Chapter 2

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End of year 7:
"Niiiinnnnnaaaaaaaaa wake uppppppp!!!"
Who the hell is yelling my name, done they know sleep is good for you "NINA!!" Oh no it Ryan "Ryan go away, I need my Beauty fat sleep" I said annoyed "niiinaaaa stop saying your fat your Beautiful how are you are" Ryan whined, he is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him, he's always saying nice things to me and I appreciate it "ok ok god why did u wake me up" I said annoyed "ummm we have school dahhhhhh" omg noooo school whyyyy I don't wanna see the bully's I don't wanna see Tristan that dick is always hurting my feelings "no Tristan is gonna be there" I say pissed off "Nina it school of course he's gonna be there but we only have 1 week left then Christmas break so women up and get dressed........ Please" sometimes Ryan can be a Paine if you wanna sick school but in the end he's right we only have a week left and I need my dumb Holliday Homework "ok get out so I can change" I say annoyed "can't I stay and watch" Ryan asks with a smirk, I grab my pillow and throw it at his head and when it hits him he falls over with a loud thump "OUCH!!! What the hell was that for" he yelled rubbing his head "for being a pervert now out befor I got you man hood" I say with all honesty just as I said it he was out of my room and closed the door I walk in my bathroom have a Quick shower then I honour wrapping a towel around me and I started to dry and straighten my hair when I was done with that I put a bit of foundation on and mascara then I walked out of the bathroom in my towel into my walk-in closet, I pulled out my tight black skinny jeans with only a slice on both knees and my big Burgundy t-short with the letters in floral print saying skate, then I put my black vans on grabbed my skateboard from next to my bed my dad got for me before he passed away he got me into skating and now I can't go a day without one ride on my board it's worn out and looks like it's gonna brake but it's the only thing I have left of my mum and dad they bough were killed by a Rogue and I was left all alone at 6 years only but Ryan was there for me and his family and Mrs Ashwood our Luna her and my mum were bffs since birth and she got me my own house and comes over every day to cook and help me clean I'm only 14 but I've grown up fast I have a job at a restaurant as a waitress I don't get paid much but it's enough to pay the bills, I don't let Mr and Mrs Ashwood pay my bills because I want that responsibility they have given me so much already I can't be more grateful but Tristan there only child is a dick and I hate his guts his not like his mum or dad that are the best and he's......... He's........ Tristan "Nina are u ready yet" Ryan yells from downstairs " yeh be down in a bit" I yell back to Ryan, I grab my worn out blue backpack and run down The stairs I meet Ryan at the door with his bored "ready to ride he asked me "hahaha always dude" I laugh back, as we ride to school we do some tricks and befor we new it we made it to my hell oh and guess who's at the front of the school.... Tristan "well you ready Nina" Ryan asked "as ready as I'll ever be" I breathed out, we started to walk in the school and just as I thought Tristan had to do sometimes "hey fat bitch stop moving your causing an earthquake Hahahah!!!!!" Tristan yelled so every one can here and they all started to laugh at me, "what the fuck man why do u keep saying that shit, how bout you just fuck off for one day she's had enough" Ryan yelled back but I just stayed quiet like I always do and looked at the floor "dude it was really funny, you gotta admit it" Tristan giggled while drinking his redbull "no it wasn't why would it be funny to hurt someone's feelings" Ryan started to get really angry like he was gonna punch Tristan so I spoke up "it's ok Ryan lets just go inside" I said quietly and tugged at Ryan's top "oh look the bitch talks, sup fatty how have you been haven't Hurd a word out of you since grade 1, what happened fat got your tongue" I didn't answer him I just ignored him and pulled Ryan away "HAY FAT FOR BRAINS IM TALKING TO YOU!!" Tristan yelled, "just ignore him your not that big to me your still beautiful" Ryan confessed and side hugged me "thanks ry your always here for me I don't know what I'll do without you" he just looked at me with a sad smile because he knows my day is gonna get a lot worse because me and Ryan don't have any classes together he has all the sport and health ones and I have the stuff I like such as art, food teck, music, drama, English, science, history and lunch but we have lunch at the same time but now I have homeroom and that means queen skinny sex crazed bitch and her dumb friends are there oh and fucking Tristan, god help me,
I should get my stuff before I run out of time.
**Ten minutes later**
I'm at my locker and its next to Tristan why the hell do I have to alway have shit luck, ok Nina just don't look at him and don't talk he will leave me alone ok...... Ok he hasn't seen me yet should I walk faster????? Ohhhhh fuck he's turning around shit shit shit don't look don't look please "fatty hey" fuck me "are you my locker buddy....... How....... Fun" he said evilly, God help me I wanna cry "no my locker is next to yours" I said in a duhhh tone "according to the principle I have to go halves with my locker and that lucky person happens to be you fat for brain so stop being the dumb fat bitch no one will ever love or fuck! And give me the lock so I can put my fucking shit inside" why does he have to be so mean what the fuck I don't know what to say I'm just looking at him shocked, I was right not even my mate will want me because I'm so disgusting "fat bitch" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tristan "what" I said very softly so
I don't show I'm about to cry "give me the key dumb fuck" he said angrily, so I pass him the key and walk off to class I'll put my stuff in when he's not there, well walking into class sucked being pelted by hard pencil cases and drinks was not my cup of tea, i sit in the back of the class were no one sits and for all my classes was the same thing Tristan sits next to me and does what ever he wants to me and the hole class does as well so by last period I was more then ready to go home RINNNGGGGG!! Oh thank god home time, I got up and ran to my locker before Tristan can get there, I know I'll ride my skateboard there then I can get there faster, I stop running and pull out my bored from my backpack I set it on the floor and start skating to my locker.
** one minute later **
I stop my bored and open the locker it's one of the locks with a number Tristan was nice enough to give me the number in class I put all the books I don't need for homework in and close it "hey Nina!!!" Oh no is that one of Tristan's friends please don't be, I turn around and see Jake he's Tristan's best friend but he's not a dick he's nice to me and actually feels bad when people do shit to me "ummmm ....... Hey Jake w-what do what" I asked stuttering "well I was kinda wondering........... I-if" "HEY DUDE WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO THIS DUMB BITCH" Tristan cuts Jake off, why the hell does he keep bullying me we were friends at the start what happened "dude don't call her that she's not a bitch and she's way too smart to be dumb" Jake stuck up for me and winked wait HE STUCK UP FOR ME WHAT THE HELL "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the new skatepark with me..... You know, like a.... Date" ummmm why does he........... OMG WHAT Jake dude I've been crushing on for the longest time asked me out "ummmm I-I-I'd love" "what the fuck bro, really her Nina fat nitch Nina why the fuck do u wanna date her" Tristan cut me off his face all red and he looks really angry oh no did I just fuck there friendship up "shut up tris I'm talking to Nina, anyway is that a yes because I would love it if you can come" Jake said smiling at me "yeh I'd love to when do you wanna go" I asked abit more happy, wow my first date how cool!!!! "Tonight at 7 I'll pick you up don't dress fancy tho hahaha it's a skatepark" Jake joked, omg this is gonna be so great "DUDE!!" Tristan yelled he looked so pissed it didn't even look real "what do you want tris I'm talking to Nina" Jake gritted out angry, but Tristan just stormed off pushing a kid down on his way out "so I'll see you at 7 then" Jake asked "definitely wouldn't miss it" I said happily, but he's coming closer to me why is he coming closer to me "see you soon" Jake said then hugged me, omg he's hugging me no wayyyyyyyyy he's hugging me, I hug him back immediately and now i can feel my face go red like a tomato, when he let go of me he smiled and walked off.

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