Chapter 36

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*At Kensington Palace*
Katelyn's POV
I'm in my room writing diary and adding some pictures so the book looks more creative. I'm here to help Kate, you know since she and William are expecting their first child together. Might as well, they need a pair of extra hands. Suddenly, a knock is heard. Putting down my pen, I walk over to open it, it's Charlotte. "Princess, there's a young gentleman who wants your presence," Charlotte says.

Hmm, I wonder who is that gentleman? We rarely have visitors at the Palace, except for the Middletons and my close friends. "Will do Charlotte, thank you," I say. I walk to the family room. To my surprise, my foster brother, Niall is here in London! "Hey Niall, it's so good to see you again!" I walk over to give him a hug. "You too as well, sis!" Niall says "How's everything going? Is royal life treating you well?" he adds.

I tell him everything is going on very well. "I'm helping Catherine, you know since she is..." before I could finish the sentence, Niall says "Expecting her first child with William. Yeah, I know that. The news broke out real quick,"

"Princess, the Duke needs your presence along with Mr. Horan for tea," Charlotte says. Well, I guess it is tea time with William. "Hey Wills," I walk over to hug my brother, he kisses my forehead. "Hey Katelyn, you brought Niall over. It's good to see you again, Niall. Thank you for coming over to visit my sister," William says. "The pleasure is all mine. And congratulations, you're gonna be a father," Niall says.

"Thank you so much! Katelyn has been helping a lot lately, she's a good kid though," Wills ruffles my hair. Brothers! "Yes, yes she is," Niall says "How's your first royal tour in the States?" he asks. "It's really amazing! I got to spend time on countless visits to children's hospices and homes," I say. "You met MJ's kids?" Niall asks. Geez, news really broke out fast when I met the Jacksons. "Yeah! They are really nice and well-raised up kids. Michael taught them well," I say.

The rest of the afternoon is just catching up and enjoy English afternoon tea.

Oh yeah, Grandma wants to meet Niall. It's been five months since One Direction performed after the closing ceremony of the Summer Olympics. Not long after, they met Grandmother themselves. "Niall, Grandma wants to meet you," I say. "Oh Her Majesty wants to meet me. When is it?" Niall asks. "On Christmas! She wants to thank you personally for taking of her granddaughter for the past 17 years," I say. Isn't this exciting? "Sure, I'll be there!" Niall says.

"Oh, and here is the invitation for the Christmas lunch after the annual Christmas service," I hand Niall the invitation d even has his name on it!

Niall's POV
A Christmas lunch invited by the Queen. Katelyn hands me the invitation which has my name on it. I will definitely accept Her Majesty's invitation. The boys and I met Her Majesty when we made our debut at the Summer Olympics closing ceremony. I even asked about Katelyn. "My granddaughter is doing very well, thank you," that's what Her Majesty said.

Well, I guess it's my first Christmas with my sister and her royal family. Katelyn told me earlier that she had asked her Grandma's permission. Breaking the tradition, she is bound to break more in the future.

*Christmas Day*
Katelyn's POV
It's Christmas morning! I look out at my window of Kensington Palace. The sun shines brightly through the window to start a perfect day. I have Christmas outfit sorted out. I'm wearing navy knee-length dress designed by none other than by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. I just love this silky dress! I match the outfit with a maroon hat and a pair of black boots.

I'm thinking of using my powers to make an ice skating ring for everyone to enjoy. Too bad William and Kate can't join in the fun this year because Kate is still suffering fro morning sickness. I look into the mirror and smile at myself, "This is it my first royal Christmas with the family," I say. "Hey sis, are you..whoa, you look stunning!" Harry is lost of words when he sees my outfit.

"Thanks bro! You look handsome!" I compliment back. Christmas is all about spreading the love. My favourite is exchanging presents. I grab my long navy jacket and it's off to Sandringham- the place where Grandma usually spends her Summer holidays.

*At Sandringham*
Prince Harry's POV
Here we are at Sandringham! It's a royal tradition because we come here every year on Christmas. What's more this is Katelyn's first Christmas as a Princess! She is really excited! The whole family is going to be there. We will have to walk to the church- it's part of the tradition.

When we arrive, we greet the senior royals with hugs and kisses. Katelyn is doing the usual greeting very well. Everyone gather here to catch a glimpse of my sister. You know since it's her first royal Christmas. The crowd loves her when we walk to church. Katelyn waves and smiles along the way. She is doing a good job as a royal but she will have fun just like any teens of her age.

*After the Church Service*
We are at the steps of the church. We stop in tracks to greet a few well wishers, I look over at Katelyn who is collecting flowers from them. It's back to the Palace where a traditional lunch will be served for everyone.

*At the Christmas Lunch*
Katelyn's POV
My first Christmas as a royal is not so bad at all! Niall eventually come because I asked Grandma to invite him over. Breaking the royal tradition. I'm bound to break more in future but some are meant to be kept. "Princess, the Queen would like to see you right away," Charlotte says.

I walk up to Grandma and curtsy to her. "Grandma," I greet her. "Katelyn, it's been an honour to invite your foster brother over," Grandma as she looks at Niall then me. "Mr. Horan, I would like to thank you personally for taking care of my granddaughter over the past 17 years. She indeed a great Princess to the family and would be a fine Queen one day," she adds.

"Your Majesty, it is my honour! Katelyn is a good girl," Niall gives me a little squeeze. "Yes she is!" Grandma praises me. I guess I won my family's heart. Hopefully step mum will accept me sooner or later. After lunch, I go outside of the garden to find a perfect place so I can show my hidden talent. "Okay, here goes nothing!" I say as I take out my gloves and pass it to Charlotte.

I use my ice powers to make an ice skating ring for everyone.

Harry's POV
I'm sipping my glass of wine, when everyone starts to gather around the garden. What is going on? Then I see my sister using her powers to make ice skating ring for everyone to join in the fun. That girl is full of surprises! I'm the first one to head out of the garden. The ice is very slippery!

There I find my sister standing in the middle, I almost slip on ice until she manages to catch hold of me. "You okay Harry?" she asks as she gives me a pair of skates. "Oh sis, they're beautiful but you know I don't skate," I say as she guides me to skate "C'mon you can do it!" Little did I know I'm getting the hang of it.

Katelyn's POV
Everyone is joining in the fun, skating. Harry is really getting hang of it! I never thought that I can use my powers to entertain the guests in the Palace. I'm proud to be a Princess. A true Princess will always to listen to her heart, treats her subjects with equality, being adventurous and loving just to name a few.

Once I'm back to Nashville, it's time for me to start a new chapter in my life.

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