CHAPTER 4 (unedited)

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CHRIS BROWN!! I nearly choked on my own saliva. Is this for real I wondered. He was just sitting there on his phone smiling at God knows what. He wore a red muscle tank, black true religion jeans, red and black varsity jacket and red jordans. His skin glowed in the poorly lit room. I hadn't realized that I was staring so hard until the secretary spoke up. "Well go on now, don't be shy" she demanded. I glanced at her briefly. Sent up a quick prayer, requesting self control then I began taking baby steps towards him. I really hope I don't look like a puppet. I finally made it! And no, I didn't fall. He looked up from his phone and stood up to acknowledge me. "Wassup shawty? You ma tour guide?" He asked. I blushed and looked down. Hold up didn't my prayer pass the ceiling? I'm totally blowing this !! Arggghhh. This isn't like me. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Uh you got a name shawty?" He asked. I stared up into his face, involuntarily, I began playing connect the dots with his freckles. "Can you even talk?" He said again snapping me out of my thoughts "huh...uh yeah...I'm Lawra" I said shyly. He flashed his million dollar smirk. "Lawra, huh, that's cute" he said with a nod. I smiled and this smile was not a substitite for words like the other smiles I've shown him, this one was genuine. "Thank you" I said. "So we gonna start the tour or..." he trailed off "yeah... errmm right this way" I said hooking a thumb over my shoulder.

I showed him around the school. He gave me his schedule so I could point him to the specific classes he had. He is really blunt, like, he kept saying the tour is boring and how much he wanted to see the gymnasium and the music room. I had to skip all of the tour to show him those two rooms, when he got there he was like a five year old all alone in toys 'r' us. He literally touched everything. Including sweaty jerseys just laying around. I think amma need a leash for his ass. The tour was just the music room the gym and the cafeteria. So we sat and talked up until lunch time, being a tour guide gave you that privilege, skipping classes. Chris and I exchanged numbers. He's really cool and funny, that is, when he's not in five year old mode. He wanted me to grab lunch with him but I told him I was already down for it with someone else. He understood, he would be fine anyway, granted that he now knew where to find the gym and the music room. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. There was a text from August. 'Meet me at the parking lot around back' . I stuffed my phone in my pocket and went to meet August. I saw a grey Aston Martin parked with the headlights on. That's gotta be him. I walked over to the car and got in. "Hey" I greeted. "Wassup lil ma'" he responded "nothing much". The car ride was silent for the most part. We made small talk here and there until my phone rang. I answered it without checking the caller I.D. "hello ?" I spoke into the phone. "Ms. Marriott, this is khloé-Jade's daycare calling. Your niece was rushed to the hospital a few minutes ago she has been vomiting blood nonstop we're at California regional hospital. I'll explain everything when you get down here!!" She said in a rush before hanging up, "WHAAATT!" I yelled, but she had already ended the call "is everything alri-" "August turn the car around and go to California regional hospital!!" I interjected. "What happened" he questioned worriedly "August just please turn around!!" I said on the verge of tears. Khloé is my baby, I didnt give birth to her but she is mine! I hope she's ok I dont know what I'd do if she...if she should...ughhh stop it Lawra!! Dont think like that!! August squeezed my hand reassuringly.

I chewed on my bottom lip as the car drove into the hospital. I didnt even wait for August to find a parking space. I opened the door and attempted to run out but came to a hault. "Ughhh fucking seatbelt". I unfastened the stupid seatbelt and then began running. "Lawra!! Wait!! Calm down!!" August yelled. As a kid I always dreamed of a guy chasing after me, while I was wearing a beautiful ball gown and glass slippers but damn, there's no time to enjoy that shit now. I ran into the building screaming for Khloé. I didn't see the daycare lady. A nurse came running to me asking all these bullshit questions. This bitch is gonna get slapped today. "What's your name ma'am?" She asked chewing on a piece of gum ever so slowly. She was short and fat. Her eyes looked lazily above her glasses which sat on the bridge of her nose. I shifted my weight onto my right leg and tried to structure a sentence for her to understand. "Khloe now, questions later!!" I snapped she sighed slowly "ma'am I'll have to call security if you can't provide the relevant information necessary for you to see-" "it's ok she's the aunt, I called her" a lady said. I turned to see the daycare lady behind me "oh, you're lucky she came to your rescue" the nurse said I shot her the meanest look I could fester "no bitch, she saved YOUR ass!" I spat "umm Ms. Marriott, Khloé is this way" daycare lady said pulling my arm. I followed her to where Khloé was and stood outside the door peeking in. There were so many doctors in there. My eyes began to water, "wh..what are they doing to her?" I croaked a hand rested on my shoulder, but I was too focused on Khloé to even turn to see who it was. "She's in emergency surgery, they don't know what's causing her to cough up blood" the daycare lady said to me. She gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, the tears threatened to fall, so much so that my vision blurred. "She's gonna be fine" the daycare lady said to me. She pulled me away from the door and ushered me to a seat. August came up to me panting. "There ya are, you jus' ran off like that and boy are ya hard ta' find and who the fuck do these nurses think they are- woahh lil ma' you aight?" He said, he came closer to me and crouched infront of me to pick my face up, he took his shades off, and stared into my eyes, I looked away and nodded "y..yeah, I'm fine" I lied. He sat beside me and pulled me onto his lap in one swift move. He took me by surprise, but hey who am I to complain right now. "Nah I know that aint true ma' it's ok ta' hurt, and cry" he said in his thick New Orleans accent "how do you know?" I muttered as I stared at...well,nothing in particular. He rested his head back on the wall. "Well, I lost my brudda, Melvin, he was real close ta meh, whenever you saw Mel, ya' boy wasn't too far behind, h..he was my best friend, my brudda, my teacher, he taught me errthang I know ta'day" he trailed off... I peeked up at him, scared to ask but eager to know more, it seems like a sore topic for him, I could tell he didn't talk about it much as tears welled up in his eyes, he blinked them away rapidly and quickly put his shades on. "Well...umm'd he die?" I stuttered, he huffed "he was shot to death". I was about to speak again but he quickly interrupted "well uhmm I'm tellin' ya' all dat cuz well, I didn't deal wit' it too well, I still haven't gotten over it, prolly never will buh, I know whatcha goin thru shawty, and I know it aint easy, but ya gotta be strong right nah" I nodded "sing to me" "what song ma'?" He said with a slight chuckle "any song I just want you to sing to me" I mumbled against his chest. He sighed then began singing "I dont want nobody but youuu kissing on my tattoos, I dont want nobody but mee (talking to youuu) until youuu fall asleep we better stop playing , (we better stop playing) before we mess around and someone gets hurt ohhhh I dont want nobody but you (nobody but youu) kissin on my tattoos" "again" I mumbled with my eyes closed, he chuckled then began singing again. I drifted to sleep in his arms. However, I was soon woken from my short nap. A nurse stood over me smiling with a clipboard in her hand. I sat up and my neck and back hurt like a bitch. Odd, I went to sleep pretty comfy. I looked around to find August gone. Also odd. I glanced at the nurse who was still smiling. "Khloé-Jade Marriott?" She asked. I jumped to attention "yes! How is she can I see her??" "She's doing fine, smiles and all and she's awake so yes you can go see her" the nurse said. I hopped off the bench and ran into the room like the idiot I might be. I walked in and saw her laying there. I walked over to her and stuck my index finger in her little hand she giggled and squeezed it. "Hiii babbyyyyy!" I squealed "aunty was so worried about youuu !!" "Woowiieed!" She chimed I gasped and bounced up and down "yess worried I was worried gah! U learn so fast! Yesh youu doo yeshh you dooo" she smiled. The nurse came in and looked at her smiling but Khloé's bottom lip began to quiver. Indication that the flood gates were about to open. I frowned up at the nurse who just told me I could take Khloé home before jogging out. I got her dressed in her normal clothes and picked her up. Along with he baby bag that the daycare lady had been kind enough to leave here for me. I walked out and signed out. I stopped walking when I remembered I left my car on campus. I pulled out my phone and called August. He didn't pick up. I tried two more times and he still didn't pick up. I called Shantal and she didn't pick up either. I sighed heavily. "Guess I'm taking a cab" "you need a ride?" Daycare lady asked from behind me. I probably need to learn her name though she's probably told me but whatever. I turned around "wow you were still here!?" I asked she narrowed her eyes at me "yeah, why would I leave you here?" She asked "well uhmm I dunno I just thought you'd wanna head on home you know?" I muttered shifting Khloé to my other hip. "Nah, I wouldn't do that come on let me drop you home" she said pulling her car keys from her purse. "Oh please, I couldn't possibly ask you to drop me home you've really been too kind but thank you" I said politely. She arched an eyebrow at me. "Girl please I insist you let me drop you off" she said taking the baby bag from my shoulder. Ok so I let her drop me home. It was gonna rain anyway.

Once I got home I made Khloé a bottle and put her to bed. I jogged downstairs to get a snack from the kitchen. I was starving, I had no lunch and it was 8:45 PM. There was a knock at my door. I got up "who is it?" I yelled "it's young" a male responded. And I could tell by the 'N'awlins' accent that it was August, but heck I didn't know him as 'young' "sorry dont know a 'young'" I responded resting my back on the large french doors. "Oh c'mon ma' I know ya know it's August" "oh yeah?" I teased with a smirk "yeah, I can tell by tha way ya smiling right nah so why don't chu open up tha door" he said. I gave in and opened the right side of the door. He stepped in. "Dont come up in hea' wit no noise boi'!" I said trying my best to sound like August. He just stared at me then burst out laughing. I sucked my teeth and threw a cuishon at him, he caught it and threw it right back at me. Oh he's fast. I caught it and just began beating him with it. He laughed and pulled me down on the couch beside him. "You a lil weakling" I laughed and shoved his chest playfully. Then my hands fell onto his lap. He cleared his throat. I looked up at him and then down at my hands on his lap. Then moved my hands quickly. "So...ahem...uh that lil uh is she yours ma'?" "No she's my niece...but I've had her since she was a lil tiny baby" I mumbled I looked over at August. Finally analyzing what he's wearing. It's not what he was wearing at the hospital, it's more classy, like he was on a date. I instantly remembered Shantal telling me about him asking her out to dinner. "Why did you leave me at the hospital today?" I asked sweetly, dangerously sweet. "I uhmm I had ta run some errands" he said nervously "oh yeahhh?" I purred as I traced imaginary lines on my thigh. "Y..yeah" he stuttered "why so nervous auggie?" I asked with a cute little pout "wh..why you actin so salty like I cant eeemm kick it with my homies?" He snapped. Ha! Right where I want you. "Why so defensive August?" I asked in my normal tone "l..look-" he began but I cut him off "no, boo, you listen I know you've met Shantal and I know you know she's my bestie now I'm not saying it's a crime to be attracted to two people at the same time, what I am saying is that it's wrong to lead both of them on especially when they're best friends. You're lucky you're not my type cause to be honest with you that's the only reason this is easy for me." I snarled. I was now standing looking down at August. He clenched his teeth and stood up "listen hea' lil lady, I have to experiment with women, I have to know which ones be da fuck and duck type and which ones be da potential wifey and ta be honest witcha ma you not the type I'd wanna spend the rest of my fucking life with" he snapped "did you just sugar coat calling me a fuck and duck??" "Did I stutter?" He asked "get the fuck out of my house you ass hole!" I growled "gladly" he said walking out "and don't come back!!!" I yelled. He looked at me and his nose and a corner of his mouth turned up slightly in disgust. Then he slammed the door. Dick. I grabbed some ciroc from my dads wine collection. I'll just replace it. I ran me a nice hot bath and just let all my stress run off there.


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