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"So Lils, how did the conversation with Severus go?" Marlene inquires as we eat.

"Well, long story short, I don't think Sev is going to bother me anymore." I reply.

"I find that hard to believe. And stop calling him Sev, you guys are not friends anymore, remember?" I hadn't even realized that I had been calling him Sev, my nickname for him ever since we were kids, until Marlene pointed it out.

"Why isn't Lily friends with Severus?" Alice asks as she plops herself down at the table. "Oh, and sorry I'm late. I've been in the library pretty much all day."

"Which explains why you haven't heard the latest juicy news." Marlene says, obviously trying to get Alice to ask what happened, which she almost certainly will.

"What happened?" Alice inquires, curious and hungry for both her supper, which she hasn't started to eat yet in the midst of the anticipation affiliated with the big news soon to be revealed, and the biggest piece of gossip to hit this table the entire year.

"Well, James and his gang were picking on Severus, and you know Lily simply will not stand for that, so Lils tried to help him, chivalrous thing that she is, and Severus yells that he doesn't need help from a..." Marlene pauses from dramatic effect, "...mudblood." She whispers the last word into Alice's ear.

Alice gasps and immediately leans over the table and gives me a bear hug. That's what she does best in these situations, comfort. She and Marlene are quite the perfect pair for anybody going through a tough time. Alice tells you that it'll be just fine, and Marlene helps you get on with your life. I personally try to do a little bit of both, using what I've learned from them.

"Are you alright?" Alice, shocked by the piece of information she just received, asks me.

"Yeah, I'll get on just fine. Besides, that friendship was going to end soon enough anyways, so why wait?" I respond.

We return to our meals and eat in silence, preferring to listen in on conversations around us. Someone close by is thinking about trying to sneak a dog onto school grounds. Idiots. I hear a tray slam down next to me and look up to see who it is. To no one's surprise, it's none other than James Potter. Honestly, I'm glad to see his stupid face, although I would never admit that out loud.

"So Evans, we were cut off in the corridor earlier." James says with the cocky smile he nearly always wears. I swear, it must be plastered onto his face.

"We were? I don't recall." I do remember, it was right before Sev, sorry, Severus, pulled me aside on my way here, but I won't let James have the satisfaction of knowing that I remembered some random thing he said.

"Well, I was going to ask if you would maybe like to meet up later. Not like a date or anything, I'd just like to speak with you, that's all." James actually sounds a bit insecure.

I think for a second. "That sounds alright. Where were you thinking?"

"Common room after supper sound good to you?" James asks, his confidence boosted.

"As good as it can be." I respond.

James nods and heads down a table to sit with his little gang. Sirius pats him on the back. They must think this is a date. Was I just tricked into dating James Potter? Geez, I must have really let my guard down. James brushes Sirius' arm off and shakes his head. Wow, I have never taken him as the type to not accept praise, even if said praise wasn't rightfully earned. Now that I think about it, he seems to have matured a bit since last year. He and his people haven't bullied Severus nearly as much as they did any other year. Not to say he can't be a toerag, but no one is all bad.

Remus quietly sits next to me and taps my shoulder. "Lily, I'm so sorry about what happened earlier. I know you and Severus are good friends. That must be really hard to go through."

"Were good friends. And don't feel sorry for me, I just want to get on, you know? The sooner I can leave this behind the better." I reply.

Remus doesn't look completely convinced. "If you ever need to talk, I'm always around."

That's what Remus is best at in these situations. He listens, and never diminishes any problems, unless they're downright idiotic. Like when Sirius lost a game of chess to me and went off crying to Remus and Remus just told him to stick it out. Which he did. We played all night until I bested him, 51:49. Neither of us would admit defeat.

"Thanks." I murmur, distracted by the sight of Severus at the Slytherin table. As he sits his death eater chums pat him on the back and loudly congratulate him on "leaving the little mudblood". Right before Sev glances back at me I avert my eyes, choosing instead to look at my plate of barley touched pork, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I pick at my meal, despite not being very hungry. I think I lost my appetite. Feeling a bit daring I glance up at Sev again, only to find him laughing along with his buddies. Maybe there will be a grand celebration in the Slytherin common room tonight. Whoopee.

I return to my supper, trying to finish it despite having lost my appetite. As people begin to leave I watch James so as to see when he leaves. I'd go now, but I really don't want to be alone for very long. Come on, you've got to be done soon. I realize too late that I've been staring. It's a good thing that only James noticed, because if Sirius did he'd give me hell about it for weeks. Luckily James gets the message and heads off to the common room. A few minutes later I follow.

"Lily, there you are. Follow me." James says once we reach the common room.

"Um, alright." I respond, confused.

He grabs my arm and leads me to a little nook in the corner that I never even knew existed. How that stupid boy found it is beyond me. Remus probably showed him, come to think about it.

"Bet you didn't know about this place, huh?" James smiles cockily as he speaks.

"Oh, shove it. What'd you want to talk to me about anyways?" I inquire.

He straightens his Gryffindor tie. "Well, I know you've always thought of me as a prat and a bully and all that, but I'm really not that bad. Who but Severus have we been bullying?" He pauses. "See, you can't think of anyone. Now, I can't promise never to hang Snivilus from the Slytherin banner again, but I've been trying to clean up my act."

"Why?" I ask. He does seem sincere.

"Um, well, it's for, um..." Once again, he pauses. He, like Marlene, loves dramatic effect. Or maybe he's just trying to gather up the courage to continue speaking. " I mean, not just because of you, but um, you are important to me and all. I'd like to be a person you wouldn't be disgusted to call your friend, that's all."

I giggle. "That's very sweet of you, James. Do you think you could also stop using those cheesy pick up lines?"

"I'm afraid that will take some time." He replies, relieved by my response. "And if you need a friend to replace Severus, I would be more than willing to fill the spot."

"That would be alright, I suppose. But don't expect me to be spending every moment with you, you've still got a ways to go." Possibly against my better judgement, I give him a hug, leaving him blushing.

When I reach the room, Marlene asks me how it went with James.

"Was it like a date?" She asks, nosy girl that she is.

"Lord no. He just wanted me to know that he's trying to clean up his act, that's all." I reply.

"You know he loves you, Lils." Alice chimes in.

"Love is a strong word. Besides, it's not like he's doing it for me." I explain.

"You seem to be getting on well, Lily." Marlene changes the subject, thank god.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am."

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