Execution for Trials

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Christian and I arrived at the building we're going to study at even though exams are all over, then I saw her, erica. What a beauty, I'm totally inlove with her right now. I was pretty busy on doing my creepy stalker mode, and after a minute I finally got to join christian and his tutor, I was delighted. And as soon I was to sit down she greeted me, she was also very friendly, or is it because we're from France? OR ARE WE? *insert conspiracy theory theme music.

Anyway, I smiled and greet her too. After a bit of studying. Christian and Erica were already friends so this means I have a jumpstart with her, I'm that kind of guy that doesn't get shy on talking to anyone then it comes my situation with erica. The thing is that she's completely friendly to me and Christian, yet I'm speechless and will just smile at her awkwardly. Come on guys admit it, we've been there before, like you have this friend who has a friend and you're really inlove with her and she's very friendly to you and you think that it'll be easy to take on her but you really can't do it, anyway.

She keeps on chatting with Christian while I'm busy on doing my own business, then after a while they decided on buying food outside so they made it out and I as well decided to talk to my tutor with the 2 guys as a subject (obviously Christian and erica)

I and my tutor had a fun talk, but really didn't go unto depth with the two, I gathered little infos about erica (i'm that desperate) until my tutor said "she's only one year ahead of you guys." Sooo she's just a Grade 11
I always thought she's our batchmate, because of the height (no offense) I kept on thinking about her, then suddenly Christian and Erica abruptly entered the room with a laugh from erica, which made me utterly jealous of christian. But I know Christian, he might be some guy who does not have any types on choosing some girls, but I know she's not going with.. you know, erica.

Christian and Erica sat down on their respective places or should I say chairs, just to make it not complex.. like math.
Christian sat beside me while erica sat at the opposite side of the table facing me and christian. The two excitingly opened their pack of junk foods they shared some of it to the tutor, she accepted it with no hesitations at all. And here I am, sitting, looking like a teddy bear, pretending that I haven't heard any of those crunching noises. FINALLY! Christian offered some of his, I then rejected it of course. Christian, erica, and his tutor are just too close, they look like they are one small happy family..
'C'mon Xav!'
My nickname, obviously.
'You've got to eat something! And to boost the energy, and for you to absorb more!'
He said until the chips were jumping out from his mouth.
'Please don't talk while your mouth is full. Just don't'
I said while leaning left to avoid Christian.
Erica smiled at me, and I just stared at her, because I don't know what else I can do in this situation!
'Don't just stare at me, smile. Or I don't know, something friendly. I guess.'
Erica said as she tilted her head slightly.
I got nothing. I just smiled and go back to doing my buisness, review, review, and review. Until then I overheard the two talking about me
'Chris, chris' whispered Erica while she tapped christian's hand and bowed their heads so that they would make it private and so that they'd communicate effortless
'His name is Xavi, right? Xavi Alvarez?'
'Uh. Yeah, yeah. Why?'
'Nothing, just to make sure. Nickname is Xav, right?'
I glanced at Christian and I saw this smile of his, now I know where this is going.
'Oh. Ok, thanks'
Do they even know that I overheard them? SMH
They started eating again, still pretending that I didn't hear anything from them. They got awfully quiet. Erica called out my name, she tapped my hand lightly (it felt like an angel bought me up in heaven for a quick second). I looked at her, saw that smile, again. Damn. She offered hers. I tried not to look .
'Hey, psst. Hey.' Lightly said by Christian as he used his elbow to hit mines.
'Huh? Oh, oh.'
I looked at Erica, erica glanced at his pack of DRUGS.. no jk. Pack of junk foods.
'Xaviii, here's mine. C'mon, exams are over. You've now got to relax'Her voice! The way she pronounced my name! It was pure eargasm, Erica smiled at me..
I.. accepted it of course! Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to her. Yes yes yes!
'Maybe you're right, Erica.' I said nervously trying to control my self.
'What're you waiting for? Come and take some of it.' Says erica
'Well, exams are over alright. Maybe I could use some time to relax.'
Good thing my uncontrollable pig power didn't kick in. If it did I might have eaten everything.
I got a Jackpot
I got one big ass chip. And I ain't telling you the brand.
'That's one little chip you got there, xavi.' Said Erica
I tried on making up a joke fast, but I ended up saying
'I'm on a diet' One of the most commonly used joke.

by the way, I ask you, what joke do you got that would not offend anyone this 2015-2016-2017... infinity and beyond, iz hard.

Thankfully she chuckled, and transferred a seat beside me. Sooooo, I'm in the middle. And soooo my hands are sweaty. Ladies don't like that. SERIOUSLY. LOOK, I'm no girl but my guts says they don't like it. Uh uh.

I tried reaching for my handkerchief, instead of patting it on my hand I somehow pat it on my forehead and I have no Idea how it got there.
'Are you ok Xavi?' She said, 'You look stiff.'
'Naaaah, he's just nervous when you're around.' Added christian.
I squeezed Christian's foot slowly.
'Uhh, no I'm not.'
'Yes you are.'
'Xavi, why? I don't bite.' Erica said.
'I wasn't really nerrrvouus at all, erica.'
Nooooo, I'm not that smooth.

Help me christian.
No, you're on your own.

'Oh. Lets change topic then. I think I'll pick one. Xavi, what can you tell about the school?'
'School is great, awesome new people, friendly, etc etc.'
I paused.. 'you'

'What?' Erica said.
I said the same thing to her. Look tbh, I'm bad at talking to ladies. No, not badass. Just bad at talking. If you ever feel bad at talking to a girl or lady, rather. Think about me. And mastu- no. HAHAHA. NO. JUST KIDDING. THAT WAS BAD . FORGET IT.
'Nevermind, xavi, come on and eat.'
Said erica.


The papers were checked already, by the machine.. oooooh.
'Dude what's your score?' I said to Christian as I stared at the monitor
'43 over 50' Christian says as I saw him clenching his fists
'Calm down, you've got 7 wrongs.'
'I was so close!'
He logged out and turned in the keyboard, stood up, placed his chair under the desk.
'You're leaving me here-'
Christian cuts me out sentence
'I'm going to wait for you here. You're goin' to the center?'
'Uh, yea. Yeah.'
It was quiet as we rode a bike to the center (no, bikes are not quiet, I meant the environment)

It was then when we arrived at the center, we sat down on the chairs. Everyone was quiet including Christian's tutor, Christian usually is the one who fuels things up in the center, and well, me I'll just sit and just go with the flow 'cuz I'm new. And I'm that kind of person who's crazy after a month or two about when we both to get to know each other well. After a minute, I turned my head to Christian, supporting my head with my clenched fist. 'Soooo, what do you want to talk about? Hmmm?'
He did replied but he just shrugged his shoulders
'Now, let me guess' I said 'Is it about the results again? OH COME ON! ARE YOU EFFIN SERIOUS?'
Like christian got 7 mistakes on math! He's a damn legend.
Damn legend, he is.
He's a legend, damn, a. Now, were just making yoda jokes, it ain't even funny, tbh. I kept on guessing of what was the problem. But I gave up. And there entered erica. Bruh, I looked at her for a second, and turned my head and body back to the table.

'Well, someone's a bit late here.' I said while I wrote random things on my notebook which was no relevance of the given topic.
She giggled. 'I was talking to someone downstairs.' I kept on writing random things, not knowing erica was so close, she started to read the words I was writing down.
'Cat, bottle, vase, sink, ship, drink, load, rock, stones' she said ' What are those? Are you planning to buy those?' She chuckled.
I, then replied: 'Now, erica.' I said, grinning. 'Who in the world is planning to buy rock and stones?' I ended it with a chuckle.
'Then what is it then?'
Now I'm trapped. I stared at the words, my mouth slightly opened, dropped my ballpen.
'I'm just bored, erica.'
'Yeah okaaaay' *chuckled
'you're just doing it for a diversion or something like that.'
I put my pen down, erica heading for her usual sit, which is infront of me. (No malicious things please :/) we continued to talk about random things. And after tons of minutes we finally found out the problem of christian.
HEEEEEEYYYY! I'M BACK. I'm here to tell you that I've got nothing to say at all. No. Just kidding. Pardon me for being so active. Anyway, you can read "xav" as "shav" or "sav" either of the two
Love my jokes or not :c You read at least 4 sentences in this story

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