Chapter Six

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(Sebastian's POV)

Waking up the day after dinner at Javier's sucked. I could hear my mom on the phone across the hall, and from her tone, it was obvious she was talking to my dad. She was crying and I turned onto my side, burying my face under my pillow. Anything to block the sound. Saturdays sucked.

Getting up, I stretched and yawned, already wanting to go back to bed. I couldn't though because I had some major plans for the day. Last night with Javier, I had started to think that I really wanted a second chance with him. As in, a chance to be his friend. And I know that if that is ever going to happen, there are a few things I need to take care of first. Like getting my friends to begin thinking of Javier as a person, not as a punching bag. That was going to be the hardest part. See, once people got into the habit of doing something, the less likely they are to give it up.

My stomach growled loudly, but I ignored it. Hunger was the enemy and I was not going to bow down to it. This new-found control I had with my life was the only thing that kept me going sometimes. I ate too much for dinner last night and was really going to have to work to shed off the fat. I was losing a lot of muscle though. My last weigh in, I was 213 pounds. The time before, only three months earlier, I had been 251. My weight was always in my muscles. Sports packed on a lot of it, and I was in a lot of them.

I had noticed lately though, that with my weight loss, I had lost a lot of energy. I couldn't work out as much and my muscle mass was severely deflating. I didn't care though. I was in control and that was all that mattered. Now, I had to get dressed and call my friends. This was seriously important business. 


An hour and a half later, I was in Central Park with Kade, Jake, Simon, and Lachlan. Sitting on the swings, we just kind of screwed around for a few minutes before I decided to put this meeting in order.

"Guy's, we need to talk," I said, and they all just stopped and looked at me, waiting for an explanation. "About Javier." I finished. They all just stared at me, as if not sure where I was going with this. Then Jake said something that almost shocked me off my swing.

"Who's Javier?" he asked, and all I could do was stare. WHO is Javier? Are you kidding me? We have ALL abused and harassed this boy for years, and Jake didn't even know the boy's name? What the Hell is wrong with him?

"How do you not know the name of the boy you have beaten on for the last five years?" I question, incredulous.  Jake shrugged, then his eyes widened in revelation.

"Oh! Is he the faggot?" Jake asked me, and I have no idea why, but the second that the word 'faggot', left his lips, I wanted to beat the fuck out of him. What gives him the idea that he can label another human being, and not even know his name?

I know that I fucked up a lot with Javier and that I made a lot of really bad decisions in the way I treated him. And yet, I knew who he was. I knew what kind of person he was. Sadly though, that made my abuse the worst in a way. I knew the whole time I was hurting him, that Javier couldn't harm another living soul. He was an amazing person, kind, caring, and just humble. I hadn't cared though. He was an easy target. I could take my anger out on him for the pain I felt inside, and feel comfortable that he wouldn't strike back. I was a coward. But I had been an angry coward.

"You will not call him a faggot again. Do you understand me?" I asked Jake, clenching my teeth and glaring at him. He looked confused, and I must have looked pissed, because he nodded quickly without questions. "That is what I want to talk about" I said, looking at the others pointedly. 

"What do you mean, Seb?" Simon asked me. I made sure to stare at each of them individually before continuing. 

"I don't want you guys to screw around with him anymore. He doesn't deserve it and there are plenty of other people you can spend your time abusing." I said, making the point loud and clear with the strength in my voice. 

"Why? Why are suddenly trying to protect him?" Lachlan asked, looking as if he were going to protest.

"I don't know why. I just want you to stop. He's my new neighbor. All I need is drama with the neighbors." I said, the last part sarcastic. The first part was true though. I really didn't know why I suddenly wanted to protect Javier. I didn't know why I now didn't want to hurt him. Nothing has really changed in school or out, so there has been nothing to cause me to want to help him. The only reason I can think of is the day I had to take him to the nurses office.

In my arms, Javier had been so small. So light and vulnerable. His pale skin almost translucent yet not where the bruises were fading and new ones were forming. His black hair swept across his face and his arms hanging at his sides. Pouty, plump lips that were swollen from punches and open from breathing. The way he a doll. Broken and out of place in the large white hallway. It had made me see how weak he was. Like he needed protecting. Someone to care for him. He had his brother, that I knew. And yet I couldn't help thinking, just maybe he needed me too. I would protect him, whether he wanted me to or not. And my friends needed to understand that.

"Listen. I don't need to explain myself to you. You just need to agree. You will not hurt Javier again. In ANY fucking way. If I find out you do, I will personally ruin all of you. Do you understand me?" I growled, just daring them to argue. They all looked at each other for a few seconds and then looked back at me. They nodded. I smiled.


A/N-YAY! Two chapters in two days guys! I'm on a roll!! 


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