Ch 9. Eating cats is mean

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"I promise I'll love you forever. Nothing you can do" he kissed my hand and looked into my eyes "can ever stop me from loving you" Tears fell from my eyes as I hugged him close. He caressed my hair and kissed my forehead. I never wanted to leave this moment, I never wanted to leave this spot. He was my savior and my sanity. "Now let's get this cleaned up and bandaged. We don't want an infection" I nodded as I let him lead me into the bathroom.

I groaned as my alarm sounded, waking me from my dream. I always have dreams about memories. It's annoying to constantly be reminded of my past and the things we moved to escape. That was mostly why I didn't want Jace pushing me to tell him, it wasn't something I liked to be reminded of.

As I walked outside after taking a shower and getting ready I saw Jace. He was leaned up against my car smiling widely. "Hey there pumpkin. How would you like to drive me to school?"

I scoffed "Hmm let me think about it... No." I walked to the drivers side to see him pouting over the car.

5 minutes later and my head was pounding. "Cause I'm taking my time on riiiiiiiide" Jace was currently singing terribly. I cringed as he hit a higher note.

"Why did I let you come with me?" I said as we reached a stoplight. He looked over at me and paused the music.

"Because you're secretly in love with me and I was kind enough to not take your keys and drive off without you?" He said in one large sentence.

I rolled my eyes "What? I didn't even take that long"

"Yes you did! I could've built a car in the time it took you to get ready"

"Then why didn't you build one instead of waiting for me?" I rolled my eyes once again.

"You know what? I should have" he crossed his arms and fake pouted.

"You know the puppy dog eyes don't work on me, it's cute but come on." I laughed at his childish behavior.

"Did you just call me cute Alex?" He smirked at me.

"No! I didn't! You heard me wrong..." My face began to heat up and I looked away.

He chuckled "I must need hearing aids then..."

We pulled into the school parking lot and I stopped. "You should get out now"

"Aww why?" He asked pouting again. He didn't understand. Me showing up with him would make me a target for his fangirls. I was already having trouble avoiding nasty looks and whispers from yelling at him the other day.

"Fine! But I'm blaming you if I get ripped to shreds by your admirers" I pointed at him and parked.

We both stepped out of my car and I could already feel the glares from the high schools female population. When Jace noticed this he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the school. His legs were much longer than mine and I had a hard time keeping up.

"Don't worry about them. Half of those girls are pissed at me because I hooked up with them and they didn't understand the no strings attached thing" he looked like he was actually trying to comfort me.

I scoffed "That doesn't make you very attractive" I spat "You probably hurt them" I was acting crazy and I knew it. But being played by a guy wasn't fun. Of course his kind of playing was a bit different than what I had experienced.

He held up his hands in surrender. "Im not the one that said yes. It's not like it's not consensual, and I don't hurt them. I just entertain" he winked

I couldn't help but crack a small smile at his weird attempt at a joke.

"Bye kid. Have a good day don't get into any trouble. Be good Alex" he waved and ran towards his locker. The crowd was becoming thicker as more people entered the school.

I sighed and walked over to Nicole who was editing some writing on her locker. "Riggs eats-" she scribbled out the rest.

"That's dumb. Eating cats is mean" I looked at her, confused.

"Oh honey. You really are straight" she smiled and patted me on the head. It was times like these that I wish I was taller. I gave her a questioning look. "You don't want to know. Get your stuff so we can get to class"

I was about to open my locker when a hand reached around me and slammed it back shut. Their fingernails were well manicured and I couldn't help but admire the color of their nails. I turned around to face a girl. She was maybe two inches taller than me but I figured out quickly her height was from her monster freaking heels. I mean who wears heels that tall? Anyway. She had blonde hair, and blue eyes. Don't get me wrong. This girls was gorgeous. She had a killer body and great fashion taste, but her presence had annoyed the crap out of me already and she hadn't even spoken. She stood there staring me down trying to intimidate me. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself? I'd like to know the name of the person I have the pleasure of speaking to" I asked out of annoyance. Her eyebrows scrunched. She hadn't been expecting me to speak first. And definitely not so harshly.

"Natalie Manson. And the pleasure is all mine" she gave a wicked grin showing her perfectly straight teeth. "I just wanted to welcome you to this school. And you know give you the rules. There's only three and they're pretty simple. Don't talk to Jace. Don't look at Jace. Don't talk to me. And don't try to play any games. You don't know who you're dealing with" she smiled sweetly.

"Hmm if I counted correctly that was four.." I looked at her innocently and smiled before walking with a snickering Nicole to class.

"You go bitch! That was great. Oh my gosh" Nicole yelled at me.

"Why was that such a big deal? She was being a bitch?" I asked confused.

"No honey she was being a Natalie Manson. A lot of people are scared shitless of her. She messes with me and writes on my locker almost every day but I think she just has a huge lesbian crush on me. She's the cat I'm gonna eat" she winked and erupted into laughter.

"I don't get it" I said, my eyebrows furrowed. Nicole nodded and patted me on the back. "No really I don't get it.." We walked into class just as the bell rang.


Yeah I lied. I said I'd have another chapter up in the next few days *almost a month later* I wrote another chapter!!! I used Ashley Benson as Natalie. You can decide what she looks like on your own if you want to though.

Please comment and share and look out for the rest of my story!!! Feel free to leave any suggestions!

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      smolbeen <6/26/16>

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