Ch 3. Are killer moths a thing?

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My classes passed in a blur. My head swam with the thought of ever seeing another textbook again. Being the new girl was hard enough, but being the new girl that arrived a month after, school had started was worse. Unfortunately Jace was in six out of nine of my classes. His eyes burned holes into the back of my head. I knew he was just playing with me, trying to get in my head. But if there was one thing I did learn today, it was that I was not, going to be one of Jace's gooey eyed robots. He could flash his smirk and wink as much as he wanted but I was not going to be tricked. There were enough heartbreaks in my life. I groaned and fell back on my bed. The fact that teachers give homework on your first day will always confuse me. How do they know I've learned the topics of the homework? Reluctantly, I slid off my bed and crumpled on the floor pulling my homework from my book bag. The math problems started to blur together, the numbers and letters getting harder to tell apart. I was about done and I decided to take a break for much needed food. I leaned against the  kitchen counter as I ate my apple. My mom walked into the house one hand holding her phone to her ear and the other hand holding Charlie on her hip. She smiled at me and went to hold up a finger but with Charlie clinging to her it was a failed attempt.

I chuckled and took Charlie from her. "Thanks again Sarah, I really, really appreciate it!" She nodded her head a few times, "oh my, Lexi would love that. I must admit that I would love one night of not cooking" my throat went dry. Was she talking about what I thought she was talking about?! My mom laughed, the corners of her eyes wrinkling "then it's set! I'll see you guys at seven and I'll make sure to bring my famous brownies!" I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already five. She chuckled again "bye Sarah thank you for the invite!"

My heart dropped. "We're going to Sarah's house at seven for dinner! Isn't that exciting!" She looked at me, her eyes glowing with hope.

"Yeah... I guess" I tried to sound excited. I forced a smile onto my lips and went back to my room to decide what to do.

I slumped onto my bed and reached down to put my books away for another day in hell tomorrow. The bright side was that I didn't have to change for the dinner and I could laze around for a while.

Seven was approaching at an alarmingly fast rate and I couldn't believe it was already six-thirty. I had done nothing productive. I could smell brownies and my mouth watered. My stomach swam with killer moths and I felt like I was going to throw up. Are killer moths a thing? I was definitely going to look that up. It seemed like most insects were pretty evil. I shook my head and scolded myself for trying to get distracted from the issue at hand.

"Lex! Come down here and help me make Charlie presentable, he's got brownie batter all over his face!" I rolled my eyes at my brothers adorable tendencies. I plastered on a fake smile to hide the feeling of my insides being eaten like cloth by the vicious moths.

Charlie walked up to me and placed a baby wipe in my hand. I looked down at it and grinned. Looking back up at him and cleaning his face I chuckled, "Hey mister why do I have to clean your face?" I flicked his nose and gave him a playful glare. I tickled his sides until he fell to the ground. He laughed as he tried to push my hands off.

My mom walked in and started laughing at the site in front of her. I couldn't help but sit back and really look at my family. We had gone through so much and we were still together. My mom helped Charlie up who was still shaking with laughter. She smiled lovingly at him and my heart melted. She was such an amazing woman and was who I hoped to grow up to be. I put on my leather jacket and helped Charlie into his coat. I took the brownies from my mom as we started across the street. As soon as I saw Sarah open the door my smile faltered, just a tiny bit. Sarah was a wonderful woman but her son...

Well he wasn't exactly pleasant.


I am so, so, so, sorry for not updating. I can't believe it's already 2016!!!!!! I'm sorry this update is so short but it was this or not updating for another month xD.

Please comment and share and look out for the rest of my story!!! Feel free to leave any suggestions!

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      smolbeen <1/18/16>

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