Chapter 14

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I'm in KFC right now and I just got sooooo much food I think I'm in heaven, it tastes so fucking good and the smell omg I think I'm gonna get a boner "Ryan" wtf who said my name "ryannnn" omg my chicken is talking to me "Ryan wake up" no baby talk dirty to me, is it weird food gets me hard hmmmmm I don't give a damn "RYAN!" My chicken yells and next thing I know I'm on the floor I with a semi hard on, so food does get me hard wtf that's awesome "Ryan get the fuck up were gonna be late and your phone is on the tv stand" fuck my life Tristan woke up before me and he was just wainking for like 10 years, I get out of bed and look at Tristan he's looking at me like I've just done the funniest thing in the world "what" I snapped "bro you have a semi hard on hahahahahahahah wait wait don't move" he yelled and before I new it a light flashed at me, the dick took a pic of my dick haha rhymes "delete it now" I yell running to get him "nah bro I'm gonna keep it use it against you" I see how it is "oh yeh well I still have that video of you fucking your pillow thinking it was Nina giving you head and guss what" "what" he said sounding bored, I see big boy try and act big "I showed her the video" the smirk on his face fell and he just looked at me his face blood red and I think I'm gonna die oh shit "you fucking showed her, you showed Nina! When the fuck did you show her you fucker" okk now I'm shitting myself "um before we left" I said trying to get as far from him as I could "3 fucking years ago!" He yelled oh god I'm gonna die help someone help me "don't talk to me anymore" he said calming down and walked out of the room "well fuck" that's all I could say
**3 hours later**
"Tris, tristannnnnnnn, bro, brother, Ma Main man, amigo" Tristan hasn't talked to me all day and he keeps ignoring me he still pissed off "answer me damn it" ........ Nothing still nothing, this dick face is honestly fucking terrifying when he's mad "will it make you feel better I tell you she likes you" he stopped walking and looked at me "really....... Sh-she likes me" oh god I just dug I bigger hole for myself "well no" I didn't even get to finish what I was trying to say when he walked away growling "wait you didn't let me finish I was gonna say but I see deep down she does she's just pushed it way way way way way way way way way down so you won't know" as I was following him I hit into a brick wall oh wait it just his back "I forgive you" "I'm really- wait what" he growled at me again "I said I forgive you" thank god I hugged him hahah "get off you fucking idiot" he spat at me coldly, ahhhhh my brah brah's back

Black that's all I see, black I feel cold and I can hear some beeping but I just see black "Nina is all healed her body has been resting for 2 days but she should wake up soon don't worry alpha" I hear people talking about me but what does that guy mean I'm healed, I here some shuffling and a door close "Nina I'm so sorry I wasn't there sooner this wouldn't of happened and I shouldn't of let you have a boyfriend when he's not you mate, I can't balive this happened" I can here alpha talking to me but I just can talk back or move even open my eyes, I feel a hand grab mine "it's gonna be ok my wife will be here soon, she just went out to have a shower, Nina she looks so sad and skinny she can't eat without knowing your ok and I don't know if you can here me but just remember your like our own child we love you so so so much" after that I fell asleep.
"Ok class now moving on to no emotion, how can you kill someone without showing what your feeling or how about getting you leg chopped off and not even wincing" this school is giving me aids the every year it's the same shit, we get the shit beat out of us and we have to show nothing not even limp then we have to fight each other, and I've already passed everything in the first year unlike the outher alphas all they do is drink party fuck chicks or skip class but when they skip class they get the absolute shit beat out of them, me however I can't be fucked doing all that I rather become I good alpha and protect my pack the people who are willing to die for me and don't even get me started on the mate shit that pisses me off so much I should of found my mate by now probably be making sweet love to Ni-my mate I mean my mate "gggrrrr" I growl low "hey dude you ok you seem a bit angry like always" and then rayan has to talk "shut up" I've been kinda mean to him lately mainly because that's what they teach you like they say friends are for week people show them who you are and they will rip you down, but I trust Ryan with my life I'm just trying to show him I can't always be all jokes being an alpha is serious shit "awwwww come on big guy I'll take you to get you tattoos done todaaayyyy, but only if your nice" ok he got me there "ah Ryan my good old friend how are you this fine evening" gotta be nice "ok not too nice it's creepy when your nice" True "ahahahaha I know I creeped myself out" I laughed BRRRRRIINNNGGG!!!! And school is overrrrrr.

"Fucking finally dude I was about to die I swear" i said pulling my hair abit, tristan seemed to find my pain funny because the douche laughed "shut up, we have to hurry if we're gonna make it to my tattoo artist in time he said be there right after school" all he cares about is his dumb ass tattoos, stupid Tristan "dumb ass you know I can read your thoughts now right" ohhhh shit I forgot today in class the alphas to be kinda officially became alphas if that makes sense, so we don't this ritual and for it to be finished we gotta go back home so the current alpha and bayta can hand us Te title "yeh good hope you hear all my sex fantasies about Nina" WACK! "AHHHHHHHH YOU FUCKING PRICK HEY WOULD YOU PUNCH JAMES" I hissed falling on the floor tears in my eyes he hit James really hard "who the hell is James I punched you in the dick and next time you even think about Nina I'll make you suck the deans dick" his threats mean nothing now my poor not so big but not so small James is bleeding aaahhhhh "dude I can still hear your thoughts as if you talk about your dick and to yorndick that weird as all hell" oh you wanna start talking about weird "nah big boy your weird girls throw themselves at you, you ducking Greek God and you don't even look at them twice then don't think I don't know you named your dick too" his face went kinda red Ohhh I got him "you named your dick Nina so when you jack off thinking of her it won't be as weird calling her name Hahahah you loser and your mum and dad sore you dick Hahahahahah I still can't balive you told me that hahahahaha" now Tristans face was as red as a tomato "shut up and let's go" he growled walking off.

I WIN!!!!! Haha.

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