Somewhere in a Country

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First day of school I feel so darn nervous for I was a transferee, She calls out my name, I then introduced my self infront of the class

"My name is Xavi Alvarez, nice to meet you all , anyway I'm uuuh originally from France, um the reason why we transferred is all about my dad's business here in the Netherlands I don't really know what he plans to do, but I think it will go out fine"

"How many months where you staying here already?"
Stated the teacher

"Oh! I came here just last week, and its pretty great here, yup, pretty great.."

And the story goes on, it's very amusing to see people shocked or should I say suprised in such a way, I was happy that day, that I can't even feel how nervous was I then, so we just sat there for the whole day meeting new teachers and new students.


Well, I survived the first day of hell.
I can't tell you how amazing this experience like you're in hell.

As I was walking to the second canteen which is further away like at the tail of the campus, 'cuz I was bored and I just want to explore the campus. I was alone, then I finally saw the half of the canteen which was blocked by some corner, as I tried to peek and I saw that salad (no, I'm not a vegan) but it looks delicious though as I tried to walk and confront that, somebody grabbed my shoulder and I was alone because the canteen is far and everybody is too lazy to go there. I standed still, time goes pretty slow, I wasn't afraid of bullies because I finally got to fight back since Grade-7 and no bullies made fun of me anymore since that incident it's a long story so I won't tell you.
I turned myself quick but didn't try to look like I'm threatening him/her.
Then, it was christian. He's also a transferee from France and yes we speak the same language that none of the people here in Netherlands understands, but we're not from the same school, we're both new students here. But its pretty great to see a person with the same nationality as yours.

'Where are you going?'
Christian said as he looks dead straight at my back, is he aiming for that salad? I asked myself
'Going to eat that.... salad.'
I stated making, I'm trying to make him jealous or whatever emotion, he's somehow emotionless I think, I won't really care. After that long talk that I completely forgot about, I turned back, facing the canteen and I saw the salad gone, now this time I really care but I kept my what I feel... on that salad, I tried to look around as Christian keeps on babbling, and I saw that beautiful girl going on with my salad. Oh well, both of them are beautiful sooo I let her have the salad, which was I going to eat.

'Hey, you ok?' Christian said.
'Huh? Oh , yeah. Yeah..'

After a long month where reviews started to come out 'cuz exams..
Got high and low scores, especially on math.
I cri, everytiem. (We all do, well, not everyone)

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