Ch 1. Is it to late to move back?

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"We're here!" My mom shouted as we pulled into our new driveway. The house was big. It had 4 bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was white with columns and black shutters.

I was happy to be out of my old town. Memories flashed in my mind. I was glad we moved, nothing good would have come out of staying.

It was a surprisingly warm Saturday for October, and the sun was shining.

I was tired of being stuck in that stuffy car and I jumped out as soon as we stopped. "I get first pick!" I called as I ran inside.

There were four rooms to choose from, one was slightly smaller than the others, obviously a guest room. Two of the rooms were right next to each other while a third one sat down the hall. I knew my mom would want to have a room near my brother to keep an eye on him so I chose the one down the hall. I had my own bathroom and a nice size closet. I could already tell where I was going to put all of my furniture. There was a nice window seat. A beautiful tree curved up right next to my window. It would be nice to look at in the spring.

"Lex, the moving van is here!" My mom yelled from the stairs. I jumped off the window seat and ran to get my stuff.

I unpacked for the rest of the day stopping for desperately needed food. My furniture took almost all day to unload and set up. I finally collapsed at 11 and fell fast asleep.


I woke up on Sunday morning with a groan as the sun hit my face. I could smell my moms famous pancakes. Charlie was singing along to his favorite shows music. I yawned and shuffled into the kitchen. My foot came in contact with what felt like a rock. I groaned as I looked down and saw a box of frying pans waiting to be unpacked.

"Well, morning sunshine, it's 10" my mom said, eyes crinkling as she shook with laughter. I gave a tired laugh and sat down at the kitchen table.

"I still have to unpack my clothes, my books, and my shoes" I said stifling another yawn.

"Alright, well you can do that later. Sarah Abney from across the street is coming over at around 12 with her family. She has a son about your age and two daughters" my mom said waggling  her eyebrows "That gives you just enough time to shower and change your clothes." She put two pancakes on my plate and called for my little brother. He came running in. Charlie was 5 years old. He had dark brown hair cut short and styled into a Mohawk as usual. He had chocolate brown eyes, and a tiny mouth and nose. Charlie was absolutely adorable. He plopped himself next to me and grabbed a pancake. We ate in silence.

11 rolled around and I rinsed off my empty dish and placed it in the dishwasher. I gave my mom a quick kiss and went up to my room to take a shower.

I walked to the boxes that held my clothes in only a towel. I finally decided on leggings an oversized jogger and some converse. I brushed and dried my hair. It was dark brown and shoulder length. I applied two quick swipes of mascara and a small amount of eyeliner not wanting to overdo it. It was 12 and I went downstairs to wait.

Finally the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I yelled as I walked to the door.

"Welcome to the neighborhood! I'm Sarah! I believe I met your mother this morning?" She said enthusiastically as she placed a plate of cookies into my hand.

They smelled delicious and my mouth was already watering. "Of course come in. Sorry if it's a little messy we're still unpacking. I'll get my mother. Make yourself at home." I said with a warm smile. I placed the cookies on the coffee table and went to get my mom. I called up the stairs for her and she came down with Charlie in her arms.

"Hi Sarah, sorry about that Charlie was getting fussy" my mother set Charlie down and he scurried away.

That's when I saw him. His face was heavenly. I had never had the chance to look at something so beautiful. He noticed me staring and smirked. He had full pink lips, piercing blue eyes and messy dark brown hair. He was wearing a gray long sleeve that showed off his muscles, tight black jeans and black vans. He stood tall at about 6 feet. He had 6 inches on my 5'6 height. My mother and Sarah continued to chat away. I noticed two younger girl standing shyly hoping to hide being him. They seemed to be twins, they had light brown curly hair pulled into two tiny pigtails, they wore the same style dress one in red and one in blue. They both had the same piercing blue eyes as their brother.

"That's Ava and that's Jordan" Sarah said pointing to the little girl in blue and then the girl in red. The girls both hid their heads being the boy.

"Lex why don't you show Mr. Abney your room?" My mom suggested gesturing to the boy.

I internally groaned and motioned for him to follow me. I started up the stairs as he unlatched himself from Ava and Jordan. We walked into my room and I closed the door behind him. He watched me the whole time. We were both seated, me on my window seat and him at my desk. His gaze was calculating, almost confused. It made me want to hide under my bed.

"So... My names Alexis, what's yours?" I asked watching his expression.

"Jace. Let's skip the pleasantries because we're not friends just yet" his expression was amused.

"Hmm, bitter are we?" I said raising both eyebrows. "Who pissed in your frootloops this morning?" He got up and crossed the space between us. He brought his face down so there was just inches between us. He stared at me with his sharp blue eyes. Letting out a chuckle he studied me.

"We aren't friends, you're the new girl. But if you stick with me you might have a chance" I scoffed.

"What makes you think I want to even be near you?" he winked then opened the window behind me and climbed out and onto the tree, he jumped onto the ground.

"Well, it was so nice to meet you" a sickly sweet smile spread across my face and you could hear the venom in my voice.

He waved as he ran down the street. Great. Right when I meet a drool worthy boy he opens his mouth and I want to punch him.

I went back downstairs and my mom was seeing Sarah out the door. I grabbed the plate of cookies and sat down for some tv.

"Is it to late to move back?" I asked my mom when she sat down next to me. She chuckled and shook her head.


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smolbeen <12/23/15>

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