Chapter Twelve

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At exactly 7 o'clock, Sebastian appeared on my doorstep. Luckily, Eli was getting picked up by his friend Tyler today, so it was just Sebastian and me. The again, I'm not sure if that's really 'lucky'. More like a curse. Looking up at him through the doors window, I was hoping I wouldn't regret allowing him to pick me up. Pulling open the door, Sebastian gifted me with a smile that made my heart flutter and I silently scolded myself. Smiling back at him shyly, I stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind me.

"You ready?" Sebastian asked me, running a hand through his hair. I nodded, motioning for him to lead the way. Getting into his car once again seemed a daunting task and I silently contemplated the best method of hauling myself in. As I opened the door, my concerns seemed to be for naught. Sebastian immediately places his hand on my hips and lifts me in, my breath hitching at the contact. I huffed in exasperation as he closed my door for me as well. He apparently thinks that I'm not capable of much.

He climbs into the driver side with ease, making me take into consideration that 6 inches is quite a size difference. I wish I could climb into this damn car so easily. I pouted as I leaned back in the seat, crossing my arms across my chest and looked out the window. I heard Sebastian chuckle so I whipped my head around and narrowed my eyes at him. He was staring straight ahead, biting his lip and obviously holding in laughter.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked quietly, glaring lasers into his face. Next thing I know, Sebastian's holding his sides, laughing so hard I thought he was going to slide out of his side. My jaw dropped, not really sure what I was watching. Some kind of mental breakdown? Has he really lost it? Why do I have to be the one with him when it happens?

" should...have seen your face. cute when you're mad!" Sebastian choked out between laughing. My jaw snapped shut and if my glare wasn't painful before, it was downright deadly now. He slowly stopped laughing and sighed, shaking his head.

"Are you done?" I asked, deadly calm. He smiled and looked at me before dying of laughter again.

" god. You...look l-like a l..little kid..that just got a c..corner!" He cried, once again holding his sides as he laughed. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest again and looking straight ahead, away from Sebastian's joyous face. As much as I hate to admit it, that laugh made me want to join in and laugh along side him. I shook my head. 'stop it Javier. Don't let it get to you! He's laughing at you!'  I mentally chided ! myself.

"Can we go now?" I asked, not wanting to seem as if my resolve was breaking. Sebastian chuckled, but nodded his head. He started the car and off we went. To Hell...or school. Which ever you choose to call it...


Arriving at school was interesting. I can honestly say that no one has ever stared at me the way that half, if not more, of the student body was when Sebastian helped me out of the car in the parking lot. The only way to describe the look would be jealousy...but why would anyone be jealous of me? Oh right. Sebastian. That makes more sense.

Walking into school, I got a lot of curious and angry looks to go with the jealous ones. I mean, I definitely understand their confusion. Why would anyone, let alone the most popular kid in school, be driving me to school? Hell if I knew. If someone told me two days ago that Sebastian would suddenly develop a crush on me and pick me up for school I probably would have laughed in their face. I guess I couldn't do that now.

I walked into Calculus, one of the few classes I shared with Dahlia, and was immediately bombarded with questions.

"What's going on? Why did Sebastian bring you to school? Do you like him? Does he like you? I thought you hated each other? I'm so confused!" She ranted. I groaned. I really didn't want to have to explain anything to her, or anyone else for that matter. I know I'd have to eventually, but I was hoping to prolong the torture until at least later in the day. Looks like I wouldn't get the chance.

I began to tell her what happened, leaving out the kiss and Sebastian's love confession because I still wasn't sure if it had really happened or if I was dreaming. I just simply told her that he'd asked to try again. And I'd agreed. She didn't look convinced, like she knew I was lying-which I was- but good luck getting me to admit that. I simply smiled and turned to the front of the class. The bell had just rang.

(Sebastian's POV)

I knew that people would question me as soon as I walked into the school. My friends especially. And I was right. Walk-in into first period, almost everyone in there threw questions at me.

"Why did you bring the gay kid to school?" And "What the hell was that kid in your car for?" Are a few that I especially hated. I sighed. Being friends with Javier was going to be hard. Not because of him. I loved him. I loved spending time with him. It was just terrible because now I felt the need to defend him and protect him from everyone. Even more so then before.

"Would you all just Shut up? If it was any of you business I'd tell you, but it's not. So for God's sake leave me alone. And he has a name by the way. The 'gay kid'? It's Javier. I suggest you learn to use it." I threaten, knowing that they could tell I was angry. After all, they had no right to talk about him like that. I know I'm being a hypocrite, but I can't help it. I'm trying to change. And this time for the better. I'll never leave Javier to face the word alone again. Never.

A/N- hey guys. Sorry it's been so long. I'm going to try and publish more often. The last few months have just been really hectic. So yeah. I know this is short but I was just trying to get something up to let you know that I'll be continuing the story hopefully a lot quicker now. Thank you for your patience with anyone who's been here since I started this story. I'll get better I promise. :)

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