Chapter 10

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Stupid stupid stupid stupid that's all I can think......... I can't Believe I broke the only thing she held close to her heart and I can't believe I almost killed Ryan I looks over at Ryan who is sitting next to me in the car taking us to that dumb school an I see his left eye is swollen to the max and it's all purple, blue and black and his bottom lip was split down the middle with 2 stitches holding it so it won't burst and his right cheek is all bruised with a long cut, I feel bad for doing that to him because I thought of the worst and it turned out in the end it wasn't what I thought "Ryan" "no don't talk to me" he cuts me off and try's to move away from me but can't because my dads gave us his Gard a.k.a bodyguard as our own is sitting on the right so Ryan is stuck in the middle "i just wanna say I'm sorry for..... Ummmm doing that to your face" he kept looking straight ahead not saying a word so I look out my window "and" after a while Ryan speaks out "ands...... For braking your rib, and toe, thinking you were a shit bayta and........... Thinking Nina sucked your dick" at this freddy our bodyguard look at me then Ryan "she didn't do that I just thought she did" I quickly explained freddy just nodded and looked at his phone while Ryan gave me a lecture about how not to over react and shit, oh god this is gonna be long car ride.
***ninas pov***
"Hey are you ok, miss wake up" I hear someone talking and someone shaking me I open my eyes to see that hot guy on top of me I shreek and sit up fast but bump my forehead on his "ouch, haha calm down I'm not gonna bite" mr dreamy says to me as he helps me up ok Nina don't panic just remain calm "yeh ummm I'm sorry I'm just an awkward person in general" I mentally fave Palm myself as if I just said that but he just laughed "you cute, my names xander but you can call me any time" he called me cute and made a bad joke I love him already "Hahahaha good one, I'm Nina but you can call me Nina" wait what did I just say "hahahahaah your funny Nina I like you already" my face goes red and I look down "ummm so I was wondering how I could get a membership" I asked him because he has the workers too on see my games coming back "ahhh yes a membership just follow me to the table and I'll bring you the forms and show you around the gym" he says kindly as he takes me over to a table um the staircase "take a seat I'll be right back with the forms and a pen" xander yells a bit as he jogged over to the main desk, ok Nina do far so good just stay confident and don't be shy "and I'm back" yay he's back "sweet are those the forms I have to fill out" why did I ask that of course they are Nina you idiot he said he was going to get them "yep, now shall we start" I'll start anything with you baby, ok no Nina stop thinking "yep" I said as my cheeks got even more red "ok name" wait why is he doing it "um aren't I saposed to do it" I asked confused "yes but that's only the medical, bank and and health stuff, we have to do the rest it's gym policy for workers to know the clients" he answered calmly, ok then
"So age"
"Me too" ok omg what he's 16 then how is he working at a gym
"My dad owns this gym, haha a lot of people are shocked when they find out I'm 16" hot damn "oh ok hahaha you looked 18 because of your stubble" your sexy stubble you hunk of sex "I get that a lot but yeh date of birth" and it went on like that till it was filled and we talked a little longer turns out we have a lot in common "ok well I'll see you tomorrow Nina I gotta get back to work or dad will Kik my ass" noooooooo I wanna keep taking to your fine ass "ok cool I gotta go to I have to cook see ya" he hugged me then walked off wait he hugged me omg I'm dieing, ok Nina just walk out like a boss, now to begin my god damn 2 hour walk home.
** 1 hour later**
Arrrggg fuck walking *ring ring* who the fuck is calling me, I look down at my phone and see RYAN omg I miss him "RYAN BUDDY HOW YOU DOING" I yell as I walk through the woods "Nina I've been trying to call you for hours why didn't you pick up" he said angrily wait what does he mean he tried to call let me see, I go through my calls and see I have 100 missed calls from Ryan and 90 from the Luna I saved her as mummy hehe I love her any way back to the call "omg ry I'm so sorry I was with this guy he was so hot" GGGRRRRRR I hear a growing noise on the outher side of the call "what was that" I asked Ryan "it was just my stomach I haven't eaten anything yet but I'll ummm call you back ok just msg me when you get home bye" he rushed out and ended the call huh well that was weird.
I growled loud "what was that" Nina asked, I was about to speak when Ryan started to talk and be close the laptop "you idiot she almost found out you were listening" he yelled pissed "did you not fucking hear her she was with another guy I'm gonna kill him" I yell louder as my eyes change to a highlight green and a vain in my neck starts pointing out, I was angry really angry and my alpha decided to come out earlier then graduation "tristan calm down bro that's just how she talks he was probably helping her with shopping bags or something" Ryan tryed reasoning with me but I was way too angry at this point I need to go to the gym, I walk to my suitcase grab a towel and walk out of our room and head in the gyms direction. **3 minutes later**
I finally made it to the gym and its probably the biggest gym I have ever seen all new equipment and old, I see the punching bags and calm down a little, i take my shirt off and put my towel on the floor as soon as that towel was on the floor I started to beat the shit out of the punching bag thinking of different men that Nina would find attractive but then ninas face popped up and I stopped and just Stered at her Beautiful face that won't leave my mind no matter how hard I try "come on man I think that's enough" I turn around and see Ryan, I feel like we're gonna get pretty close.
I finally got home and had a shower so I called Ryan it run once and he picked up "hello most amazing friend of mine" he sang out "hey Bae how's it hanging, I just got home" called him so he won't get worried "good no ones there with you right" he said in a cheeky way and I can tell he has a smirk on his face "no dock head now bye I gonna go have gym in the morning then school and gym again gotta rest" I said trying to end the call but he started whining "noooooo Nina why are you going gym your gonna be so skinny I won't have anything to hug" God he's so annoying "shut up Ryan I gotta go love youuuuu" I sang the end "okkkk love you too" he sang out as well, he so cute haha but I hung up the phone and get ready for bed, this is gonna he a longgggggg 7 years.

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