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I sat down as my brother got his recognition as a graduate, everyone celebrated, they clapped, and they cheered. It was.. organized. They made a dance, the valedictorian made a speech, they were asked about their ambitions, and some were about to cry, some were about to jump for joy and success. it ended with picture takings with mom and dads, grandpa's and grandma's, with the family, and friends. It ended fairly. I tried to look around but this beautiful lady caught my eye..

She look familiar..
What is she doing here?
Attending her brother's recognition? Her sister?

Why's their family wearing a different attire than the others?

As I focused some more.. one of the honorees, a boy, got near to them and they hugged. Maybe that's their brother? Cousin?

The 'boy' caught my eye and called me by my name.

'Xavi come here.'

The 'boy' smiled as I walk near.
but the girl..

The 'boy' had me, we got a small talk, we ended it as a handshake.

I turned myself back to my seat..
But the beaitiful girl blocked my way.

She smiled, I congratulated her. She did the same too.

But this time I offerred a handshake, I looked at her face, she looked at my hand and it looks like she wants to reject it but she did it anyway but I can feel the reject in her hands as I had it

'Thank you.' Was her last words, she smiled at me and turned back.

'If only I can have your number..' I jokingly said in my head..


The voice of a man.. it sounds familiar.

Another voice said
'We already arrived darling, wake up.'


I decided to wake up, got my jacket covering my head off. I lifted the roof of the belt to release me open, I relaxed for a second..
I put my hand to an empty space before reaching the window, then I glanced at the place..

'The Netherlands' I said under my breath


English is not my first language :*
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