Winter Break

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Saphire's POV
I am in my dorm room packing to go home for break. I am very excited to go home not just because I am going to see my parents and godparents but because I'm meeting my other brother and sister, Jade and Jonathan. They are twins I didn't meet them last time because they were at camp in America. I'm also meeting Draco's brother and sister Pearl and Paul. I had to go meet my brother and all my friends in the Slytherin common room to go to the great hall for the final breakfast at Hogwarts before winter break.
"Hey baby," I said to Draco walking up to him.
"Hi, let's get to the great hall before we miss breakfast," he said while the rest of our friends arrived.
While we were walking to the great hall, Potter and Weasley came out of the corner and started bullying me, Emerald, and Ruby.
"Hello, what are you idiots doing? Are you just being an idiot or dum idiot? You three are ugly," Potter said.
"What?" Emerald, Ruby and I asked.
"Let me spell it out for you. You are U G L Y, ugly," he said.
"No one calls our sisters ugly," Blaise and Theo said.
An hour later on the train
I am crying in Draco's arms, Emerald is crying in Blaise' arms, and Ruby is crying in Theo's arms.
"I can't believe them, can you, to think they were my best friends," I said after I calmed down.
"They are the idiots letting your friendship go Saphire," the boys all said.
"Hey girls, turn that frown upside down. You're about to meet Jade, Jonathan, Pearl, and Paul. We're pulling up into kings cross," Pansy said.
"Hey guys, Jade, Jonathan, these are your sisters Saphire and Ruby, and Pearl, Paul, this is Theo's sister Emerald," Draco said.
Jade and Jonathan ran over to me and Ruby and Pearl and Paul ran over to Emerald and hugged us. "Hi," they said in sync.
"Kids it's time to go back to the manor my mother said.
Christmas Day
The kids are all opening their presents and I found my gift from Draco. I opened it and I found a snake bracelet with green gems, matching earrings and a matching necklace.
"Baby, I love this gift, and you too," I said.
"You're welcome Saphire, and I love you."
I gave Draco the latest and fastest broomstick model, just like I got my brother.
Day of Return
"Bye, family, see you when we come home," Blaise said.
On the train
"I'm nervous about going back to school, with Potter and Weasley, they will start bullying me, Emerald and Ruby again," I said.
"No, they won't Saphire, your brother, Theo, Vince, Greg, and I will not let anything harm you three. We don't let anything harm Daphne, Astoria, and Pansy, and we will not let anything harm my girlfriend, or Theo's or Theo's sister, ok," Draco said.
"Oh, ok," I responded.
The rest of the way to Hogwarts, the boys decided to talk about Quidditch, and the girls decided to just about our annual shopping spree for the Welcome Back Ball.

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