•Chapter 2• Poison Palace

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(^^^Alice and Levi!)

A single recurring notice is blaring pulling out of my state of unconsciousness. I roll out of my warm, cozy bed and onto the cold wood floor.

I grab some high waisted jeans, with small distress all over, an a black crop top, and my high top black Converse.

I jump into the shower and after I get out I start a simple makeup.

I don't like wearing lots of makeup and honestly what's it gonna do? There's not enough makeup in the world to help me.

I do a simple black eyeliner and mascara to bring out my bright green eyes, and a dark red lip.

I run down the stairs and start to make Ryan and I breakfast. My moms already at work so I made us eggs and toast.

"Ryan!" I yelled up the stairs to my brother, "breakfast!" My brother hops down our stairs from his room and grabs a plate and sits on the couch and turns on his Play Station.

"You have to leave in 15 minutes Ryan," I said to him.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry mom." He said sarcastically.

"Whatever, just trying to help my dear older brother." I said laughing.

He laughs and I head outside to my car.

I hop in and my music instantly blares. I turn it down a few notches hence the neighbors complain about my "loud disgrace of a music choice".

I love my music. It's like my best friend well besides Alice and Levi. My music taste is actually really good. I listen to emo, punk rock, and if I'm in the mood I throw some heavy metal or scremo. Hey I'm different; but I like it.

I turn into the school; or Poison Palace. I park my car and grab my bags from the back. As I open my door my headphones in to drown the poison people of the poison palace.

I've got my head down walking to the doors before hitting into something hard. I fall onto my bum and my books fall  all over the car park.

"Fuck," I say in pain and throw my hair out of my face and look up to see what I bumped into.

"What the-" The object stops speaking then smirks.

It was a muscular boy with long curly dark brown hair, amazing blue eyes and a jawline that cuts your eyes. He was wearing a Bennie and a "Bowling for Soup" tee shirt with black jeans that hung low in his hips.

"Well who might you be?" The dark haired boy said.

"Satan dumbass." I snap back a little pissed while gathering my things.

"Oh fisty, that's hot." He states bending down to finally aid me.

I whispered a whatever to myself and walked away swaying my hips with every step. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my back.

I don't know who he was or why he was talking to me but I didn't care. I hate guys like him. Only goal is to fuck and then get lost.

I walk up to my locker and Levi and Alice were waiting for me.

"Hey babes!" They say in unison.

"Hi guys!" I said cheering up almost instantly.

"Whys your bum all dirty?" Alice laughed.

"Oh I bumped into some tool in the car park." I sighed angrily.

"You didn't get bitchy did you?" She sighed jokingly.

"No I just when he started to flirt I may have told him I was Satan and called him a dumbass."

"Oh my sweet dear Cory." Levi laughed.

The bell rang and we all headed to our classes. I went to maths and got out my textbooks and homework. Then I heard a  voice that I know I've heard before and feared deeply.

"Cory! Baby!" The evil voice that made my stomach cringe.

I looked up holding back the tears at my ex boyfriend Adam. He saw the fear in my eyes that he feed off of.

"How's my baby been?" He snarled at me.

"I'm not your baby Adam." I said shaking.

He grabs my wrists, that were on top of my desk, hard. He got really close to my ear so I could feel his hot breath.

"You are what I say."

He let go because Mr. Fitz was walking in.

"Are you okay Miss Wane? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Mr asked.

"Yes Mr, but may I be excused for a moment?" I said still petrified. He nodded and I got my stuff and walked out.

Once I got out I ran. I ran away from him. I got to the field and sat under a tree. Tears clouding my vision I sit there.

Nobody else should be on the field, p.e is only held on the felid on Wednesdays, so I know that nobody would see me.

But then I heard a small hello. I looked up and wiped my eyes smearing my eyeliner all over.

"Oh great it's you, what do you want?" It was the boy from this morning. "To make fun of me? Go ahead, the pain you're going to cause won't be anything compared to what I feel right now."

But he didn't look like he was going to insult me, and he didn't. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

I was to broken right now to care who he was. I curled into his hard chest and cried. He stroked my hair and made little circles on my back. I realized that I didn't even know this guy and looked up.

"I don't even know you." I whispered.

"Then what do you say we ditch the rest of today and go get a pizza and ice cream. Then we can get to know each other." He said sympathetically. I nodded and got up.

I followed him up the car park then he stopped in front of a black motorbike. He handed me a helmet and I hopped on without hesitation. We drove down out of the car park and up the road for only about 10 minutes till we got to the parlor.

"I'm surprised that you got on the bike! Most girls are scared of it." I looked at him like he was crazy and he just laughed.

We went in and the sent of pizza and fries hit me

•••••••••••••••••••so that's my second chapter! Hope you like it! :) bye my lovelies ;)

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