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Author's Note:

Finally got around to doing this! I had writer's block for like 2 weeks... Ugh. It was awful. Anways, this is their confrontation in the parking lot!

Also, please read the note at the bottom. IMPORTANT.


Dean and Cas were close. They had passed personal space and breached intimate. Hell, they were even closer than Cas’s normal six inches. But the fact that Dean was the one who had made the small gap between them, rather than the blue – eyes angel with no concept of personal space, comforted him.

That is, until the hunter realized he had made the first move. The latter had yet to respond, and no emotions crossed his face, besides that of deep contemplation. Dean had no way to grasp Cas’s current footing on the situation, which caused his heart rate to race.

Castiel inhaled as a gust of wind blew through the lot and ruffled his hair, eyes closed. His exhale was just as fluttery as the wind, and took Dean several moments to realize it was actually the fallen angel muttering in Enochian.

Thoughts raced through Dean’s mind as Cas stood silent. He wasn’t gay. Sure, he had checked out the occasional dude once in a while, and it really wasn’t his fault he had walked into that male strip club that one time. He had only fucked a guy, once, years ago, and that was just so he could get answers for a case. The orgasm felt sick and meaningless. There was no pleasure involved.

As another breath of wind whispered past the pair, Dean imagined running his fingers through Cas’s hair. The angel’s sex hair would rival that of David Tennant. Dean blushed, slightly aroused at the thought and appalled. What made him think Cas would seek a sexual relationship, if he even sought a relationship with Dean? The blush continued to creep as he wondered if Cas had heard the thought. The angel usually kept out of Dean’s head, but wouldn’t a thought liked that cross his angel radar or something?

Finally, the blush was a deepened to a dark crimson as Cas popped his eyes open, seemingly in response. The whole pause took little over 10 seconds.  When Dean and Cas met for the first time on earth, the angel had seemed so sure of himself. Now he stumbled over his words. “D-Dean.”


“D-Dean.” The angel sighed. The way Dean’s face lit up as he heard his name was adorable. Castiel wanted to zap Dean to sleep so he could mull over his thoughts, but even though Castiel’s people skills were ‘rusty’, he knew he had to respond as soon as possible.

“I’ve had feelings for you for… a long while. At first, I thought I just wanted to protect you.” Cas’s signature lost puppy look was on his face, most likely as he reflected on a long since passed touch or string of words.  Now several feet away from Dean’s silent but persistent face, Cas looked off at a fixed point in the distance.

The angle’s gaze snapped back to meet Dean’s green eyes. “I didn’t realize it was just a side effect, because I still want to protect you. But after so long of wanting you and your very essence, and being disappointed time and time again, I tried to stop caring. When I relieved Sam of his Lucifer hallucinations, I thought it would be a ‘win-win’, as you say, situation for me. For instance, I thought that if the hallucinations had left me relatively unscathed and sane, you would have been in love with my deed, if not me. And if I had gone crazy, which I did, I thought my feelings for you would have been overshadowed be hallucinations and I could forget. But that didn’t happen, Dean. Love prevails over all else, correct?” Dean’s spine tingled when Cas said ‘love.’ “I didn’t tell you this, but I hallucinated about you. The things you said, that you did…” Cas let out a chuckle and his broken showed through. They were both broken.

The whole time, Dean had been silent and still. As Castiel paused, though, he swayed and whispered a strangled “I’m so, so sorry.”

Castiel ignored the apology and continued. “The point is, Dean, the whole time I’ve wanted to either have you, or to forget about you. Ecstatic, if I got you, relieved, if he got the latter. And that night,” Cas didn’t need to speak the words for Dean to understand. He had long since put the puzzle pieces together. “I thought I would finally get you. My hopes soared. But then you stomped over my feelings. When we stopped talking, I tried to convince myself that one night was all I needed, but it wasn’t enough.”

Dean opened his mouth, but no words came out.

The angel lifted his hand and pointed a finger at Dean, almost accusingly. “I will give you one chance, and once chance only.  If you screw up, then that will be all the proof I need that you are a total ass… butt. I am not afraid to walk out on you.” His blue eyes twinkled mischievously with his total power.

The hunter was fully aware of the warning. Dean knew he would be treading on eggshells, but he stepped forward and threw his arms around Cas.

Cas smiled into Dean’s tanned neck and spoke softly, almost as if not to shatter the moment. “Now all you have to do is get rid of Santana.”

The words were on Dean’s chapped lips before he even pulled away from the embrace. “Oh, shit.”

Author's Note:

You should be happy. At first when I was writing this, I was thinking about having Cas get really angry as he was talking and leave him again... but then his happened.

Anyways, PLEASE feel free to send me prompts, I'd love to start writing one shots! I actually do have an idea... but I don't know if I will upload it.

I'm not sure if this will be a contest, or something I do for every chaptor. Depends on how well this goes!

Send me some of your writing, or maybe just a prompt, and I will use it for getting rid of Santana! I will either dedicate the chapter to you, but if there is more than one idea that I like, then I will mention you in my author's note and follow you!! Seems simple enough, but if you have questions, message me or even just post on my wall.

For example, message me something like "santana cheats on dean with sam" and i will consider it!



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