Samtana Part 2

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Author's Note:

So I don't know if you noticed, but I might move to Archive of Our Own. But Idk. 

Also, I was planning on making this Thanksgiving dinner thing only 2 parts but it might end up being more like 3 or 4.


Dean pulled Santana into an embrace, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Sam raised his eyebrows, so unused to his older brother being in a relationship, let alone one that doesn't revolve around intercourse.

"So I guess you guys have met..." he began, "Santana, this is my kid brother, Sammy. Sammy, this is my girlfriend Santana." Dean smiled sheepishly, loving the word 'girlfriend.'

Santana smiled warmly and took Sam's hand. "Dean lied! You are much bigger in person."

"Huh," Sam scoffed as they made their way towards the living room, "What else does he say about me?"

She leaned forward as though she was about to tell a great secret, then whispered, "Well, a lot actually..." Sam sent a meaningful glance at Dean's back as he sat down.

"You're smart, for starters. Do you have any idea how many times I've listened to Dean brag about 'Little Sammy' going to college? I mean, this whole time I kind of expected you to be really short and nerdy."

Sam leaned back, a half smile that was somewhere between arrogant and humble lighting up his features. He knew Dean loved him, but, heck, he had no idea Dean thought so highly of him.

At that moment Dean came through the door, an apron around his waist and a rushed look on his face. 

"Hey, sorry, the food might be a while; I had no idea hosting one of these things was so much work. Jeez."

Santana smiled and shook her head, "That's fine. We can start watching the football game until it's ready."

Sam turned to face the petite woman, a look of bewilderment and amusement crossing his face. "You like football?"

"Correction, she loves it. Won't stop talking about it," Dean pointed out, "Thank God for DVR, or else we would have to listen to her complaining about being unable to watch football all night."

She shrugged and pumped her fist in the air, "Go Ravens! Speaking of which, Sam, you would have been great at football. It's too bad you guys traveled so much."


The brothers left her in the living room, eyes glued to the TV screen, and traveled back to the bedroom.

Sam popped open his beer bottle, which he had grabbed on their way, and took a sip. "So. How much have you told her?"

Dean sighed, "Nothing. She thinks I'm so normal, and I just want to forget about all the monsters... and if I tell her, you know, she'll probably get mad that I hadn't told her before. But if I tell her too soon, she'll leave me. Ugh."

Sam nodded; it had been the same way with Jess. Of course, he still thought that had he told her she might be alive. "Yeah, I gotcha." He looked around, and they were silent for a few minutes, besides the sound of swallowing.

"Anyways, where's Cas? I thought he would be here or something."

"We, uh, haven't been talking. Got in a bit of a fight." Dean scratched his arm.

This seemed to shock Sam, "So you haven't seen him? Jeez, he's in rough shape. I just saw him a few weeks ago. Drunk as a skunk, sure as hell smelled like one too. Didn't know angels had BO."

"Really? Did he say anything about me?" Dean perked up, frightened at what Sam might say.

"Uhh, no, not really. He spent most of the time passed out on my couch." Sam chuckled at the memory of the angel snoring.

Dean grinned with relief, and Sam asked, "Hey, so why would he be mad at you anyways? You've always been Cas's favorite."

"Long story. But, do you think you could call him? I want to talk to him, but I don't think he'll listen to me right now."



ok. sorry. i think you can call that a cliffhanger? idk.

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