I am yours

15 0 0

Your fingerprints have inked my skin with your poison.

It seeps into me and i struggle against its will.

You know this, as you do most things.

You know i am weak.

The shadows will tell whether i fall or not.

You watch, you wait, you dream.

You whisper verses to me and the clouds of your

perfumed breath intoxicate me.

This Pressure!

This lovely, amazing, warm pressure i cannot fight.

This flawed bliss.

You awaken from your sleep and carry your dream

From the depths to my reality

How colourful.......

Then it has ended.

The physical, the waves of emotion, the passion

that breached our skins and enetered me, entered you

Is over.

The connection, broken.

But i feel you, inside me.

A fraction of yourself and mine, both here and in here/

Waiting for the final release from whence there is no return.

Waiting to bind us.

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