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I finished packing and i've got everything I need. Guns, pocket knives, throwing knives, my spy suit, bullet proof vest, spy cameras, Ipad, Iphone, mini microphones, 5 GPS clear chips for phones, lip stick lazer, blusher that melts any object, pen tazer, basically everything you need for a high ranked spy.
I wish that I could tell Louis that I was a spy because It kills me to not tell him, when we were younger I would always have to come out of school to go on missions with Eleanor, Louis would always ask where I was and why I wasn't in school, it was always so hard to keep it from him.
I always had to come up with the same excuse saying that it was important and had to go see our uncle Simon. I still don't see how he believed me all those times. Anyways, me and Eleanor are on our way to the airport because we are in America and have to go all the way to London. woohoo 8 hours on a plane yey. Sarcasm intended.


"Can't wait to see the boys again can you? its been a while." I said talking to Eleanor breaking the silence.
"yeah, and im also getting married in a year!" she said grinning happily.
"I know omg you're going to be my sister-in-law!" I said excitedly.
I checked my watch and it was already 4 o'clock in the morning. ugh why do I have to be up this early?
"its gonna be so funny to see the boys' expressions when we turn up on their front door" I said laughing and Eleanor joined me,
"I can just imagine what they will be like" she said snorting, which only made me laugh harder.

We must have been laughing for a while because we were already at the airport by the time we calmed down. "yyeeyy we are here!" me and El screamed together, this is going to be so fun but we have to remember to stay focused because of our mission.

---------skip plane ride---------

We started getting excited and nervous when we saw the house come into view.
"here we go" El said. This is it. After 4 years we'll be seeing the boys again.

We pulled up outside the house and got out of the car, thanked the driver and got all of our luggage and pulled it up to the front door.
We took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

*Louis' Pov*

"hey boys" I said sitting on the couch "hey" they chorused not taking their eyes off of the TV
"Ni can you pass me some crisps please?" I asked.
"Erm no go get your own, these are mine" Niall said.
I scowled at him but went into the kitchen and got myself my own crisps.

It was five or so minutes later when we heard a knock on the door.
who could be knocking on the door at 10 o'clock at night?
"I'll get it" I said seeing as none of the boys showed any signs of moving.

I sighed and got up walking down the hallway and to the front door.

I opened it to see my sister and Eleanor standing there with 3 suitcases each "JESS" I shouted running into my sisters open arms "Lou I have missed you so much" she said crying.
I must admit I was crying too because I have missed her so so so so much! She looked so different, so grown up. "I missed you so fucking much too sis." I said trying my best not to cry that much "it feels better to be in your arms again,I feel safe." she said sniffling.
I just smiled down at her "I feel the same way sis" I mumbled a reply. Eleanor coughed and we separated. "sorry El its just I haven't seen my sister in ages" I said all in one breath "its okay I get it and I would be like that as well." she said with a smile. "come here" I said opening my arms out to her and pulled her into a hug.
"I've missed you so much. I love you" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too, Lou" she replied smiling.

" well I will leave you to and go then" Jess said shuffling her feet on the floor, I could tell she was uncomfortable.
I pulled away from Eleanor and smirked "aww sorry Jess did it make you uncomfortable?" I said in a baby voice.
"shut up!" she said punching my arm playfully. "are we allowed inside or are we just gonna stay out here all night?" Eleanor said "well you could stay out here if you want to" I said sarcastically.
"MOVE!" Jess shouted and pushed past me. El just laughed
"she is like you, y'know?" she said while pushing past me as well "WHAT IS IT LIKE, PUSH PAST LOUIS DAY?" I shouted at the girls and they turned around and just laughed at me.


Me, El and Lou all walked into to living room together to see all the boys with their eyes glued to the T.V.
"Is the T.V. more interesting than me and El like?" I said to the boys and their heads snapped in our direction "JESS, EL" they boys said un unison. "I've missed you guys so much" I said crying again and running to give them a hug, El doing the same.
I went to Niall first because I kinda like him more than just a friend, I've got to say that me and Niall have the strongest relationship out of all the boys, well except Louis of course.
"Hey Ni" I said,
"Hey Jess, long time no see" he replied squeezing me tightly.
"i know i've missed you and the boys loads, i havent seen all of you in what 4 years?" i exclaimed.
"yeah, its being that long. It seems longer though" he said releasing from the hug.
"im gonna see Liam now by Nialler" I said moving over to where Liam was.
"Hey Li-Li" I said pulling him into a hug.
"hey Jessie" he replied.
"how's life been?" I asked him
"good except the boys have been annoying like hell" he said pouting, Aw.
"Daddy Direction side has came out again" I said in a baby voice "I don't like that name!" Li said folding his arms across his chest." Well I don't like Jessie so get used to it boy" I replied giving him a small smirk. "I'm gonna go see haz now, bye leeyum" I said giving him a quick hug and walking off.

"HAZ COME GIVE US A HUG" I shouted at him.
"COMING JESSIE-BEAR" I scowled at him and he laughed. He knows I hate that nickname.
"what have I told you about calling me that name?!" I scolded him teasingly. he just laughed again.
"now give me a hug you idiot!" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him into my arms.
"I've missed you, y'know" I told harry softly. "I've missed you too Jessie-Bear" he replied kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes and pulled away wiping my cheek "ew hazza don't do that"
"Do what?" He said innocently.
"You know what"
"Oh you mean this?" He said but this time he licked my cheek. I grimaced and wiped my cheek again.
"You never change do you?" I said smiling softly shaking my head.
"Nope, but you love me" he replied cheekily.
"That I do but I gotta go see Zayn now so I'll talk to you later byeee"
I said pulling him into I quick hug and skipping over to Zayn.

"ZAYNIE!!!!" I shouted in his ear, he turned around to face me holding his ear with his hand " you really need to be more quiet, you're just like Louis, don't know how to be quiet." Zayn said
"aaww you missed me though didn't you?" I said while pulling my puppy eyes at him."yes I did. but that doesn't work on me" he said with a roll of his eyes "give me a hug NOW!" I said pulling him into a hug.
we chatted a bit more and then went to sit down with everyone else. The only seats left were next to Niall and Liam so I went and sat next to Niall while Zayn went next to Liam.
Looking around at everyone made me realise just how much I missed everything been like this. Just me, El and the boys. This is how it's supposed to be. Always.

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