kate's POV

I've been waiting for Katelyn for hours. Before I leave her room, I told Katelyn to be in my room at 4.00 pm sharp, her 17th birthday gift is a pink gown desinged by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. "Honey, I go check on Katelyn. She should be here by now," I say to Wills but Wills says "Why I go check on her, okay? You stay here and keep our present as a surprise," I say "Okay, Wills but be quick!"

As my husband rushes out of the door, I start to worry about Katelyn. Will something bad will happen?

William's POV

As I'm going down the stairs to pick my sister up, I see some ice along the pathway and some frozen things around here, oh no! Katelyn's power is out of control. Katelyn is there sitting with her face buried under her knees. "Katelyn sis, what have you done?" I say patting on my sister's shoulder. "I don't know William," Katelyn says crying. "Why you tell me everything at my room," I say putting an arm around my sister and lead her to my room.

Catherine, Katelyn and I are sitting on the bed. "Okay, tell me everything. What happened back there?" Katelyn tells how stepmother triggers her anger and that's how her powers are exposed.

"You have to control them, sis. Just remember love is the key," I stress once again to my sister.

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