•Chapter 3• Im Bad at Friend Making...

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We sat for at a booth in the corner.

"Blake Grayson" he said.

I looked up after realizing that was his name I replied with, "Corabelle Wane, but most people call me Cory." I said staring at the menu.

"So...now that you know my name, let's get fully understood, what's your story Corabelle Wane?" He said sitting back in his booth.

I glanced up and began.

"Well Blake Grayson, as you know my names Cory I'm 17, I have an older brother named Ryan who is 18, my mother is a workaholic lawyer, my dad walked out on us when I was 3. There's more but that's a story for another place, how about you Blake? What's your story?" I said raising an eyebrow.

He sighed and continued "Well if you must know, I'm a complete bad-ass as you can see, I'm really into Punk/Alternative bands, and my mum is also a lawyer and happens to be going to Europe for a year."

I sat up quickly, "Wait you're the kid that's staying in my house for a year?! Well if it has to be you at least you have a good taste in music."

His eyes got wide and a smirk crept on to his beautiful face.

"Well I was upset about staying at 'a home with two kids of 17 and 18 one civilized, good influence, nice girl. And normal boy.' As my mum said. But now I see I've got a badass hottie and a normal boy." He said looking me up and down hence I'm still standing. A smirk crept onto my face and I snapped back,

"Oh honey, you got me all wrong," I laughed and continued, " I'm anything but a badass hottie, I may have a badass music taste but that's as far as that goes. I'm a good gifted student, who is on time and I don't break rules." I said still smirking and finally sitting down.

He looked confused, "What about that bitchy comment you made to me this morning and then walked away? Oh thank you for that by the way because you're backside, not a bad side." I rolled my eyes.

"That's why, you're nothing but a guy who wants to get in girls pants, you treat girls like toys and I sir will not be treated so, actually why am I here, that's all you want from me." I said mad at myself. I got my phone and texted Alice to pick me up.

He was in shock, I could tell after that he said nothing. After I stood back up to grab my jacket  fuckboy decided to speak.

"Woah woah, you don't even know me what you're place to tell me that! I helped you!" He stood up too following me outside the burger joint.

"Helped me? What by tricking me to come here by making me think you might be a sincere guy and we could be friends then start you're flirting? You can't just tell me a few untrue compliments and expect me to let you treat me like some toy." We were finally outside so nobody could hear us.

Again he was shocked and I saw Alice pull up and I got in her car. Leaving him standing there like the idiot he is.

"Who's that?" Alice asked confused.

"Doesn't matter, can we go home please, I've got ice cream." She nodded and we turned into the direction I my house and I texted Ry to drive my car back.

"Chocolate or vanilla?"

"Both!" Alice is a big ice cream fan. That girl may be super model thin but she can eat 3 tubs in one night.

I bring the bowls out and we sit in my room on my floor.

"Spill, I know something happened today." She said still engrossed in her ice cream.

"Okay Alice, here it goes. I walked into maths like I always do. When I got there I heard a voice I know to well...it was Adam." Her eyes grew wide and I continued, "Before the bell rang he was talking to me he was gripping my wrists tight and he was in my face... Mr came in and I asked to be excused and I ran away, I went to a tree by the field and sat there, that's until the guy I bumped into this morning,(Blake) showed up. Blake wrapped his arm around me comforting me as I cried into his chest, he took me to the burger joint and we talk for a bit and I found out he's the obnoxious kid staying here for the next year and  he's exactly who I thought he was a fuckboy who wanted into my pants so I texted you." She was staring at me her ice cream gone blank faced still processing what I had just said. 

"Wow...so Adams back. Did you tell Blake about that?" I shook my head knowing that was the right thing to do, he didn't need to know he didn't care anyways.

"Well text me if he gets close to you, Adam that is." She stood up and said she needed to get home to work on her homework.

Alice left and I was left on the floor of my room just thinking. Thinking what the hell am I going to do.

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