All i see. It's everywhere. People with flat stomachs, skinny thighs, amazing curves. Sadly, I have none of those. Yes, people say that if you don't have those "You are still beautiful" "You're unique" "Different." Maybe I don't want to be different. I want to weigh 70 fucking pounds like all of the Instagram models. I don't care what you say. Your words don't mean shit to me honestly. I have a selective mind. and my mind, it only selects 70 pounds. I am programed to hate myself. Everyday I weigh myself. I eat less. Workout more. When will I except my weight? When can I fucking love myself for me? Never. I never will. I'm sorry.
relatiable rants {stressed&depressed}
Randomits basically feelings that im feeling. most people can relate if they are going through what i am.