CHAPTER7: "Louis stop complaining!"

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The next few weeks were fun, we didn't have any surprise attacks by people from Mr.X but I know something's going to happen soon I could feel it so I've been keeping a close eye out. We had to move to Florida for a while so Mr.X doesn't know where we are exactly.

I walked down the stairs of the house and sat on the couch, I grabbed the remote for the t.v. and turned it on, the news was on so I left it on that.

They where talking about loads of crap when they started talking about a hurricane and my ears pricked up. I got up in shock and started rushing around gathering everything that would come in handy while we were getting to the safety point, which is where I'm taking the boys. With what the news has said, it seems as if the hurricane would hit in an hour.

Fortunately (sort of) for me, I have been in a few hurricanes so I know what to do.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN STAIRS NOW!" I shouted, soon enough I heard loads of feet padding down the stairs and everyone was in front of me

El looked at me confused but still came over to me when I asked her to

"On the news it said there was going to be a hurricane soon so we need to get the boys to safety now! no matter what they say we have go get them out of here now but DO NOT tell them why. understand" I said. Eleanor had worry in her eyes but didn't say anything" understood" "good now let's get going"

"Boys come on we have to go and we don't have time so don't mess around and do exactly what we say! Got it?" Eleanor says. all the boys nod but give us curios glances. we start making our way out of the house to the car, me and El sit up front and the rest sit in the back. "okay, so we need to get the boys to a well sheltered place so we don't get harmed, we also need to contact uncle Si to tell him what's going on, then we need him to contact the boys families and tell them everything about the hurricane and tell them not to worry. so while I'm driving can you please do that?" I whisper to her. " sure but are you sure you know where to go?" she whispers back" I'm positive, I've done this plenty of times before." I reply.

" where are we going?" zany asks after 30 minutes of silence.

" we cant tell you" El says, if your wondering why we aren't telling them its because we don't want them to worry.

"why cant you tell us?" Niall aske and give him a look and he nods understandingly but still doesn't know about the hurricane and drops the question. After driving in silence for about 20 minutes Eleanor's eyes go wide and fill with worry.i look at her and she points to her phone, I take a look and its got the weather and then the hurricane, it looks like the hurricane will be here In 15 minutes so that will be at 3:50pm, I started to worry because we didn't have much time to get us to safety. I stepped on the pedal and I was now going 130mph to get to where we where heading.

5 minutes later we arrived at our destination and got out the car, we where at an abandoned factory but it had been built strongly so the hurricane couldn't knock down the building. we where going underground anyway so it would be safer for us and we would be protected more.

I looked at my phone only 5 minutes to spear before it came, I could already hear it building up so we had to get underground fast. " right, listen I want you all to listen to me and El, this is important" I start "please please please don't go wondering off, just stick with us" El finishes. " do you mind telling us what all this is about?" harry asks "we will later but right now we have to get inside that building we don't have much time left" I say hurrying them along/

we all enter the large building heading towards the underground tunnel that leads us to safety, once we get there we all huddle together in the small tight space.

I check my phone and it is 3:48pm only 2 minutes to spare. From above I can hear the load noise of the hurricane and I know it will hit us soon. me and El look at each other then nod. " so boys, now I know why your wondering why we are here well, lets put it this way there is going to be a hurricane hitting us shortly and we wanted to bring all of you to safety, if it wasn't for Jess watching the news we wouldn't know about it." Eleanor rushed out, just as she finished you could hear the hurricane coming over us, I wasn't really bothered by it because I have been in loads before, but I was more worried about the boys, they look scared out of their mind because its their first one. but they remain calm.

"is everyone okay?" I ask gently I get a load of 'yeah' or 'yes's from them. I know this is going to take a while before it passes over and is gone so I decide to make small talk " so how has everyone enjoyed Florida so far?" " its been great except from this but overall I've enjoyed the time off" Liam says, everyone humming in agreement.

This is going to be a looonnnnggg day stuck down here...


After4 long tiring hours the hurricane finally passed over and we where able to come out from the factory and get on the way to the airport which was about 30 minuets away from where we were.

Everyone piled into the car and we headed to the airport.

as I was looking around while I was driving all I could see was destroyed buildings and lifeless body's lying on the ground. its horrible that loads of innocent people lost their lives today because of the hurricane, some people young, some people middle aged and some old, they all didn't deserve to die like that, but I guess that's life and you just have to deal with it.

"Ugh! my back hurts, that place was so small and cramped I could barely move!" Louis complained, ! oh hush up will ya!" El says " No! it was cramped and I didn't like it!" Louis reply's" Louis, stop complaining!" El says annoyed and Louis shuts up.

After 20 minutes of silence we arrived at the airport and went straight to our private jet that took us to London. we didn't have our bags with us, they would be destroyed in with everything else. the plane ride would be about 7-8 hours so I would get a decent amount of sleep because I am exhausted! the boys sure are a handful they are like 5 year olds!

As I got on the jet I went to the first seat, sat in it and got comfy, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep almost instantly.


Hey! I'm back:) hope you enjoyed the new chapter its my favourite one so far!

Don't forget to Comment/Vote :)

Sorry for taking a while to upload I have been SUPER busy with school I haven't had chance to come and write my new chapter but I did so yeeeyyyy! it has been about 2-3 months hasn't it? im not sure.

Anyways, comment if you liked it and you can ask me any questions, also comment on what you think I could do to improve so my chapters are better and more interesting.

If there is any mistakes sorry, my computers not working properly and I don't read through it when I finish it so yeah....

Thank you for taking your time to read it

-Jess xx <3

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