Chapter 1. Part 1: Breaking Away

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Heir to the Court
Chapter 1: Breaking Away
Dick Grayson POV
Part 1

It was a cold night in Blüdhaven. I was returning from a bust I took out. The criminals fear the name Nightwing as long as it involves Blüdhaven. I was starting a lead on Harley. Batman had "died" and the bat family had split for now. Harley was on her average gun stealing gigs. The van holding the weapons drove by and I dropped down on top of it. I smashed the windshield and turned the wheel so that the vehicle crashes. I jumped off in time and took the men out one by one. Harley was yelling at them through a radio. I picked it up and cleared my throat to mimic one of her goons.
"Sorry boss lady. We had some trouble with the pretty boy. He's gone now I hope." He heard her mumbled something back and he grinned. "Sure thing. I'll bring the weapons to you." I dropped the radio and smashed it with my boot then called the BPD to get rid of the weapons. Harley did not hear back from her men so that ended with her walking out to check out the weapons. She noticed they were knocked out and me standing on the van.
"Hi Quinn. It's time to put you away for good." I smirked and flipped off the van.
She narrowed her eyes. "Nightlight!! You'll pay for this!" She held her bat and took a swing at me. I couldn't dodge fast enough and it made impact with my leg. I fell forward onto my stomach and used my Escrima's to zap her. The blonde winced and hit me again but this time in head. My vision fell to blackness. Two of her goons were waking up. The brute picked me up over his shoulder and the other goon was a guard.
"Let's take him boys. He needs to learn some manners." Harley smirked and the three of them took off with me as the captive.
I awoke a few hours later strapped down to a chair. My hands were bound behind me and my Escrima's were on a table with some knives. I glared at Harley.
"You won't get away with this. My family will come for me. They will take you down." I snapped at her and that only made her laugh.
"You really think they will come? They won't find you if you're dead!!" She walked over to me with something in her hand. A sharp pain flew through me as a knife entered my chest. I groaned and wince trying to get loose. "Ah ah ah. Keep moving and this death with a quick one. I don't want that to happen. I want a slow painful one for you."
"You're crazy. Wait till I get out of here." I mumbled only making her stab my again. My body tensed up as blood stained the blue bird on my suit.
"Hehehe. Aww does that hurt bird brain?! Good. It is supposed to." She tossed the knife onto the table and soon a gun was in her hand. "You really are the handsome bird." Her voice was flirty. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not interested you crazy bitch." She smacked me and aimed the gun at my stomach.
"That's not a way to treat a lady." I felt the gun dig into the soft spot of my armor that was weak at the stomach.
"You're no lady." I mocked her even though it wasn't a smart move. She fired the gun and I gasped as my breath quickened. She only narrowed her eyes at me and grapped one of my Escrima's.
"I wonder what the this button does." She zapped me making me cry out in pain.
After a few hours of pure torture, I blacked out falling unconscious. She had to relocate since Jason and Tim had found her hide out. They were close to finding me but failed to fully achieve the goal. Jason picked up my Escrima's and decided to head to Bruce to examine them for any evidence leading up to where Harley took me. Let's just say it was the longest two days of my life. But what happens later.... Is a whole other story.
(The End.. For now. Part 2, Chapter 1. Coming soon.)

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