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"What do you guys want to do?" El asked us all "TRUTH OR DARE" me and Lou both shouted in unison. "see I told you, you 2 where alike" El and zayn saidin unison this time. I just laughed at them." so are we playing or what?" Lou asked Giddily." YES now shut up Boo-Bear before I hit you!" I said pointing my index finger at him. everyone got out of there seats and sat in a circle on the floor we where sat in the order of me then to my right was Niall and my left was Louis on the right of Niall was Eleanor and on the left of Louis was Liam and to the right of El was zayn and then harry was on the left of Liam.we turned the lights out and got a torch from the drawer." who wants to go first?" I asked when we where all sitting down." ME" Harry said oh god!

"Niall truth or dare?" Harry said. phew! he didn't choose me" Uhm...Dare" Niall said unsure of his answer." your gonna regret that" harry said with an evil smile. Niall gulped." I dare you Uncle Si and say that your gay and you have to say that you are in love with Liam and ask him for advice BUT you cant say that it was a dare." harry said evilly. I feel sorry for Niall an di know how my uncle is, Yes my uncle is SIMON COWELL awesome right?" you have one chicken if you want to use it now but you cant use it again." " UGH fine but I'm blaming you when we next see Simon." Niall said and grabbed his phone from his pocket. he dialled his number and waited for him to answer and he put it on speaker phone." Hi Simon" " Hi Niall what can I help you with?" Simon asked Niall" well you see, I'm gay and I'm in love with Liam but I'm not sure if he feels the same I was asking for advice." Niall said sending glares to Harry. I was trying to hold my laughter in but it was so hard, everyone was red from stopping themselves from laughing except from Niall." Well..i-Im not sure about that but if you tell him how you feel then maybe he might feel the same way" Simon said" okay thanks uncle Simon" he said then hung up. I was laughing so hard now from what Simon said.

after a few minuets we had calmed down and it was now Niall's turn." Louis, truth or dare?" "Dare" Niall smiled at him and then said" I dare you to take off your underwear and wear it on your head for the next round." Niall said Louis did as he was told and walked out of the room and came back in with his superman underwear on his head. he looked like a doyle."El truth or dare" Louis turned to El." truth" " aww your no fun you could f chose dare" " no I'm having truth now carry on" can you cry on demand? if you can then prove it" Louis said. that's easy you learn how to do that in spy training for when you have to act and El is really good at it." yes I can" then she started fake crying." ok then El your go" El turned to me and smirked" oh god" I whispered and Niall must of heard 'cause he started laughing." Jess truth or dare?" what should I chose?" Erm...dare" I said unsure. she just started laughing evilly at me, this isn't gonna be good" I dare you too let Niall put lipstick on you without using his hands" OH MY GOD she did not just say that! this aint gonna turn out good." why did you chose that!!! he cant even put lipstick on using his hands never mind without them." " I know that's why I chose it" " your gonna pay for this El" Niall already had the lipstick with him and had it in his mouth, oh god" hurry up!" Niall learned forward and started applying the lipstick to my lips. it keeps going all over. when Niall had done I turned around and everyone started to laugh their heads off, I turned back round to look at Niall and send him a death glare. if looks could kill he would be dead." Liam, truth or dare?" " truth" sad face he chose truth" aww party pooper! any ways what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?" this better be a good one!" I was in grade 3, I was taking a taekwondo lesson. I've never gone out of the house without any undies but strangely enough I did that time. I decided not to wear any undies for it was terribly humid and hot that day.There I was, with my taekwondo classmates, we were learning new kicks and forms.

I suddenly kicked so hard, thus my dobuk(taekwondo uniform) ripped very very wide, my junk was revealed to every person inside the room.

My teacher said..... Ahhh don't worry he's just hot, he needs some breeze." Liam said turning Bright red and we all burst out laughing at his story. I am so gonna chew him about that."zayn truth or dare?" Liam said to stop everyone from laughing" dare" " go out and kiss the first person you come across on the lips." zayn got up and walked to the door I followed him got my phone out and started to record it, this is going on youtube later. The first person he came across was Ed Sheeran I was trying not to laugh but it was hard not to."im not kissing Ed" zayn protested" oh, but you have to, a dare is a dare!" I said trying to hold back my laughter" FINE" I heard him mutter something under his breath before he went over to Ed, grabbed hold of his cheeks and kissed him on the lips, he pulled away and then started to run back to the house. I was pissing myself laughing it was so funny I'm putting that on youtube after we have finished this game." zayn sat down and was red with embarrassment." harry truth or dare?" " Dare obviously I never pick truth I am the king of dares!" " yeah okay styles shut up!"i said annoyed " I dare you to make out with someone of the same gender as you for a minuet." zayn said smirking at harry" what ya gonna do styles?"i said teasing him." I'll do it only coz I never use my chicken on dares." harry said and started to get up and walk to Louis. I looked at my left and saw Lou go pale, OHMEHGOD this is gonna be so funny. I tapped Lou on the shoulder and whispered to him" are you alright?" he just nodded " you don't look it" I-im fine I just don't know why he would choose me that's al" Lou whispered shocked. harry bent over so he was the same height as Louis and kissed him Louis didn't even move he was frozen, I took a glance at Eleanor and she was pissing her self laughing and that just made me laugh. after a minuet had passed harry had pulled away and sat down. Louis was still froze, that poor lad, I got some water that was on the coffee table and flung it at Louis face so he would come back to reality." what was that for?!" Louis said his face and part of his shirt and red chinos soaked " you where frozen so I thought I would un-freeze you if that makes sense." " you could of just shook me" Lou said "no it was more fun doing that, now are you gonna take me to the spare room then?" I asked needing to unpack my stuff also Eleanor needed to put her stuff in my room as well 'cause she will be staying with Louis." yes, now help me up I am tired!" Louis whined like a little kid " you've got legs do it yourself, and your older than me" I protested "fine" he gave in. yes victory to me.

Louis showed me to the spare bedroom, thank god it was big enough otherwise if it wasn't it wouldn't fit mine or El's stuff in." thanks Boo-Bear" I said giving him a hug." ya welcome sis" said and winked." EL GET YO ASS UP HERE AND HELP ME UNPACK!!" I shouted to Eleanor who was downstairs probably goofing around." its good to see you and El getting along, because you haven't known each other that long. you've only known each other 7 month haven't you?" Lou asked. if he only knew that we have known each other for 10 years because we where both 10 when we started training for a spy." yeah she's fun to be around. it seems like we have known each other for years." I said trying to sound like I haven't known her before they met and got together." Eleanor there you are now unpack with me you idiot!" I said to her and she just laughed." G'bye Lou see ya soon" I said and pushed Lou out so we could unpack our spy gear." I wonder why harry went straight to Lou when zayn gave him that dare" I said its probably because they are best mates" I'm not sure but Louis face was priceless" El said laughing" El?" I asked "yeah babe" " do you think that Harry's gay because he didn't seem fazed when he was kissing Lou" I asked, but he really didn't seem fazed, hhmm " now that you mentioned it, he wasn't fazed." El said " would it be weird though?, Harry liking Louis more than a best friend?" I asked, where are all these questions coming from?" yeah it would a bit" El said thinking about something" right, we need to get hold of the boys' phones so we can stick these" I said holding up the GPS chips" on the back of their phones so we can track where they go so we can always see just in case they get attacked." I explained to her" we should be able to get them, they always leave them laying around on tables, counters and other things, so it should be easy" El explained to me.

-----------AFTER UNPACKING-----------

we walked down stairs to see 2 of the boys' phones out on the coffee table. I walked past and slyly stuck them on the back of their phones. 2 down 3 to go. I saw El putting 2 more on the other phones all we need is 1 more then we will have all of them. Niall is the only one so I will have to try get it on his phone." Hey Ni, can I have a go of your phone?" I asked " yeah sure" " thanks" he passed me his phone and I quickly stuck it on the back and turned of his GPS so other Mr.X cant track where he is. now all I need is to turn the other boys GPS on their phones off. I gave Niall his phone back and gave El a thumbs up. I got my phone out of my pocket and texted El.


I've turned Niall's GPS off on his phone so Mr.X doesn't know where the boys are or going. all we have to do is Louis', Liam's, Harry's and Zayn's. you try to do Louis and zayn and will do harry and liam

-Jess xxx

I sent the message and heard El's phone go off. she looked up and nodded slightly." LIAMMMMM" I shouted across the room into the kitchen where Liam is and started walking to him. "WAAAA" he shouted back mocking me. I got into the kitchen and asked for his phone. he gave me it and I took his GPS off and then went back into the front room and give El a thumbs up. I went and sat next to harry" Harrryyyyy" I whined " what?"" please can I borrow your phone I really need it mines out of charge" I said sweetly but I was lying I've 78% but he believed me and gave me his phone. went onto his GPS app and turned it off. then I gave him it back." thanks" I said with a smile and got up and sat down some where else. my phone vibrated from my pocket. I got my phone out and checked it, it was a message from Eleanor.


I've done zayn and Louis's phones now Mr.X wont be able to track them :D

-Eleanor xxx


I've done Liam and Harry's as well :D

-Jess xxx

Now that is done I can relax" I'm going up to bed, Night guys" " we are as well night " Lou and El said. we walked up the stairs when we got to the top I said to Lou and El" don't forget to use protection" they both blushed and turned and walked away. I laughed, inlove embarrassing them.

tomorrow me and El will have to put the spy cameras up but for now I need sleep. I've had a long day

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