Chapter 4: Reunited

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Killian's POV

The next morning I woke up early, still up on deck although Emma was gone. Where was she? Was last night a dream or maybe it was the rum. I quickly stand up and see that the ship was still silent and the crew were asleep. The morning light was just settling in the endless sky whilst the ship rocked soothingly with the waves.

Wanting to know where Emma was, I head to her cabin which was the one closest to mine and I quietly knock not wanting to wake the others this early. A ratty crew is not what I want. Patiently, I wait by the door until I hear light footsteps and the door opens revealing a dressed and wide awake Emma.

"Killian I am so sorry I left. It was early and I wanted to get ready." she guiltily explains and I feel myself smiling like an idiot, knowing that this was certainly not the rum. She gives me a confused look, probably because of my random smiling but I contain myself and shake my head, "Not to worry, love. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." I tell her and we both walk out on deck where there were now some of the crew.

We split ways as I head over to the helm and begin steering. We should be at the Lost Sea and its small settlement by tomorrow morning. Don't worry Milah, I will avenge your death. The crocodile will pay. I push my thoughts aside and finish steering when I hear shouting from the crew. As I am about to run down the stairs, Emma runs over to me.

"Enemy ship!" she shouts and points behind us to a very well armed ship which was gaining speed fast.

"Go down into the cabin and stay safe." I tell her and she looks at me in total shock.

"No, Killian. I want to help." she replies and looks at me with pleading green eyes. I just can't loose another person I care about. I know shes a strong person but the fear overcomes my decision. "Swan, please. Don't make me order you." I warn her with pain in my voice. She looks at me one last time with a hurt face before leaving me and heading below the ship. With that sorted, I start shouting orders.

"Alright men, you know the drill!" I yell and they all get to work. Some head down and ready the cannons or keep the ship sailing whilst over prepare for a battle on the ship in case they come aboard. Like always, I get my sword and command when to fire and attack.

As the ship comes closer I recognize the flag. This wasn't just any flag it was Emma's kingdoms flag. Panic comes inside me as I realize what this could mean. Either somebody recognized her when we docked their last and they want her back or this is just the kingdom trying to stop pirates.

Theory 1 is a small chance because Emma's appearance has changed. When she was in the castle, her hair was a darker blonde and a lot shorter but the sun has made it lighted and its long and wavy. She looks totally different. A good different. Theory 2 is possible because their kingdom hates pirates. Mainly because pirates stole the king and queens daughter but also because this kingdom is rich and many pirates steal from them.

The ship is nearly close enough to battle and they shoot the first cannon. The crew begin shooting after I shout and the battle begins. No shots are accurate from either ship yet which makes me sigh in relief until I see the enemys' men climbing onto the Jolly Roger using ropes. Here comes the real battle.

I climb down from the Helm area and join my men in fighting. Before somebody approaches men, I glance to the royal ship and of course I see many more guards. Say if David is also here and him or one of his men find her and take her away for good? I can't loose anybody else I care about. My thoughts are cut short when one of David's men come and fight me. It was a challenging fight. Both of our swords were clashing against each one and making a loud noise. Eventually, I push him overboard and catch my breath again before helping out Smee who was struggling against another man.

As we fight I see a guard running down the ships stairs, that's where Emma is. Smee quickly nods allowing me to leave him so I rush down into the cabin areas and push open Emma's door to see a man holding her arm so she couldn't run. A silver helmet was worn over his head with the royal crest on it, has Emma relised yet? He had a sword in the other hand, threatening to use it if I stepped any closer so I decide to play the 'Careless Pirate'.

"Get your hands off my lass, mate." I tell him and just when I thought he was going to let go, he takes off his helmet and I freeze. King David, it was Emma's father.

"I don't take orders from pirates." he angrily says and lets go of Emma and walks over to me. Before either of us could say a word, Emma's voice is heard.

"Daddy?" she says in total shock. David drops his sword and helmet and looks straight at Emma, his face full of happiness and surprise, "Emma, i-is it really you?" he asks and she nods before standing up and they both reach each others arms. I stand there, watching the first women I truly care about after Milah hugging her father who I took away from her. Guilt and sadness runs through me.

Guilt because I took her away from her family at first for money but I changed my mind. I cared about her but I never returned her home because I cared about her and I was selfish. Sadness because we were finally falling for each other and opening up and now shes gone. Forever.

"I can't believe I found you." David says over and over again but he leaves her arms and out of nowhere pushes me against the wall. He puts a sword against me and looks to Emma, "Did he take you?" he angrily asks and I also look at Emma. Will she turn me in? She stays quiet, tears filling her eyes which hurts me a lot. I caused this, "Answer me, Emma!" he shouts and pushes harder on the sword.

"Yes but father he let me go!" she shouts and I look up at her, wondering what she is doing.

"Then why are you still here?" he questions and looks at both me and Emma in anger. She stays silent for a moment until she quietly answers.

"Because I love him."

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